/ssg/ - Starsector General


Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/i5fv2c6a68po3va/Messy Portrait Pack.zip

Gaem 'ere In case of fuckup download Java 7


But I still approve.

>new version comes out and there's suddenly 99999 systems instead of like 10

Where the hell do I even go?

We post a lot of shipfus, but what is your home planet?

>systems in the center
Where people actually live, you can try (and fail) to trade there or go after system bounties.
>everywhere else
Place where you go because mission told you to scan derelict or where bounty fleets reside

How can non-carriers even compete

Post a download link faggot

I want homeships

Storing whole ships in freighters when

*puts two monitors in my fleet*

Nice fighters you have there

Learn to read faggot

Anyone know where I can get the Kitbash of all the turret hardpoints and such? I got some leftover sprites from Battleships forever that I want to convert to Starsector and need those for the finishing touch.

In 0.8? Hybrasil.
>at the fringe of core worlds
>size 6 market with a variety of goods

Can I pilot giant frigates in this game?


Can't you just cut them out by hand? The forums probably have some vanilla kitbash bundles.

d-did that user do it :(

Yeah, but all modders have the same hardpoint and I can't find those hardpoint sprites. Nevermind, I'll just ask them.

Nah, he's still around 2 threads ago.

I always die from pirates after starting a new game. How do I get good?

*phase shifts behind you
*launches reapers
psshhhh... nuthing personnell.... expansion epoch....

mediafire.com/file/i5fv2c6a68po3va/Messy Portrait Pack.zip

Here's the QT portrait pack from last thread

It works with the latest version apparently

You git gud should try to salvage some ships, debris from other guys' fights and try to get some ships (even (D)-modded) before fighting.
Unless you mean tutorial, there you must go dark and lure fleets to fight them separately
>tfw Mora tanks reapers with its fucking dampering field

Practice simulations till you can 1v1 a lasher and not fail miserably.

Attempt to find a pirate ship all by it's lonesome and avoid bigger fleets at all costs.

Save often.

If you git gud enough, go rekt pirates in 1v2's and occasionally 1v3's if you built right.

Literally killed both tutorial fleets at the same time without breaking a sweat and using tarsus + fighters. All you need is a destroyer + 2 wolves, and all early-game fleets will die. But then again, I started playing when there was only Corvus system and nothing else, and game cost was 5-10$.

Grab a frigate and run the simulations enough times until you can 1v1. Then grab safety override and practice until you 2v1.

Sustained burn is the best thing since sliced bread.

I was waiting a new thread to post this mod.

So are you aware of Audio Plus from the forums? Well, I modified it a bit, included music from other games (FTL (calm for campaign, active for battles) / Homeworld / Mass Effect / Tiberian Sun) and did a nice package.

I never shared in the forums due to people complaining over stealing the mod, music or other bullshit like that. But here it is for your guys,


Have fun, I didn't play vanilla for more than 10 minutes before porting this over, the main game with no battle/campaign music just isn't that good.

>game cost was 5-10$.
>paid 16$

Aside from the advice other people gave you, run wolf as your primary ship when starting. It's by far the better combat option.

>tfw Mora tanks reapers with its fucking dampering field
Everyone seems to be talking about the Mora, but I'm personally more fond of the Condor.

Mora is expensive and comes with only 3 bays. Condor is dirt cheap and comes with 2 bays. Getting large numbers of fighters is very easy with Condors.


With allied carriers, how do I get them to actually send out their fighters aggressively?

I have an Astra with 6x Daggers but they all just dick around until they randomly decide to go after something. Does the attitude of the officer have an impact? Whenever I control it those fighters go *straight* for whatever they can find.

Condor doesn't have a system that let's you vent your flux while reducing damage received by 2/3. Besides only buying cost matters since 1st level in logistics gives you -50% supply upkeep

Vent more. One of the reasons Phase ships are so OP is because you can be super aggressive, phase out and vent, and then go back in. Or even venting when you are only taking minimal fire (Tactical Lasers and Gravity Beams do dick all to undamaged ships).

Thanks a lot dude

Mora also costs more supply to field.

It costs 20 for a Mora, to give 3 fighters. You can field 2 Condors for 4 fighters *and* have 4 extra left over.

If you're legit making a general, go to /vg/. I'm not against Starsector threads, just don't name them general and make an empty OP

The game was cheaper back then

By the way, fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=177.0
If you're lazy you can check here what's updated. As of right now only 1 mod with ships and some utilities. I recommend leading pip as it helps with aiming a lot.

>Condor doesn't have a system that let's you vent your flux while reducing damage received by 2/3.
A solid swarm of fighters and bombers (with a few actual craft as heavy hitters) can let your carriers sit well out of danger. Mora can tank damage - Condors don't need to.

>Besides only buying cost matters since 1st level in logistics gives you -50% supply upkeep
Buying cost is a pretty big deal until very late in the game.

Mora is like, what, 100k? Only one I've found so far was salvaged, but that seems standard for a cruiser-class ship. For that price you can have a fleet of 4 Condors, with equipment.

Besides, that talent doesn't decrease the main sources of supply usage:
>cost to repair CR/hull damage from combat
>cost to repair CR decrease from hitting phase storms/corona/etc

Also, Condors are super easy to find. They're an amazing way to fill out slots in your fleet until maybe very late in the game.

Also what this guy said.

If you order them to attack, they will send their fighters. Aggressive captains will send them over constantly.

Hmm. But Aggressive captains will also suicide the fucking ship too.

What happens if you give a ship no weapons? Do they just ram the other guys?

I fucking love leading pip.

