Tell me

>Tell me
>Tell me
>Tell me
>(Sarcastic tell me)

Wow. Obsidian are truly the masters of RPGs. Way better than Fallout 4.

fuck rpg codex

I can't tell if you're serious, but why do people dislike having synonymous responses? Different people are going to respond differently, and if you're roleplaying it's no different, even if it ultimately has no bearing on the outcome.

Are you one of those fags who will accept nothing short of "tell me", "give me your money" and "die"?

Because that's literally the problem people have with Fallout 4? Yet Obsidiots get butthurt when you point out the similarities between Bethesda and Obsidian

I think those response types effect your "personality rep" if you deceive people you get a rep for being dishonest, if you get angry or have outbursts you get rep for being passionate while staying cool gives you rep for Stoic. These have an extremely minor effect on the game (sometimes if you have a reputation for being dishonest npcs will comment on it and possibly not do everything you want). And if you're a priest you're expected to fall into personality lines with your god.

They're similar because it allows you to get to move the conversation while shaping your character's personality along the way. If you're too retarded to understand this, then don't stop playing Expert mode in the first place so the game can add retard notes at the end of each response to tell you what personality rank you're gonna get a score in.

>cherrypicking is a valid argument
>now, as well as all the other times when you made that point and people refuted you instantly
Fallout 4s dialogue is like that all the time, PoEs dialogue is like that only sometimes, and even in this instance, the reponses differ in that you gain different personality traits from them.

But you already knew that, since you made this thread a hundred times before, but you hoped that people would take it seriously and that you somehow can engorge your hateboner you have for obsidian.

thanks OP i was worried i wasn't gonna see this pasta today!

The game is garbage, go play an actual good rpg like Age of Decadence.

Obsidian isn't even Obsidian anymore, not a single original member of the company is in it. They may as well be Bioware, they have the same amount of unfunny liberal progressive rats.

yes faggot
cherrypicking is a valid argument against cherrypicking.
both games have lows.

I bought that game because it looked good. It's not, it really isn't I regret my purchase and I am starting to shy away from games that have TOO much a boner for how hard core they are, like Exanima. It seems to Dev code for "Our combat system lacks depth and our story is non-existent." That being said I will probably plow into a AoD a few more times to try to get past the slow ass start without falling asleep. It might be like BG2 and just have a TERRIBLE starting area.

Haven't played AOD, but Dungeon Rats is awful. I feel as weak at the start of the game as I did at the end - that's fucking lousy RPG development

Aw dang I bought that too, I bought em as a bundle and then shelved them cus I had other stuff to do.
Any game that feels the need to pop up a window as soon as you open it and say "this game's not for scrubs ya git" seems to turn out to just be shittily designed. Probably because they can use that mentality as a shield.

>both games have lows
>this happens in both games, so even though in Fallout 4 it's 90%+ of the dialogue and in PoE it's rare, both games are equally bad!
10/10 logic user

FO4 it happens 99% of the time vs PoE. Not to mention there still actual flavor in how the dialogue goes.

>I dunno
Why do these medieval people talk like highschool kids? That writing is fuckin awful

>RPG ""fans"""
>they spend their time complaining about RPGs

pillars of eternity is a good game

Let's make this thread about shitty RPGs that are getting passed around lately. Rencounter is awful.

If you can't get a refund, I'm sorry. Dungeon Rats is a bunch of poorly thought out combat situations and basically 0 roleplaying.

AoD has a wonderful starting area with incredible replay value, what the hell are you talking about? It's an actual RPG game with stat checks where you can bypass combat completely.

Damn, I laughed harder at this than I should have!

be fucking dumber.

But the actual combat is horrible

I have 18.5 hrs in Dungeon Rats according to Steam - the combat was shitty and stilted.

Yes yes I gathered that from the 5 stilted fade to black/teleport scene changes that I had to sit through before I actually got control of my character for more than 20 seconds.

So your only defense of a bad Obsidian game is that "Fallout 4 is worse!"

