This game literally saved 2017

>This game literally saved 2017

Other urls found in this thread:

huh, sucks I've never heard of it before.

>twitchbait battle royal
yeah no.
Is this the new early access sandbox survival game? Guess we can expect a 1000x more?

Oh look it's the hourly shill thread made by the same guy

Pretty much.

Let the butthurt commence.

I thought it literally was a sandbox crafting survival game
Is it an MP shooter instead?

it's h1z1 king of the kill with a different skin

>2017, a year with Gravity Rush 2, Nioh, Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Horizon, Zelda BotW, ARMS, MK8D, Splatoon 2, SM Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 needing to be saved by early access multiplayer survival twitch cancer bait h1z1 clone with ps2 graphics and ARK tier shit performance #284532

Explain this

>indie/not popular (almost always sony exclusives) games has trillions of threads
>not shilling

>ridiculously popular game has one thread

Yeah, it's h1z1/hunger games shit.

Why do these games consistently run and look like shit?

Why hasn't anyone made a battle royale that doesn't melt cpus and actually looks presentable?


Because they are fast moneymakers made by scammers who will drop the game after a few months anyway, they know none of that matters as long as they convince some twitch people to stream it

Just go to any thread about the ton of issues this game has.
You'll just be met with "well duh it's early access, you can't expect it to x/y/z"

Too bad it'll never leave early access.

I can imagine how many would refund H1Z1
There is a reason its still EA
Look what happened to KF2 looool

That's not Escape From Tarkov OP, rookie mistake

>good game has many threads
>bad twitch bait game that has been made 100x times has 0

because it's made by amateur developers in an out-of-the-box engine

When is this shit releasing

Most people obviously prefer battlegrounds to th various hsit which is shilled constantly here or it wouldn't have sold so many

>another literally who flavour of month zombie/survival/ffa style fps game

>this twtich bait game is better than that twitch bait game
k bud.
Also, is this game gonna die quicker than For Honor?

Player numbers pretty much speak for themselves honestly, so yeah.

No one on Sup Forums gives a fuck about this game because Sup Forums isn't made up of 13-17 year olds who hang around on Twitch all day spending their allowance on donations or subs while spamming kappa kappa

>person i erp with gifts me it on steam
>just built my new high-end gaymen pc a few days ago
>get in-game
>frequently stutters and drops down to stupidly low framerates in towns and firefights
>putting everything to potato-tier graphics only improves it slightly
Why can't these Twitch bait games ever be fucking optimised?

Because underage just happen to own supercomputers to run it?

It will almost certainly last longer than almost everything spammed here. People said the same about ARK and that outlived nioh/graviity rush/whatever else has been spamed 24/7.

>Sup Forums isn't made up of 13-17 year olds
You sure about that?

Not only does the game run like shit, it even looks like shit. Legitimate PS2 tier visuals.

yeah, most people on Sup Forums are 13-17 year olds with no friends who play awful JRPGs and ERP with people on Steam instead


>he still thinks this is 2006 and Sup Forums hasn't been overrun by normalfags
Ha. Look at this video on Youtube that was in my suggested feed for some reason.
It's only been up for a few days. Look at the view count. I guarantee over half of Sup Forums, especially on Sup Forums, is underage now.

>runs on unity

Proof that Unity can, in fact, work fucking well. Just needs the right devs to actually use it.

Holy shit its made by, oh Jesus.. - lord please help me say this- it's made by THE playerunknown?!

The division dlc kinda did that

That one isn't made by Playerunknown, the inventor of King of the Hill genre so it sucks.

>saved 2017
literal trash tier twitch streamer game. Really makes u think

does this mean they have given up on h1z1?

First I was skeptical but then I noticed it was made by the legendary Playerunknown. Might buy this soon.

Anyone familiar with the Arma 3 modding scene will know who Playerunknown is.

What can you tell me about Playerunknown

Why does he wear the mask?

Has to be one of the worst video game names in recent memory.

As someone who normally hates early access shit, this game is fucking fun. Ignore the majority of Sup Forums, they wouldn't know a fun game if it fucked them in the ass.

Obviously, he's the goddamn Playerunknown. Nigga is even more legendary than Kojima.

Fuck off shill

t, retard.

T. Playerunknown

>mfw at least a third of the people i know have fallen for this meme
Why did this out of all the hunger games trash out there blow up?

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds - A Playerunknown Productions

I've played it, and hated it.

I'm not saying you can't have an opinion but it's an objectively bad one

because it's actually fun. The game has a ton of tension, solid gunplay, and just feels fun to play.