I also eagerly await Nexerelin update. With all the new stuff it's ought to be awesome.

Nexerelin is most likely to be updated last, so wait like 1-2 months

i can't stop surveying

send halp

i installed java 7 and im still getting a fatal null error on startup - no mods

pls halp anons

They'll be classified as civilian ships, and ignore most of your orders and just hang back

Anybody flew this beauty already? How is it?
Mora is broken once you get it. Condor is good starting carrier, quite cheap, it's just that when you get to cruiser stage Mora is pretty cheesy with its system.
You typed in dummy code before cracking?

should i go full mora

woops :3 no i didn't

So couple issues:
-How to make/use neutrino detector to not be fucking worthless with all the false positives?
-Do fighters leave the carriers immediate surroundings or do i also have to send that glass-armorred shit into the fray?
-How to make enemy fleets bigger/prevent them for running like bitches every. fucking. time.

Quicksave, buy one, test if it's good for you. If you need tankiness it's good.

New enemies are FUN

How do I improve relations with factions besides bounties, I really want go get a Sindrian Diktat commission but they never fucking put a bounty up.

Buy their shit and solve their food crisis. They sell cheap antimatter anyway.

I want my experimental tri tach ship back damnit.

Whats the cheepest system to get food in?

>yfw literally diving into a suns corona with sustained burn to get to a reserarch facility

Totaly worht it

You can strip "Damaged" ships to remove their damage mods.

Think some Luddic path planet with low stability. You don't need more than 1k anyway.

anyone knows what mod has this beauty? I need my Templar Pandemonium

>have over 100k spacebux
>can't buy anything good because nobody likes me

Is that what happens when you have enough shit to clear research facilities?

I have literally never seen the last 4 mods anywhere except as commissioned purchases from Tri-Tachyon.

Keep skimming the Black Market. You can buy virtually any Destroyer/Cruiser (including Medusa/Sunder/etc.)

You also can't buy ships from factions unless you are working for them, regardless of how well they like you.

should i jump straight to the atlas for cargo or i can dick around with a collosus for some time?

Looks like Knights Templar. Not updated for 0.8 yet though.


I'd avoid both, unless you're trying to play as a trader.

Burn 7/6 is awful. You can't catch anything, and you can't run away from anything.

Tartiflette made the color scheme; it was posted in a /vg/ thread first. No mod has it, but it's relatively easy to add in

I just want my damn aurora.

how else i gonna haul my phat loot while salvaging systems?

I want to fuck my qt officers so bad


wrong board faggot

the requirement to have volatiles for the neutrino detector is pointless and annoying

I usually run a couple of Mules, but I haven't done any major salvaging operations.

If you're not going for combat, low burn should be fine. Just watch out for enemy fleets trying to kill you.

I don't mind the idea, but the detector is trash anyway so yeah, never use it. If it was usable while in Sustained Burn, then I would use it.

Love this new scavenging feature because now I can go full blown scavenger and not even buy anything.

is there something to RGN fucking you up, if you pirated the game? I am a poorfag and paranoid

Use Shepherd.
>100 cargo in a frigate
>Survey mod
>Salvage mod

What is a dummy code?

what do you actually do in the beginning?

I scavenge small fleets

For the tutorial, or after that finishes?

Well, I guess that solves my money problems forever.

either way. I run out of supplies and fuel too fast

Get the -25% fuel usage perk. Ideally, do a few battles to get lvl 3 in that perk to get +5 for Sustained Burn (it will help a lot). Buy a shuttle and a tanker. Pick up exploration quests (ideally try to pick up multiple exploration quests in places very near each other). You don't even have to fight anything.

keep doing this until you have enough money (like 300-400k). Go on a prolonged shopping spree, just checking black markets, station by station. The world is now your oyster.

Where do I get organs? It seems like there's always requests for them but I have no idea where to get them. I even have a shielded cargo vehicle to smuggle them with.

>Mod the skill that increases own weapon recovery to 100%
>Make sure every ship has bulkheads mod installed
>Game is fun

Cool I don't have to babysit the AI anymore.

well, time to get some buckets of space paint, my pandemonium needs a new paint job

What about this one, looks like a Rime with some extra stuffs added, weapons maybe?

yes I know, these are the sprites posted in the previous thread

This ship warps into the sector and slaps your shipfu's ass. What do you do?


I fucking hate that I need crews, team members, companions etc. It is always fucking bullshit and never behaves like I want it to. Am I forced to have fighers'n'stuff other than my main ship? I just started game, when it becomes fun?


Burn literally doesn't matter anymore. Once you get the skill to improve sustained burn you can keep 20 even with cruisers.

Just carry a lot of both and resupply often. Early on, avoid flying around or fighting unless you're doing so for a mission that gets you a decent amount of money.

If you need more fuel to get places, buy a tanker ship or two. If you need to carry more supplies get a freighter or combat freighter.

As said, the scanning missions are often a cheap way to get money. Basically all you need for them is a lot of fuel.

Check stations until you find one with a medical centre, then check black market.

Unleash 4 atropos expanded missile racks into it. Then fire into it's dead hull until it turns to powder.

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my 2,300 range 4x Tachyon Lance. Nothing personal kid.

Easy way is to just mod the config file.


Do that after you get the skill and it's virtually the same.


Not sure this one has ever been posted in these threads

If you want to solo the game I suggest to wait for mods, they have the cool stuff for that.

Additional ships is the only thing that ruins whole experience for me. It is not a strategy game.

I like it.

Then don't, make the game your own.
Creating hulls is extremely easy through the files, make your own that are a little over the line and you can try soloing everything. I've done it before and it felt great.