Gaymen headphone thread

Gaymen headphone thread.

Thinking about picking up M40x for general use, thoughts for gaming?

I like these, hella comfy.

I've been using a pair for about 3 years now and they're still the best headphones I've ever used. I'll recommend them every time to anybody. Maybe there's something better if you're looking to spend a lot more but hey

wait no I'm retarded, I'm talking about m50x, haven't used the m40s

i got the 990s, soooo comfy and fantastic for gaming, if a little lacking in bass.

Got any albums recommendations to test them with?

Seinheisser hd something. 480?

been using my same ps3 elite headset for years. Works on my pc too

seconding this. I plan to buy some at the end of the week.

I have the M40x. Can confirm amazing headphones. I've tried many and these are my favorite. Definitely the way to go whether you get a mod Mic, or a Blue Snowball/Yeti whatever the fuck Mic you want.

i can only imagine how good the 50x is gonna be, fug im hyped

Apparently, it's worse. That info comes from a fat audiophile on YouTube who likes anime though.

I have a pair on M50x on my head right now.
I bought them because they were on sale for 100€.
They are meh headphones for music listening and pretty bad for gaymen because they are really bass heavy and lack "depth perception" for the sound.
You can equilibrate in your sound card driver tho.

Really? I've seen reviews that have praised it, and a friend of a friend who produces says they're amazing (which is also what I want to get them for).

Though, I do still have a headset. I guess I'll just end up having two devices for different purposes.

Look up Z Reviews if you care, he's the one who dislikes them.

It really depends on what types of games you play.
I mostly play solo ARPG like witcher or skyrim and they do a pretty good job a it.
But if you want to play in a comp FPS game and try to perceive footstep they'll be pretty bad for it.
For music listening it also depends on what music you listen to but as I said you can adjust how they sound in the audio driver, as they are really bass heavy.
The pads are kinda shitty tho.
Mine are 1 year old and the pleather start to peel, they are uncomfortable so I put cotton underneath to add cushioness and when they will be too fucked I'll probably buy velour ones to replace thoses.

Bass heavy? My M40x aren't bass heavy at all. Is there that big a difference btwn the two?

>The pads are kinda shitty tho.
>Mine are 1 year old and the pleather start to peel,

My pair are maybe 2 years old and yep.
Earpads have thinned and started to peel too.

Was timing of getting the original ones again (they are great when new), but nope the fuck out when I saw the price.
Not sure which replacements to get bevause everybody seems to say the sound changes with different pads.

My M50s are hardly bass heavy. They can be at times or if you want them, but I feel like they're not naturally designed to be that way.

But I think they do lack depth perception though.

Was meant for

Care you enlighten an user as to the meaning of "depth perception"? Is it abt how far from your ears a sound can appear to be?

Those are great but I hate how flimsy these plastic parts are. They break very easily. Better not drop that shit because they will break very quickly.

I've been throwing mine around and smashing it into things, shit is very well built.

Anybody got the Sennheiser HD 598se? How are they? Comfy?

Yeah that's it.
You can't really tell how far sound come from.
Of course, it depends of how well it is implemented in the game but even in those where it's well implemented these cans are failing to render precisely.

Mad comfy but no bass which sucks for me personally. Still a major improvement from the smartphone earbuds I had before though. Not a FLAC fag but they would probably benefit from it. Soundstage is great for online shooters. review/10, would recommend.

Pretty comfy, sound is good but I'm looking to upgrade to HD600

Did you made this thread yesterday? Yes they are good headphones. Some say they lack in bass but the tones are otherwise beautiful and the headphones will pick up lots of frequencies.

When i was playing the old rust a year or so back i could hear people talking in the background when listening to the recordings of wind.

I used to have m50s for like 8 years then they broke
now I have dt770 pro 250hms

maximum comfy, very nice sounding too, neutral though, for those looking for bassy or something
Have HD558, would like to get HD599 even though it's basically the same shit as my current ones and a lot more expensive than what I paid for my HD558

No? Was there a thread about headphones yesterday? They're pretty common.

Hd681b reporting in

I use these.
Very comfy but also heavy and bulky.


I have a pair of m40x for 3 years now
The sound quality is good and they are really comfy, even for extended periods of time (>4h)
But the best thing about them, is how fucking sturdy they are.
So far, all my headphones have had a tendency to break after about a year, but the m40x is still going strong, the only damage after 3 years is that the pleather of the ears is wearing off and the fabric underneath is showing

The m50x is also fucking good

All in all, depending on your budget, both are great choices

Forgot to mention, that if you really want something for gaming, with surround sound and sound localization, the m40x and m50x aren't what you want

I have the dt770 (non pro) some of the most comfy and best headphones that I've ever used.

been using m30x for like 2 years now and nothing has broke on them

ive dropped them a few times and still nothing broke

they are designed to be able to twist a bit