>be me >be in class >grill needs help with shit, im the smart friendly fellow in the class so she asks me >help her >begin to small talk >she mentions that she plays video games >"what video games?" >"cs, lol, stardew valley...-" >fucking normie retard games >"..- and warcraft" >holy shit wc3? >"no the mmo silly" >mention that i also play it as one of my main games, am 2.5k rating >she also pvps, but as a healer >typical >tells her to add me on discord after school >decide to play some arenas despite me probably going to lose my rating >she's a healer, things go well until her rating catches up a bit >once we meet higher rated players notice that she can't dispell >comment on it, telling her to dispell >"what's a 'dispell' >rage on her, asking her how the fuck she even could have the audacity to asking me if I want to do arenas when she can't even fucking dispell >block her on wow, report her >"why did you leave the group" >tells her to fuck off, leaves the discord group and unfriends her on both discord and bnet Why do women think they have a 'right' to play games? Fucking normies and women have infested games. We have CS:GO, LOL and OW as normie magnets yet they come to my games too. Atleast in Tibia I can hunt them and PK them again and again.
Andrew Cooper
There's something wrong with you
Isaiah Ramirez
Cool blog, sperg
Lucas Murphy
>things that never happened
I know OP is making an ironic thread but it';s not funny
Mason Harris
>be me >normie The cancer that kills Sup Forums.
Jaxon Butler
You have personality disorder and neurosis OP.
Eli Wright
did you expect a positive outcome from this thread?
Nathaniel Roberts
Whiteknighting faggots.
Blake Brown
>wow >not a normie magnet
Oliver Wilson
tits or gtfo
Nathan Jones
You have the ass burgers, son.
Nathan Lee
You know, we all start out as normies who don't know how to play games Maybe you could have told her what a fucking dispell is instead of sperging out like an autist. This is why you don't have a girlfriend
Anthony Rodriguez
If someone needs help on understanding what the fuck a dispell is when they have leveled a character up to 110 as a healer then they have to ALT+F4 themselves.
Andrew Ortiz
That's what he would have done if any of this had actually happened.
Lincoln Scott
you're kidding yourself if you think modern wow actually teaches something as in depth as a dispel. She probably got an instant 110 from buying the shit game
Ryan Hernandez
>>be in class
This is a 18+ site,
ITT: why children need to fuck off
Lincoln Taylor
whether this thread is ironic or not, op is still a sad little man
Nolan Collins
You could have taught the noob how to play, Lord Autismo.
Adrian Russell
>>what's a "dispell" >>rage on her Kek'd heartily, thank you OP
Elijah Flores
>browse v hoping to see nice content about games >see this autistic shit instead
>but wait, there's more autistic shit including "what went wrong", "how will they recover", "say something nice about my waifu"
You're all faggots
Angel Thompson
>>"what's a 'dispell' >>rage on her If this happened, you have autism. If this didn't happen, which is more likely, you still have autism.
Nicholas Cook
ITT: Why OP shouldn't start threads.
Christopher Brown
Op, that isn't whiteknighting. Go back to Sup Forums or /r9k/ if you want to sperg out over a girl playing a videogame.
You could have taken advantage of this and taught her how to play and eventually maybe get a girlfriend.
Benjamin Diaz
Sorry everyone here is all "no fun allowed". I thought your thread was funny OP.
Samuel Ramirez
Fuck all of you normie/casual apologist. Keep fighting the good Fight op.