Y'all got any more of dem (NON SHIT) io games?

y'all got any more of dem (NON SHIT) io games?

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fuck outta here

did he ever bring the servers back online
I'd check but I don't even remember what that one was called


>io games will never make a comeback

A sad fate.

> comeback
from what?

There was really only agar

and slither
and literally hundreds of others

tfw no more volley combat
it was a genuinely good idea for a game tho
platforming with volley combat and destruction

Yes, but name one other io game that came close to being as good as agar or slither

shut the fuck up dork.io

i have word that the legend lives

shut the fuck up faggot nobody wants to play anything maintained by you
that trust has been bulldozed several times over
can you just put the source code up somewhere so someone who isn't a sociopath can host it

rocket.io was the best one in its day

Are you talking about voar?


this one has some elements of strategy and is being updated pretty often

dragging whales into the deep as a giant squid is the best shit desu


good times

>play this shit
>constantly swallowed because the fov is so small for smaller people and bigger people see miles more than me
>times im not swallowed become moderately sizable and lose all that progress in a second
>never actually eat other players because i feel bad for them
how the fuck can chinks be so opportunist at fucking over other people to get ahead? this is more a social experiment, those fucks are so heartless, you could be trapped in a corner tossing every ball you can your way as a sacrifice but they will still eat you

you'll need a bit more than that

Don't be butthurt that what amounted to little more than a stress test was short-lived. The only mistake I made was showing it at such an early state. When I can keep it going it'll be back

is there any way I could contact you, I wanna discuss some shit.
I'll donate if need be

diep is better than slither

save the patr/pleb nonsense

I think slither's mechanics are purer and akin to agar, where controls are simple yet you can still develop strategy.

diep kind of throws what agar had going for it out the window (same dev for both). Agar is the simplest of all of them in how easy it is to pick up but leads to some of the most interesting scenarios.

>He didn't play narwhale.io

>They ruined driftin.io by making the course circular

I thought it lacked visual polish but yeah I never gave it much of a chance. Is it worth it?



>start game

>mouse completely stationary on top of the player character

>character moves upwards for no reason

It's fun.

Yeah I'm trying it now and it's pretty decent compared to most of them

> flash
> ads up the ass


I can't even control the character because it constantly moves up against any other input. no wonder the servers are fucking dead

What is the appeal of these games? Like, what the fuck do you even do?

You play them

Yeah that's not half bad compared to the lag-riddled, buggy pieces of shit that most of them are

Deeeep.io is hell of a lot better than this shit. at least the character moves where my mouse poits and not into infinity

You're like the only person having this issue.

Too used to narrative driven games? Can't handle something with no other appeal but gameplay?

Anyone squadd.io here?


this game is broken shit

No that's just you. I can do the exact same thing and my guy stands still.

diep.io is the best one. Just don't do FFA, it's shit.

They're simple, fun and easy to get into. Believe it or not, it's actually possible to have fun without playing a AAA 50 hour narrated story game with 50 DLC's.


there is nothing wrong with my mouse or keyboard

and I doubt it's chrome. there is something wrong with the game itself

I don't have that issue

I'd argue they're sometimes better. When you reach metagame level it can be the most satisfying thing ever


hide.io on mobile

splix.io is good, it's basically an OCD simulator where you can build your own country out of blocks and capture land from other players. it's fun

jesper is that you