post persona reaction images
Post persona reaction images
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By fucking you isn't she proving those two asshole parents right?
lol imagine impregnating a whore
At least she knows how to cook and keep house.
Ask your dad
I can't imagine the pain of being a high school teacher, especially if you're into younger looking girls than older.
op here
user from has blessed us
When did Persona turn into Mars Attacks?
I'd take responsibility.
For future reference a crossboard post looks like this:
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend.
Who wouldn't? She is best girl
im drunk fuck off
i iddint see that it was vg until it was posted
Sadayo is the only reason I look forward to playing Persona 5 at this point.
ayyyy lamo
>Best confidant arc
>Cutest girl
>Fluffiest hair
You have good taste, user.
This post sounds like it could have been written by me if you'd just posted another girl with it.
Is there any point to do meeting up with confidants after you've maxed them out?
Is the holy trinity of fluff Kawakami, Haru, and Joker?
I don't know about the guys but the one you're in a relationship with can give you extra dialogue and scenes. I also got a decorative gift from Kawakami after going on the ferris wheel with her
>repel physical.webm
Childhood is wanting a P5 waifu
Adulthood is wanting Joker as your husbando
For real. In the 3rd palace I accidentally got ambushed by Rakshasa's. They killed off my team and had me almost dead. Switched over to Shiki-Ouji and became God incarnate. Joker's smug win animation made it all the more sweeter.
Shiki early game and Rangda late game are fucking gods
I want to order a maid service.