Other urls found in this thread:

Go to sleep Justin

Watch your tone with me, boy

Arthas was always a little bitch.

I may be the prince, but you're still my superior as a paladin

This entire city must be purged

My blade esh sixty inches!

Illidan did nothing wrong

Let's talk about the mission where you have to destroy the houses because the people in the town were eating demon tainted food and turning Undead or some shit.

At the end of that mission Arthas disappears and Uther and Jaina come back and are like "WTF why the fuck did Arthas do this! That murdering son of a bitch."

So was Uther and Jaina just being stupid, or was Arthas being a dick. Because we do see those people turn Undead.

>he doesn't play melee

Blizzard writting always was shit. It just got much worse the later years.

I SPIT on da Horde!

Arthas was raised to be a ruler, his eagerness to sacrifice everything to save his kingdom is a result of that upbringing.
It's funny how he is accused as a traitor, people don't understand that when they raise their expectations they sometimes create monsters.


You now speak to Ormus.




I'm hungry

>Perhaps the same could be said of all religions

That mission might make more sense if you flat out murder civilians rather than watching every single one turn into an undead, Arthas's problem was that he simply went shut up and do it instead of taking 30 seconds to explain why it's a good idea.

>You lied to your men and betrayed the mercenaries who fought for you! What's happenin' to you, Arthas? Is vengeance all that is important to you?

Why did Blizzard have to become shit? WoW should have never happened.


if I remember well, it's hinted he is already being influenced by kel tuzad at that point.

Also jaina and uther don't realise this is the burning legion's work (they don't see the dreadlord (forgot his name) iirc), they just think it's some necromancy cult which can be dealed with, and that killing every last inhabitant of a city would be a crime before the gods. In universe the city is much bigger than in the mission, arthas killed thousands with no real proof that they were infected.

What? You didn't like the epic rides of Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 trilogy?

I'm just glad Metzen retired.

Diablo 4 will probably be a big pile of shit, but now there's a glimmer of hope it could be a decently written pile of shit.

What are you doing, my queen's son?

>and neither can I technically

>Never dies, keeps units alive, destroys air and provides income.
Best hero.

>Best hero
Not even close. Debatable if he is even viable at all.

>As if I could forgetti.

Every time.

frostmourne hungers

>that ending

This was great.

Arthas: Glad you could respawn, Uther.
Uther: Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the tank, but I'm still your superior as a healer.
Arthas: As if I could forget. Listen, Uther, there's something about the enemy team you should know. Oh no. It's too late. These camps have all been cleared. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they push for top.
Uther: What?
Arthas: This entire push must be purged.
Uther: How can you even consider that? There's an objective spawning
Arthas: Damn it, Uther. As your team leader, I order you to purge this push.
Uther: You are not my team leader yet, bronzeshit. Nor would I obey that command if you were!
Arthas: Then I must consider this an act of feeding.
Uther: Feeding? Have you lost your mind, Arthas?
Arthas: Have I? Lord Uther, by my right of doing your mother and sovereignty of Crimea, I hereby report you to Blizzard and suspend your account from service.
Jaina: Arthas, you can't just...
Arthas: Cyкa Блять! Those of you who have the will to save this match, follow me. The rest of you... uninstall pls.
Uther: You've just crossed a terrible youtube LPer, Arthas.
Arthas: Jaina?
Jaina: I'm sorry, Arthas. I'm afk at fountain.

I just wanted to say that Arthas had really bad hair.

>tfw I played the fuck out of WC3 as a kid and thought he was wearing a hood for years