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>It's a pic of her pussy

modding this changing, the ini file for resolution and increasing dino limit

This brings forth traumatic foggy memories about tornadoes

This game had mods?

I save scummed the shit out of this game back in the day. Fuck those tornados.

>Not just using the cheat code to make it permanently sunny whenever a tornado showed up on the weather forecast


>When you unlocked Site B for all your dino-duels.

I loved this game. I wonder what happened to the DLCs.

Litterally one of my favorite games ever

I spent an absurd amount of time in Site B. Probably longer than in the actual park-building mode.
I'd love to spawn just a whole bunch of different dinosaurs all around the island and observe for hours to see what survived. If I noticed that a dinosaur made it through its entire lifespan I'd build a small mountain where it died.
Or, once I learned about the .ini files, I'd just hatch 500 each of ankylosaurus and carcharodontosaurus and watch them wage war.

Jurassic World version WHEN

ya blew it

you can ini edit fucking LOADS of shit

its bonkers

there's no way this works on windows 8, is there?


>Its YOUR job to make it WORK
>just BUILD the PARK

oh shit

Who /SNES/ here?

I'd love it. Imagine ever more pressure building to create a dinosaur hybrid like the Indominus, or military organizations trying to buy dinosaurs for operations.

>oh yes *chuckles*
>you have a T-Rex huhu

right here, indoor section music and x-ray vision raptors scared the fuck out of me as a kid.


yeah, but when I think about, the raptors never attacked unless you got close to them

True but 'close to them' also includes on the other side of a fricking wall!
You can be walking around a completely empty room and suddenly a raptor is screaming in your ear out of fucking nowhere

>Jurassic Park on PS1
>cheat codes are in the instruction manual
>but only in the French section

There should be more playable dinosaur games.

i traded it in to get another game and i regretted it almost immediately afterwards. but i had completed the game. glad i can just pirate it on pc and relive the memories if i want to.


>tfw using cheat codes on the xbox version to spawn tons of tornadoes
>tfw the game froze and made an extremely loud buzzing noise
I miss shit like this in vidya

fuck I hope we get another one of these in the future. not the shitty mobile game.

Favorite dinosaur? I always liked Carcharodontosaurus. It was a big carnivore and brought in the big bucks but you got it earlier than Spinosaurus or T-Rex.

Raptors, of course.

Spinosaurus, i loved velociraptor but fuck they were a pain to take out
>having flashbacks of doing that one challenge where you had to take out the rampaging carnivores, all the fucking velociraptorshits

Acrocanthosaurus, scary looking desert bastard.

I always liked having carcharodontosaurus in my Site B dinosaur battles because it didn't have any of those dumb territorial disputes. Kill the herbivores, not each other.

>It's a dinosaur disease that you didn't investigate before infecting your herds and halting other important shit episode

How do you get earlier Carcharos than Spino? they are almost in the same level or popularity and both are from the African formations.

>No feathers.
So unrealistic. Shit game.

>Mesozoica STILL isn't finished
>Saurian isn't finished
>Operation Genesis 2 never


>Muh feathers
First,not all dinosarus were covered in fluff and plumage, deal with it.
And this is Jurassic park for fuck sake, the saga where you can splice fucking frog DNA into fragments of dinosaur genome and expect it to work.

>Dino Crisis reboot never
Rex, as always. But the Carcharodontosaurus model and sounds in JPOG were really, really good so I'd say that it comes in at a close second.

Alright anons I won't like it but I was one of those "big" JPOG youtubers from like 9 years ago.

I saw the isla muerta videos one day and got fraps and started making videos. I was like 13 at the time and also owned the soundtracks to the first two movies and this was back when they didn't have the audio files locked up and you could do anything with them.

Anyways I made all of my videos in Windows Movie Maker and used some mods I found on the big forum site at the time (Can't remember the name). Looking back on it some of those videos had like 20k+ views and I wish I had stuck with it.

Saurian looks really interesting, too. Too bad they're $200k from even beginning work on a console port.

You were thirteen. Probably better you waited until you grew up. Nobody wants to listen to a voice-cracking adolescent doing LPs.

you um do know the videos in question were not LPs right? they were stories you'd make with the npcs after you got them to act a certian way on the 400th save reload. No voices only Jurassic park music, sound effects and text. There were specifically about 5-6 big youtubers at the time and I just got lucky to be one because another one of the biggest started showing other people my shit.

>Never get Regina in another game

There must be something to stop this in the geneva convention.

>Dino Crisis reboot never
i want a sequel to dino crisis 3 desu

That's just silly user

I want a 3rd Dino Crisis. Call it 'Dino Crisis: Third Energy,' and retcon that shit out of existence.