What does Sup Forums think of Rise "Risecchi" Kujikawa?

What does Sup Forums think of Rise "Risecchi" Kujikawa?

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I wish she was real.


we already have a rise thread

She would be better if she had a feminine penis

best girl in p4

Alpha slut


Don't you know that "Risecchi" threads are the official Rise threads?

She is one of those "looks like a slutty but it's actually a pure girl"

that always really gets me and that's why I love her.

Laura Bailey MADE that character

Highly doubt Sup Forums gave a fuck about that squeaky granny voice rise

>english voice


I'm jealous of her.


Also post more because another Rise user teased and left like a jerk


You know I'm surprised atlus can get high end name voice actors compared to other Japanese game studios.

I mean people shit on atlus dubs but they for example got Troy baker to do Catherine. A lot of other companies find it hard to get one decent name.

What's their secret?

It was before Troy was a big name

Notice how he didn't come back for Ultimax after he made it


Here's your new whore lover arcana character

she looks even more older and used

twintails are truly slut handles


Literally Rise was atleast fun flirty with you and remember kings game? She made that shit fun. Ann is just hot as fuck but completely boring besides pic related.

Rise was also incredibly annoying any time she was on screen or opening her dumb fucking mouth.


Even better, i'd fuck it.

This. As shitty as she was in the game, she's still better than the majority of real women.

Risecchi is great as a temporary waifu while you wait for nanako to grow up.

>playing dub
You only have yourself to blame.

Well played user.

I'm 30 years too young to have a chance with her

>I am on a higher plane of existence because I play games in a language I don't understand

The universe threw us a serious bone with Matt Mercer, that boy's impression is flawless.

twitter kids these days...

Why do they keep dubbing the navigators to sound so much older than they are? Rise wasn't that bad but her JP voice was quite a bit higher. Futaba sounds like she's 30.

I like Mercer

I'm fluent in moon user. I had to learn moon to watch Kamen Rider and this weird sengoku era detective drama as a kid because they showed it in the morning on the Japanese language channel.

Yeah, it's a really good change, shame we can't say the same about Burch Rise, she couldn't live up to Bailey

Rise is not a whore you fags

Maybe if you played the jap version with the cancerous voice sure.

I didn't mind Rise's flirty personality since she could liven up events as compared to ann who i don't even know what to call her besides being incredibly bland.

>is an idol
she's had more dicks in her than a Crusades convention.

But Rise is best when she isn't being flirty and gets serious. Isn't the flirty just a facade to cover up her depression anyway?

No, it isn't, that's kind of the point of her S.Link. That "Rissette" is just another bit of her.

A lot of the S.Links in Persona 4 tend to be "I don't want to be thing!" and then at the end, they find that they liked being whatever they were going against.

Honestly, I feel like Alexis Tipton would have done a better Rise voice since she is so spot on with Bailey's roles

>But Rise is best when she isn't being flirty and gets serious

Nope. What do you even mean by serious?

>only girl who's open about her feelings (none of this shy uguu shit)
>Valentine's Day
>"I'm serious about you"
>knowledgable about the industry. Basically the only girl with business sense
>also she's famous so you can be her trophy husband
Honestly, I respect her the most out of all the waifus.

>you will never be Yu, having such an incredible waifu and incredible laifu



I still miss them bro's


Shes pretty cute but can she dab? (Chie best girl I just don't have any picture of her dabing)



I fucking hate Yu

Yu is a fag
Charlie is a baller.

He is. How dare he have Rise. BRINGS MY PISS TO A BOIL.

Yu reminds me too much of Korean men. Always have that cool composed look and they don't appear to give a shit about anything but being and looking cool and chic and in command of things.

U jelly 3D bois

Darn right I'm fucking jealous, Rise is perfect, PERFECT, and that grey haired faggot gets her. IT'S NOT FAIR BRO'S.


bump because this is the better game

That is simultaneously hilarious and fucking disgusting. Well meme'd user.


Femc > Yu

Romancing the team killer > Pikachu

Get ready for your true story, user!

>she will never stick that incredible ass in your face
>you will never lick her sweet body


>yu unconsciously trying to record this

Not posting the whole thing