Graphics thread?
What game has the best graphics right now and why is it still GTA V?
Graphics thread?
What game has the best graphics right now and why is it still GTA V?
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For a 4 year old game, GTAV is still pretty good, I have to say.
But has started to look somewhat clinical compared to other titles.
But 'best graphics' is all pretty relative.
Some cities do urban areas really well, some rural. And others go gritty with all kinds of effects like the much loathed chromatic aberration. Which can make stuff look very cool in it's own right, but doesn't really count towards 'grafix'.
I personally really like Battlefront.
but inb4:
>muh vanishing of ethan carter/crysis
>my game's better than yours
>What game has the best graphics right now and why is it still GTA V?
Titanfall 2 in very specific scenarios. Otherwise its either Battlefront or Battlefield 1.
These really, DICE make shit games but they're good at graphics
ur mum has pretty good graphics m8
The Witcher 3 at 4k is currently the best.
the cathode-ray tube amusement device
Rise of the Tomb Raider looks pretty good in places.
Mirror's Edge is still the best looking game ever made.
Photogrammetry is fake graphics bro
I had to look that up, but why? looks great doesn't it?
isn't looking great grafix?
kek, not even close fag.
>fake graphics
The Witcher 2 > The Witcher 3 in terms of graphics.
It is fake, photogrammetry only remixes real life objects it doesn't actually create anything new kind of like the difference between photography and a painting
>The Witcher 2 > The Witcher 3 in terms of story and gameplay too
The assets are also static and don't support tech like normal mapping very well.
you're talking shit out of your ass
How well would a "game" where you just get to watch incredibly detailed models/textures sell?
UC4 sold like 6 million
Is it possible now for a Console to have ultra realistic graphics in the same way as a modded GTAV on PC?
Fight me cunt
Isn't fighting retards looked down upon?
Nice grafix
yea, like that area you just shown + the one in the snow in the intro and... thats all.
The amazing environmental assets along with baked lighting, high quality materials and artstyle that depended on high and colorful contrasts did allow the game to look amazing for a long time, but ME starts to show its age these days.
is that a joke? go play wd2.
Not with that ugly ass mod lil nigga
>no fog
>ugly clouds
>unrealistic sky color
>medium settings
wd2 looks worse than GTAV with one of the hundreds of shader mods.
It barely looked better than the first game.
>desaturate game
>wow look good
Is motion capture fake animation then?
Say what? LOL!
Looks better than the shit in the OP tho
I mean it woulnt even have "press X to do thing" only a bunch of menus where you get to choose a pretty looking thing and then rotate and zoom in on it.
even your shitty pic proves the contrary. Call me back when GTAV has this kind of texture, lighting, water or lod.
>image without desaturation
This is bait
t. OP
>make entire trailer during sunset and overcast
>lmao we realistic bruv
if the game is trying to be as close to real life as possible, why is photogrammetry a bad thing? is it some arbitrary purity test for you?
>"devs with real skill make games look photorealistic the traditional way!"
how do you think they get textures like wood and concrete and grass in games? they take photographs of the real world fucktard
Does anybody know if you could maybe play with like NaturalV or any type or mod like that in GTA:O? Without getting slammed by rockstar's Banhammer
uhh what?
Thanks for the (You) faggot
This meme needs to end. Photogrammetry is just scanning assets from the real world via photography. You should still bake the high poly details down to a normal map so I don't know what the fuck
is trying to convey.
Also, you can do whatever you want with the asset once the photogrammetry process is finished so there's nothing that says it has to be static.
Textures have also been photosourced since the beginning unless we're talking about handpainted Blizzard textures and the like, so that's nothing new or more fake than anything else. Stop saying stuff like this if you don't actually know what you're talking about.
i've tried visualV, it refuses to let you join any public servers. always a server on your own. i didn't test whether you can play with other people if they are also using visualV though
wow... so this is the power... of grand theft auto 5...
WOW, it's almost if there is a time of day where there is no fog .. it's also ultra grafix + downsampled
looks like shit lol
It already has.
>rain pouring from a diagonal angle
>shiny streets
>muh realism
Huh, well that's kinda strange I just imagined you'd be put in a lobby with some randos guy like normal then Rockstar would ban you for having altered files and or injected files.
wow... this is truly... the power... of grand theft auto five....
this. the "fake graphics" argument is retarded.
>not even on pc
Now we know you're shitposting.
This would look nice on my wall.
it's not redux...
holy shit source?
Well you know strong winds can push water that is falling from the sky sideways making it look like it's coming down diagonally.
>starbucks coffee
>can't tell if this is a mod or a real picture
Stop posting Vosswar's screenshots.
I really love the wall/floor textures and on paintings too. I used to just stop mid run and just look at them. Time to reinstall.
Imagine if this game wasn't held back by being a last gen game.
Imagine if the game wasn't held back by consoles in general.
Batman on Genesis. Great gramphics. Great grameplay.
He didn't release the MOD yet
holy shit my eyes
what the FUCK is wrong with you for thinking those are good looking graphics?
>ugly blue fog
>barely any fog
>fucked up colors
lmfao senpai
that's why he said it looks good in places, you nitwit.
where did you get that Makarov from?
>more fog
And it's not in game either
oh hey vosswar
>blue colored car
>literally no fog
The only thing I didn't like about Vosswar's stuff is that, if I'm not mixing it together with something else is that he said he wasn't using any texture mods but still had high quality custom models for things like weapons and cars.
>tfw graphics were good enough for me by the end of sixth gen
yeah but 2 places out of an entire game don't make really qualify it. It's saying 10% of the game looks good, so overall the graphics are bad, "in places" implies it could be every other place, more like 60%
You saying that looks bad? What's wrong with you?
Is it normal to have the game running worse on the lower graphical settings?
its not my screenshot sorry mate. you can find something on
wow there is no fog in that screenshot, looks like shit
I don't get it
You mean this here?
Says "no texture packs"
but it is?
not him but I have a feeling you're projecting, you shat out some failed mod or something and now everyone is vosswar (who apparently makes mods or something)
>>literally no fog
wots this den?
Looks like shit brah
Infinite Warfare has the best graphics
My thoughts exactly, pathetic as fuck
That's haze brah
No in places means that there are locations that look good. If anything it implies the opposite of what you seem to think. It implies there are exceptions in the game that look really good.
2 places are still places plural, so in places is correct you illiterate baboon.
It's probably Razed, he's been copying Vosswar
Uncharted 4
and now Horizon Zero Dawn
If you want to talk about modding, then yes PC exclusively will have the best graphics.
but for the base game, graphically its Horizon Zero Dawn right now.
Oh yeah It must've been that video but he updated the description to include all the mods now, and I get what he means originally by "no texture packs" but showing off custom high quality vehicles with all kinds of shit vanilla cars don't have is still kind of cheating in my opinion.
WELL SHIT NIGGA!!!! I must also be the other posters in this topic saying it looks bad huh?? Learn to take criticism you fucking dolt.