What was this character's endgame?
What was this character's endgame?
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Protect us from (((them)))
Uniting the Germanic peoples, colonizing eastern Europe, and crushing Communism.
But the eternal Anglo didn't want that to happen.
>being countered by the most common pick
No viable end-game.
German people are not worthy of being united
Germanic people are not worthy of being united-ic
Obtaining the last combination of solvent and distillate.
He was close with Zyklon B and jews,
but it was actually Zima and charleston chews
revenge for what the jews did to germany between ww1 and 2
Hey Nigel, had your fill of Aryan blood today?
Why is it when games try to censor hitlor they make him cooler?
Being remembered as the most horrible human being in history. And I use the term human lightly.
And guess what? He succeeded
Stalin and Mao killed WAY more people than Hitler suposedly did
Hey there
the destruction of the white peoples of europe
hitler was ironically a tool of the jews, but the north american jews at the expense of those living in europe. daily reminder jews will even jew each other to death if it means they benefit from it.
I've read the figure that in 1933, 80% of businesses in Berlin were owned by jews. At least the Kristallnacht seems to allege a similar situation, otherwise there wouldn't have been so much broken glass... obviously.
However, I'd like some concrete data on this, and if things became that way because of the hyperinflation, and if it was truly caused by the jews in the private central bank printing money - the blame has been put on both the government and the central bank, but I ain't got a clue which is true.
Then there's the possibility that Hitler never quit being an English spy.
So what video games have this character?
The Kristallnacht happened after a Polish Jew assassinated a German diplomat in France.
Yes, but they killed people that threatened their power or made blunders that resulted in civilian death. They didn't seek to eradicate people based on their race or religion.
>b..but Stalin cracked down and moved Chechens and other minorities
Because they kept revolting. Plus he just moved them when the might of the Soviet Union could have wiped them out ez-pz.
The issue isn't quantity but quality. How it was done and to whom.
A guy who accidentally swerves off road with his car and runs over 5 pedestrians is still better than a serial killer who tortures 4 people to death.
saving the world
>subverts democracy
>starts a war with England and France
>knocks out France and has England on the brink by targeting their airfields but tells his commanders to target their cities instead letting the RAF regain air superiority over the UK
>Decides to invade Russia late in the summer
>Has shitty allies like Italy who they need to bail out continually and Japan which got BTFO the one time they messed with the Soviets
>declares war on the US despite the US only seeking war against Japan after Pearl Harbor
>completely mismanages the war forcing his generals to make strategically bad moves and meddles with production and R&D to their detriment
>gets nearly 20% of the German population killed
>gets Germany bombed into ruins and occupied for decades
>Germany forever loses parts of its territory
>ultimately helped in the creation of Israel
>got so many people in Germany and Europe killed they had to truck in Turks, Africans, Indians, Pakistanis, etc for labor
I don't understand why nazisboos think Hitler is so awesome when he was one of the biggest fuck-ups in history
>t. armchair general
A community of nations, bound together by good will and noble blood.
>The issue isn't quantity but quality. How it was done and to whom.
Read up on Pol Pot, that guy was all quality.
He managed to kill off 1/4 of his country in horrible ways in 4 years. You could get executed for things like speaking more than one language, owning a book or glasses and failing to call your family members comrade at all times.
Yes, Hitler was literally an armchair general
>>declares war on the US despite the US only seeking war against Japan after Pearl Harbor
I never understood this. Yes, the US was supplying the Allies, usually with materials, food, and older ships, planes, trucks, cheapo tanks. But I'd rather the country of 150 million people who had the largest industrial base and who was the largest oil producer at the time just supply my enemies instead of mobilizing and coming for my ass themselves.
>Hitler is still alive and shitposting on Sup Forums
So that makes you, what, 128 years old? Happy birthday, by the way.
Get most developed country in the world, amass 2-nd grade army, commit multitude of idiotic strategic decisions and lose to unwashed 3d world peasants.
are you implying what stalin and mao did wasn't deliberate?
>what you think
People saw the US as some huge and intimidating giant.
>the reality
People saw the US as a retarded child that couldn't make a competent contribution to the planet if their lives depended on it.
Funny thing is, people still see the us as the latter. Just a retarded child with guns now.
Ascension to daemonhood.
He didn't really care about any of the things he claimed to, it was all a ruse to set the world against each other and murder billions but he was stopped before then.
>starts a war with England and France
They declared war on Germany.
>I never understood this
If you want to know why they declared war on the US, watch this video.
It was supposedly over Japan.
I take 4 damage to stop your evil plans.
>England and France: Germany, if you invade Poland we will declare war
>Germany: ooops, 50 divisions just accidentally crossed the Polish border
>declares war
>Germany: whoa is me, why am I so persecuted?
Fuck off