I bought one of those "random pack of steam cd-keys" deals...
Its... really bad. Have at it if you are depraved enough to play any of these. Please post if you redeem.
I bought one of those "random pack of steam cd-keys" deals...
Its... really bad. Have at it if you are depraved enough to play any of these. Please post if you redeem.
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Took 5
not gonna tell you which ones, though :^)
I don't even want any of those enough to enter a key.
None of these seem to be worth the effort
the pack would be worth it if there werent so many fucking shitty games on steam now, jesus.
I never even heard about any of these, is there actually a chance to get something decent out of these "deals"? How much did you pay for this OP?
Got Blackbay Asylum, thanks OP. It looks so bad that it might actually be good.
man people fall for loot boxes in any form
The only thing I got out of it was "depth diver 2" which was mildly interesting looking, there were also quite a few duplicates (I didnt post the ones I used)
So... I spend 21 dollars, 15 dollars for 10 "premium keys" and 3 dollars for 30 random keys. Then taxes... and something called "G2A shield" which makes sure the games are legit.
Wasn't worth it. But if you're like to try your luck, I bought the pack from G2A.
>wasting money on g2a shield
21 dollars for shit keys that came from free giveaways from the past 4 years
My condolences
I never buy stuff from g2a and I was worried the keys would be suspect, who knew they would all be garbage and not even worth the time I took to write this.
It was only 3 dollars.
>21 dollars
well shit
I once bought one of these and ended up getting DarkBase 01, a game so fucking bad you can't even buy it from the steam store.
Anyone here wants to buy me a copy of space engineers? I'll give you a key for husk if you buy me
Before entering the thread, I was gonna take a few keys, even if I didn't want the games. But this collection is so shitty that it just wouldn't be worth the effort.
You should know that these kind of deals are scams
That might actually be worth something to some autist or collector
>and something called "G2A shield" which makes sure the games are legit.
You done fucked up bruh. Good luck unsubscribing from that, hope you didn't give them your CC info.
>a 10 dollar game for a 1 dollar game
sounds good to me
Saw a YouTube vid of a guy buying a ton of mystery csgo skins from g2a to see what they were and it was all crap, so they don't even put in one good item to string you along, it's all shit, avoid their random mystery stuff at all costs.
I didn't trade faggot. I know it's not fair so I just begged for it.
its never "random" OP by that they mean a random choice of X games out of a predetermined list of Y money-laundering asset flipping card collecting shit games
anyone want to trade humble bundle 12 dollars dirt rally with me?
Not OP but thanks for this, didn't know and it seems I've been subbed for a few months. Cancelled it now though.
hol up i got a free key to give away
im ready, what is it
some bitchnigger on ebay is trying to chargeback, so if they haven't used it yet, I'd rather one of you fags get it. It's for ORIGIN though.
what a load of fuck
I used to be curious what you got with that bundle but I feared that was just what was going to happen, thanks for taking the bullet for me user
I dont have origin, thanks though
Beast Blaster for one of you fags
pc has so many exclusives