>literally putting your toon name in the game title

Extreme, hardcore, relentless shilling. I usually don't pay much attention to shilling, but this is a whole new level. Like it's so painfully obvious, but they just don't stop. Shit like this actually made me passionately hate this game.

Hourly marketing thread? Hourly marketing thread.

>inventor of King of the Hill genre

I love how egotistical the guy is to claim credit for one of the very basic concepts of gameplay.

well excuse me for talking about a game I have fun playing. Fuck off Nigger.

this is some serious fuckin delusional paranoia jebus

>survival game
>early access
>shit performance

you must be 18 or older to post on this board

He didn't just invent that, he invented the very concept of survival between men and fight for the survival of the fittest.

This game is optimized like fucking shit

Thanks for the (you)s shill

>Any of those shit games besides Yakuza and Xenoblade


OP's game is shit too though

People bitching about Early access should probably know that this game plans to be out in 6 months, and is well on it's way to being done by then. Had it's first major patch that fixed alot of the problems people have, and added new content.

It does not have solid gunplay, fuck right off. The guns all feel piss weak, I'm shooting a fucking SKS, it shouldn't feel piss weak

>tfw playing this game daily with a group of friends

I have heard a lot of people complaining about performance, and I feel bad for them, but man outside of the lobby my game runs perfect, I also have a really good PC though.

user they're not shilling. Not everybody is a shill just because they share a different opinion.
Seriously this game doesn't need to be shilled it's proper twitch bait that's making lods of emone.
Just call them blind retards and move on

2017 is doomed then, cause this is shit

Why is this being shilled so hard? Everytime I come here there is one thread saying hows its the saviour and the best. Dumb chink marketing team should fuck off because nobody cares

Stopped reading there. I'm confused. I thought they normally hired literature majors to be shills?


>ridiculously popular game

Ignoring the fact that it's garbage, charging $30 for it is fucking retarded too.


>There's people shitting on Playerunknown his game

Jesus christ next you people are going to shit on Kamiya or Kojima?

Thanks shill

If he makes some cashgrab shit like this I would, yes.

>early access battle royal survival meme
>falling for this garbage in 2k17
No thanks Pajeet

I'm convinced the people who make these threads aren't shills.
They're underage twitch-goers.
Marketers do their research and actually try their best to fit in with their environments.
These kids are just so stupid as to make completely out there claims like OMG BEST OF 2016777!!!! when everybody else on the board is cumming over how many good games have come out this year.
Yet they still praise and play this early access low-budget garbage from a literally-who

Steel Division saved 2017, not this meme game royale

I won't ever buy a game, where "dev" puts his own name on a game.

>from a literally-who
>literally who

What the fuck? Are you people uneducated or what?

Sid Meier

Right so he made a really shitty rip-off gamemode of King of the Hill.
Like a couple of years ago.
He's a literally-who and you're a cocksucker

>all that self-praise
>still a literally who

>still shilling this piece of shit

>some chucklefuck who worked on some Early Access trash and a mod

>Makes the same game like 4 times over

Lol what a fucking loser

>licensing "shoot someone before they shoot you"

Yeah I kinda have doubts on that claim.

sid meier

It really doesn't have solid gunplay, it's pretty shitty actually.

Since when did 2017 need saving?

Fun with friends, shit by itself.

Last update added new guns, vehicle, features. I'm optimistically hopeful this game will get more fun but I've been burned in the past by early access (the culling).

If this game goes to shit or gets abandoned I will never purchase early access again.

China #1

>guy "pioneers" King of the Hill with a closing circle
>gets to make his own game
>it's the EXACT same as all his previous works, pretty much just copy pasted everything
>gonna be in early access for year
>Twitch kiddies eating this shit up like candy

You ever notice how this board is full of discussion on generally lesser known/selling games and not Madden and CoD? It's because Sup Forums is not representative of the market as a whole you retard.

It's better than the previous ones?

>hahah, compared Meier to a guy who renamed death match mode and now pretends he pioneered it
Kill yourself, really.

BR on arma was pretty fun with friends famchu, looks like battlegrounds is about the same

fun with friends = boring as fuck solo though, explains all the losers ITT

made the same game 6 times. Shut the fuck up with your exclusions you fucking fag

>buggy early access trash

Jesus pc stick to the frame rate and resolution meme, this is embarrassing

>mediocre gunplay
>visuals straight ps2 tier
>always the same boring beyond uninteresting and bland map
>garbage physics and vehicle controls
>performance, despite the game looking like 15 year old shit, absolute ass
>early access game only carried by twitch cancer fotm shit