Holy shit that picture actually says to play the abortions that are the enhanced editions of BG. Definitely a troll here, nothing to see.

>Play BG2:EE Instead


AoD has a pretty good story, that's one of its strong points. The combat is somewhat difficult to get a grip on immediately and requires a lot of stat investment. But if you go for a pure fighter you become really strong half way through the game, it's pretty satisfying. The other option is to go for a diplomacy/thief type character, you can talk your way through every encounter and stat check in the game, it just requires a bit of knowledge about which stats go together.
Only gripe I have with the game is that a lot of quests in the second city are tied to the gladiator arena, you'll be locked out of a good amount of content if you don't have decent combat skills. The game is very replayable though.

I agree with this.

If it's not going to have any influence on the game the choice shouldn't even be there. At the least there should be a "I don't want to hear your idea" option in that list.

Don't be mean about exanima.
It's the closest I've felt to diablo, since demons souls.
There are very few horror dungeon crawlers that build the tension and sense of dread that diablo did back before it became a super fast paced lootfest.

pillars was a fun game with a dumb ending.

Tranny is fucking awful though, so bad i'm done giving obsidan money.

I tried man I tried, it may have improved since I played it (I love me some dungeon crawls) but that flappy swinging kept taking me out of it. Character felt drunk and I couldn't get immersed, and this is coming from someone that loves Mount and Blade and Penumbra Overture, I can deal with flailing my mouse around to attack.

>Way better than Fallout 4.
Not particularly great but easily better than the piece of shit that is Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 is constantly at low-point.

>I feel as weak at the start of the game as I did at the end
If you play the game solo you become a demi-god at the end of the game that can easily murder an enemy army on his own.

So where are its mods?

Fallout 4
Will you take my quest?
>No (Yes)
>Yes (Asshole)
>More information ending in yes

Pillars of eternity
Will you take my quest?
>No (Quest is abandoned only some quests let you come back and say yes later)
>"Yes" (Actively work against the person)
>Skill check resulting in you finding out the person is liying to you to get something else done which results in a different quest
>Race check resulting in you finding out the person is liying to you to get something else done which results in a different quest
>Personality check resulting in you uncovering the persons hidden motives allowing you to do the original quest or the secondary quest
>More information often leading to other checks that follow the above system

The problem with Fallout 4 was never the dialog per say its that the quests always end in you taking the quest and never evolve or change.

>But the actual combat is horrible
I completely disagree.

Out of all the single-character turn-based systems, I find Age of Decadence to be the most interesting. Mostly because of how different the various weapons feel and how they require different tactics.
I've never seen spears being handled as satisfyingly as in AoD, since they actually have a significant strength over all other weapons: reach. However, that very reach becomes a detriment if you didn't position yourself properly and enemies manage to close in past your effective range.

In the vast majority of other RPGs no matter which weapon you use, they are tactically the same. You get to hit things with them, maybe do a different kind of damage that is more or less effective against the enemy's resistance, but in AoD, the weapons have various other properties as well.

>per say

Please don't bully phoneposters, user

this. bethesda is not even bad, its just normalfags have no standards.

Phoneposters are plague that should be eradicated.
They mostly come in through Sup Forums.

I'm not a phone poster I just literally don't care for spelling and believe that we need to update the language to a fully phonetic easy to spell system. Blame my English professor she showed me the light.

what a coincidence.


Nope. Had her for all three classes required from my Uni. Easiest A I ever got because I literally didn't have to spell check or proof read.

You really have no idea. Last semester she literally went on about how it could be "viewed" that the language rules of English was racist against blacks. That we should not hold them to the same standards and to accept when they butcher the language. While I haven't fallen that far I do agree that there are a lot of outdated rules and spellings that could be updated to great benefit.

How about using a synonym?

>He didn't like Irenicus' Dungeon.

>Play BG2:EE Instead
>Not playing modded BG2 with even better BG1 in it.
Why would anyone pay for EE?

Some people just enjoy role playing different personalities without significantly altering the plot. Some the opposite. Not every game can do both, especially for games with voice acting and modern graphics/budget