Patrician choice

DaS3=BB>DaS>DaS2>getting castrated>DeS

glad we can all agree

I'd agree but I haven't played DeS.


Switch it around and you got it.
DaS was a mistake.


this is why she'll never let you sniff that bike seat.

DaS > DeS > BB > DaS3 > DaS2

>the fedora choice

The real patrician choice:
BB > 1 > DeS = 3 >>>> 2

BB = DS > DaS 1 >>>> DaS 3 >>>>> an aids infested turd >>>> anthony burch >>> DaS 2

>DeS anywhere but last

nostalgiafags are the worst

Sounds like you're talking about DaS1 sluts

>b-but muh l-level design

DaS1 fags are the worst cancer in the fanbase

DeS > DaS > 2 > BB > 3

>not completely shit all over the game
>call it second worst
why do you bother existing?

Nah it's DeS by far

>best lore
>best atmosphere
>some of the best bosses
>some of the best weapons and armor
>best music by far

>that pic

>3 Sequential Boss Fights that are reset and must be begun from the very start on death
Who the fuck designed Ariandel?

I wanna strangle him.

>some of the best bosses


>best lore
>some of the best bosses

it's there to trick people to post teens.

well, it didn't work, too bad for OP


I've always suspected DeS and BB rank a notch higher on most people's lists because of sonyfagism

>Lightning tier body


Still haven't played bloodborne.

BB > DaS3 > DaS > DeS > Tokyo Ghoul > DaS2

greater than threads are cancer

kill yourselves faggots


>Tokyo Ghoul

BB > DS1 > DS2 > DS3 > DeS

The first DaS id the best one and you can't do anything about it

Prepare to Dine.

I know that it has nothing to do with Souls, but I thought I'd give it a mention.

Good games > Souls games

The best one is still the one you first played.

If it's not Demons Souls then you are a faggot.

I know you are but what am I?


>nostalgia fags
>muh level design so good xd
>its not DaS1 q_q
>Look ive read H.P. Lovecraft lol
>is basically DaS1 with anime



Best Game
Whatever floats your goat man, its Just a fucking game you mongoloids

Greater than threads>you

Edit: messed up order in mechanics
DaS1 and DaS3 should have switched places

>Best Mechanics
Besides functional dual wielding, what did it do mechanically that made it even remotely better than any other entry?

To say nothing of the complete shitshow of its hitbox registration...


Early Sm diversity of viable builds and playstyles. Meaning you can beat people with any fucking build if you are good enough. DaS1 i s juat a fucking lagstab fest, Bb and DaS3 have fucked up unpunoshable dodge mechanics and Des has the worst netcode out of all of them

Not him but whilst still being the worst it has a handful of neat mechanics.
>can buff with the same element for an infused weapon
>rolling costs more stamina if done consecutively
>stat attributes like casting speed tied to attunement then int/faith, dark defence from both int and faith, etc
>bonfire ascetics

all these new faggot cunts not knowing DES > all

Go back to school you little shit cunts

DaS3=BB>DeS>DaS>getting castrated>DaS2

Only correct answer.

>getting castrated>DeS
t. I didn't have a PS3

By your logic are you also a cunt if your first final fantasy wasn't final fantasy 1?

Nice bait.

DeS ≥ BB > DaS >>> DaS3 >>>> DaS2

>All those faglords who didn't have PS3
It's so fucking obvious, holy shit.

>All those autistic underage virgins who had the PISS3 as their firsf console
It's so fucking obvious, holy shit.

BB = DaS > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2
Only right answer.

>having sex with a pile of bones.

Your hand would probably feel better.

Now this I agree.

for me it was DS2(sotfs)>DS1=DeS i don't have any specific reason for it I just had more fun time with it. I don't have ps4 or good enough computer to run DS3 or play BB so i can't give an honest opinion on these but i'd definitely would love to try playing BB.


haha yeah videogames imagine if you were to post more of that though lol

Open world is cancer

Why are lolis always so fuckable?
Everything about them is tight.

>das 2 over fucking anything in mechanics, let alone BB
enjoy your ADP and awful locked 8-direction moving, faggot.

>not a single other cunny pic

Man why did i even click on this thread?

This is the 100% objectively correct answer.

>I mentioned one flaw with mechanics therefore everything is shit
>my opinion is different from you therefore you are a faggot
What did I expect from Sup Forums

Yes this is the order they were released. Constraint is quality, not time.

BB = DaS = DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

In my opinion the flaws of the core movement are so bad they ruin the entire experience considering that you are always moving. This bad movement combined with the increased recovery time on weapons and the shitty mocap animations make the game feel like crap to me. Also don't be so sensitive, I'm just yanking your chain faggot.

DeS is great and all but I would say that purely objectively it is not as good as DaS and especially not as good as BB.

Its okay, I dont really mind the controls, they make me feel more commited to my inputs, but I uderstand why someone might prefer something with a tigher feeling to it. DaS2 feels heavier and slower but that doesnt mean that the movement is horrendous.

The point on the animations is arguable but 8-direction locked movement is objectively worse though.

Also geez, mods going ham on deleting off-topic conversation ITT,

What's the matter mod?
You allergic to tight loli?

>everyone hating on das2
Objectively shittier taste with maximum nostalgia goggles.

Dark Souls 2 is an actual sequel to the first game even with all the missteps.

Dark Souls 3 is a Dark Souls themed Bloodborne with REALLY crappy lore.

My first was Demon's and it's not my favourite. Fight me you lil shit.

>>everyone hating on das2
Is this your first time on this board?


>obnoxious DaS2 fag resorts to M-MUH PVP
every time like clockwork

>DeS is the worst one
>worse than getting castrated
>worse than Dark Souls 2: Electric Boogaloo

It is.

First one I played was das1 and 2 is my favourite

DaS2 didn't have a single good boss in the entire game. BB only had 5 good bosses.

Putting 3 anywhere but the bottom is wrong. It's not Dark Souls, it's Blood Souls, and while Bloodborne itself was decent trying to add to Dark Souls with it was nothing short of a trainwreck, on top of Miyazaki exposing how much of a hack he is.

Are you me?


DeS is overrated as fuck