Predict their e3
Predict their e3
Other urls found in this thread:
>Here is the most powerful console ever made, the Xbox Scorpio!
>G-games? You don't need those when you have TERRAFLOPS, bro.
pic related
>"Here it is folks, the Xbox Scorpio!"
>"Now let's show you a good Xbox One exclusive running on the Scorpio!"
>black screen for a few seconds
>"Thanks for watching our presentation, see you next year!"
Scorpio, Crackdown 3 and State of Decay 2. Probably some new game, at least one. Maybe they give some time on the stage for those promising indie titles as well.
They paid off Rockstar for RDR2 to be exclusive.
Anyone think they'll be ballsy enough to make Scorpio a next gen console along side Switch? Basically a new console that isn't part of the Xbone line, though it might have Xbone b/c.
>Scalebound gets a lengthy demo, followed by a release date and scorpio bundle
>New Phantom Dust trailer
>Crackdown 3 trailer that isn't CG and longer than 1 minute
>New Free characters and maps for Fable Legends
>Banjo Kazooie is added to Project Spark
>Ryse son of Rome 2
>D4 Season 2
>Montage of the large lineup of Kinect games
I say I want a Conker game. But they'd fuck it up.
I like Xbox but god damn do they need some new IP's.
> Scorpio
> Forza X
> Crackdown 3
> State of Decay 2
> Sea of Thieves game preview
> Cuphead & Phantom Dust
> Deal with Electronic Arts showing FIFA, Battlefield 1and SW Battlefront 2 getting 4K patch
> Deal with Rockstar and Warner Bros that show RDR2, SoM2 and Injustice 2 with 4K Patch
> ID@Xbox showcasing some handpicked Indie games
> GamePass
It's not a speculation though. It's all confirmed. If I'd have to speculate:
> Halo 3 Anniversary
They realized 343i is quite bad at making their own games.
Honestly, normies will love it. At least older normies who love FIFA and may prefer Battlefield/Battlefront over CoD/Destiny that is tied to Sony nowadays.
This board would implode.
Funny how PS4 didn't need games when it had the most Terraflops
Really activates the almonds.
Cancelled because they have nothing to show. A revised model of a dead console with zero games is just pathetic.
You sure about that?
Sony has the RDR2 marketing rights
Would autists care if they made Minecraft 2 exclusive to Scorpio? First game still sells well but the bubble seems to have burst.
Sea of Thieves wins E3.
>4k cable television on your scorpio!
>4k sports app integration on your scorpio!
Minecraft is very community based and making a game exclusive to the least popular platform would piss a lot of their fans
Overall Themes
>Scorpio is great and a true premium product for hardcore gamers
>We're still enhancing our services (bc, ea access, play anywhere, etc) to make Xbox the best place to play
>Xbox as an ecosystem
>Crackdown 3 release date, trailer, and beta announcement
>Sea of Thieves release date announcement and trailer
>Forza 7 announcement and trailer
>State of Decay 2 trailer
>Halo MCC coming to PC as a play anywhere title
>Gears of War 4 expansion or update news
>Assassin's Creed: Egypt announcement and bundle
>Probably a surprise Japanese game or two like last year with FFXV and Tekken 7. Probably from Squeenix or Bandai Namco.
>The indie games they're pushing -Cuphead, We Happy Few, Below, etc.
>Something minor involving Minecraft, possibly a Scorpio update
>Maybe Skate 4 announcement if that EA exec wasn't just being a tease a few months ago
I dont know but still getting a scorpio on day one. Finally feels like what next gen should have been. Going to miss my 360, the old dog, but its served me well for the last decade. About 70% of the games i want are also BC so by the time the scorpio is out, it'll probably be like 90%
>YFW Nintendo will win E3 but Scorpio will live in Sonybros minds rent free for the next few years as all the weeb games come to Switch instead and they lose their multiplat advantage even more. So all they have left is mediocre movie games
Nothing, this brand is dead
>Even in Xbox threads Nintendies have to bring up sonylads
>coming to nintendo consoles
>implying they're not the berniebros of consoles
I wonder if microsoft will ever partner with sega again over sonic games. Last time they did that was with sonic 06, but i think sonic unleashed got some extras on 360 and then there was sonic free riders to.
its a repeat of the ps1 era
sony seems to have the ability to vacuum support away from their direct competitors
Why the FUCK would anyone partner with Sonic these days? The IP is a joke to the point that there games are expected to be shit
>no exclusives
>hell, no games
That's the power of the PS4, those 65+ M sales aren't just for bragging rights
I dont know, but microsoft did that for a few years and the sonic games sold well on 360, enough to get reprints under the platinum hits label. They are still good as family games, like lego or banjo nuts and bolts was. Although i havent followed sonic anything since generations came out and its just been blunder after blunder with the wii u game and sonic boom.
/Multiplats and the same exclusives that they have been showing for the past 3 years but have yet to release. Maybe like 1 or 2 new exclusives that won't come out for years, Minecraft, Scorpio, and removal of Xbox live gold fee.
This seems realistic
You are partially right.
They have early access to some of the online content (just like in case of Destiny).
Still, multiple sources stated that M$ will use RDR2 to showcase power of Scorpio.
Well, I am not sure what's gonna happen anymore.
"Lots of cgi video of games!"
*6months later*
"All those cgi games are cancelled!"
