ITT: Things that trigger PC gamers

ITT: Things that trigger PC gamers

>Limited inventory/Not being able to packrat everything



the forum says Xbox One

of course a kingdom hearts cuck is retarded



>Limited inventory/Not being able to packrat everything
...son, the most Sup Forums-core PC game of all time, the STALKER trilogy, has limited inventory, and it is part what makes said games engaging art.

oh sorry, I thought this was a honest thread.

This is some pretty bad bait, practically all of the games I play have this system in place


Checkpoint saving.
No mouse support.

>the horrible photoshop filters over everything

>triggers PC gamers
>in the Xbone section
>PC gamers

>this slavshit

Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

I backed up my saves haHAA

>Checkpoint saving.
Yeah this ruined Nu-Doom for me. Absolutely haram.

Pointing out that most of the best games aren't that graphically demanding and that upgrading their hardware is pointless 90% of the time

How do checkpoints affect it in any way? It makes it easier to progress in the game when you get past a certain part. If anything it just saves time

>what are arpgs? (diablo like games)

>No mouse support.

much more accurate, I'll add

no controls, no graphics options

> a gem takes up the same space as a gun
I'm not a pcvck but this is dumb

BBRRUUHH, a small key takes the same space as a shotgun

Somehow I'm a resident evil fan yet I always hated the inventory management

>links to a thread on the games xbone board

Didn't Diablo come out before RE?

4 fucking nailed it and 7 is definitely a step in the right direction.

The thing that triggers me is when you can't use a mouse in a grid inventory, RE4 was the fucking worst.

shit b8 bruh
heres a (You) out of pure pity

>Triggers PC players

I kind of agree with him, mostly on the fact that key items and everything else share the same inventory





Games with inventory management and hording sims are both popular on PC though. 6 items seems a bit small but I've never played RE so I can't judge how well it works. I like Deus Ex's style of inventory tetris the most.