>large lineup of kinect games
lmao kinect is dead, even microsoft doesn't care about it anymore
>Posts the original moneyhat where Tomb Raider 2 was cancelled on Saturn and N64 because Sony paid for console exclusivity
Fires up the neurons
Absolutely no waifus and maybe Halo 6 teaser.
Why do people keep saying halo 3 anniversary when mcc is already a thing?
HL3 running @native 4k 60fps on scorpio, plus it'll be on MS VR as well
HL is trash and just a reddit meme that has yet to expire, but speaking of valve...
I can totally see left 4 dead 3 being a thing within the next 2 years.
I doubt Sony would pay for that just to let them be on Microsoft's stage
Source: Your ass
>20 minutes on Scorpibone at the start
>Forza 7 late 2017
>Crackdown 3 early 2018
>Sea of Thieves late 2017
>1 or 2 new IPs
>Maybe Assassin's Creed
>EA comes on for a bit
>Bunch of indies and Cuphead finally gets a release date
>Ends on Halo 6 games. for the love god xbox we can't have Sony domination.
Halo remasters aren't going to cut it anymore.
Microsoft is nice enough to give everyone else access to minecraft, maybe sony will do the same
>release of scalebound, crackdown 3, viva pinata 3, eat lead 2, darkest of days 2, red dead redemption 2 all exclusive*
>quake champions, bayonetta 2, and bloodborne multiplatform announcement
>new meme line, games like day z and whatever else fotm are now on the machine with mod support
>*also on pc
xbros always WIN
Nice guys finish last
>literally the smallest stage out of all devs going there
probably Scorpio GWAPHIX wanking and a new Forza and Haah 6: this time chief is the main character we swear
will all these games be enhanced by the power of the cloud?
Forza H4
Yes! And in no way will they be on other platforms in 6-12 months!
>that one xbro spamming meme images to save any Xbox thread
you will get there user, your favorite company will notice you some day
We happy few actually was released. Not blaming you for not noticing though, what a fucking pile of junk.
>Advertise it like some Bioshock looking story heavy game
>Turns out to just be another early access survival game
>This meme again
Just like Battlefield was supposed to be exclusive back in 2013, right?
>That one Sonybro who cries endlessly about wojaks and anti-sonybro posting
>What do Alex Jones and the Switch have in common?
>Both will have their kids taken away
Tomb Raider 2 was already scrapped on the Saturn because it was such a piece of shit. The exclusivity deal only formalised it.
damn son got anymore of those wojacks
i havnt seen this a million times like the others
the drug of a nation
>the most powerful console ever made
>literally no games
Anyone else unironically fall for the Xbone meme?
It's almost as if it's human nature to defend your own position to the point of hypocrisy. Hmmm...
Sonyigger shilling is whats gonna happen,also pretty much can play bingo on Neo/v/'s and NeoFag reaction after E3 no matter what MS shows good or bad.
>But,,but wheres the games
>4K is not never important
>If you want good graphics than why not get a PC
>DF(Digital Foundry) rigged it to give MS momentum
>You'll never tell the difference,games will look the same
>Power isn't everything
>But wheres the VR
> Last of Us 2.enough said
>Soulsborne 2 is coming just wait til Sony Conference later
>We still got exclusives while yours will be on PC
>''Blah Blah,gobble,gobble,derp,derp,my ass etc''
Calling it now Sup Forums
obesitybox threads will be hilarious come e3 if this thread is anything to go by
>our console is failing
>maybe we should invest into new games
>did you say new console?
>phil no i...
>alright a new console
>what about ga...
>it will be the most powerfull console ever, it will be great
>but ga..
>lets cancell those new IP's we where working on, we need new Forza and Halo ASAP
>why does nobody care about our consoles anymore?
Matt and Trey south park come on and make excuses why their game got delayed
Some famous sports person.
Possibly some VR shit.
Scorpio is just a pc.
>Matt and Trey south park come on and make excuses why their game got delayed
Fuck me this was one of my most anticipated games last year and now I firget it exists
The best version of Dragon Quest is coming to the PS4. Nothing can stop the Sony ride this gen, and no half upgrade shit is going to stop it when all games haven't taken a huge generational leap themselves.
>>why does nobody care about our consoles anymore?
>did you just say C O N S O L E?
>start production on Scorpio 2: VR Edition now
It won't work when everyone would rather get the cheaper version, reminder that PS4 WAS the more affordable console at launch. Xbone had to scrap kinect to make it competitive, but it still fell behind until the updates kick in 9 months to a year later. Damage done by then though, since the exclusives they pushed out were always under performing flops.
How uninformed are you ?
Scalebound was cancelled, fable legends as well, project spark too, Swery is not part of the D4 studio anymore and kinect isnt sold'with the console anymore.
scorpio, halo, crackdown, minecraft
>People want fake 4k
>People want Sony Exclusives
toppermost kek
Was great watching Horizon Zero Sales getting destroyed by Zelda and Sony trying to quickly force bundle it like they did Uncharted 4. A sign of things to come.
Same and they've delayed it two times.
That being said if the game is good at the end of it I don't mind waiting. Better to wait and get a good game that get a shit one.
but zelda is bundled with consoles too
>Phantom Dust
>Project Spark
>D4 Season 2
All of that is dead
and it still sold less than 900k since launch...
Don't even own an ecksbawks, but I feel that little pepe as a platinumfag.
It would have just been a male Bayonetta, which is already DMC.