S when did you quit WoW for good Sup Forums?
For me it was when I got 2 meme legendaries. A guildie that was same spec and same ilvl as me was doing 150k more dps thanks to being skilled enough to get his BiS legendaries.
S when did you quit WoW for good Sup Forums?
For me it was when I got 2 meme legendaries. A guildie that was same spec and same ilvl as me was doing 150k more dps thanks to being skilled enough to get his BiS legendaries.
>Quitting WoW
>During the best expansion ever
>quitting after Cataclysm
WoW's unfortunately been dead for longer than it's been alive by now
Yeah, it is without a doubt the most impressive I've been since WotLK, but this lego and titanforged RNG-fest is really killing me
I quit playing once they removed 10 man raiding. I never even bothered with heroic, but they gutted even normal with their stupid flex bullshit.
They've been steadily increasing the drop rate of Legendaries since the launch of the expac, so most players have like 5 or 6 by now. Also they changed how bad luck protection works in 7.2.
>when did you quit WoW for good Sup Forums?
after wrath.
After I realized raid nights are retarded logistical nightmares and the loot was boring.
I didn't even make it to max level this time
Super high titanforges aren't really a problem imo.
Like if you look at someone who only ever runs Heroic dungeons, they might have one piece of gear that's equivalent to that of a Mythic raider. And that's all well and good, that's probably one of their favorite items or at least was really exciting when they got it. But the Mythic raider will have that quality of gear in every slot.
As for Leggos go, I really can't defend how bad they were at launch. I almost quit due to it as well. But they've fixed their shit since then.
after i got good enough gear and everything started to feel like a mondain experience of , connecting , doing dailies for the weapon, looking if im not locked into something, getting into a raid, failing it since the group sucks, reentering a new one, finishing it .. ok the whole week has passed, rinse and repeat
I quit last month, I realized it was over when I'd log in and couldn't even indulge my routine - not only that, not even 5 mins after logging in I'd realize there's nothing I want to do and just logged out.
Sub dropped and I don't think I'll be back for all of legion, the game is just too asocial now. It's not fun, the world is full of people and you never talk/group with them. It's a theme-park of waiting in line to go on the ride which is rep/gear/bosses.
The required mythic+ grind burned me out. Dungeons aren't fun enough to spam every day.
Which Mythic+ grind are you referring to?
One high level keystone each week doesn't sound that unreasonable. You don't even have to complete it in time.
If you're talking about AP, I hope you realize how much time you wasted for a minor power boost that Blizzard purposefully put diminishing returns on to disincentivize grinding.
I lost most my interest after they failed to deliver in Cataclysm. I gave them another chance with MoP but the game had lost its charm for me at that point, I had no interest in pandas.
I was waiting for the game subscription fee to get cheaper and even bought Warlords of Draenor during a Christmas sale, but the funny thing is I never ended up buying any sub time, so I haven't touched WoD (I watched gameplay footage and it seemed they didn't really learn from Cata). Never even touched Legion.
Sounds like most players only care about endgame/raids nowadays
Started in vanilla. Quit half way through WoD. This time for good.
I don't know why people are supposed to care about leveling that everyone has done to death already
I quit at the beginning of this expansion. Legion's as good as the game's ever been, but really Warlords burnt me out. I hung in there for Legion hoping it'd be enough to reignite the spark, but I had nothing left. I spent my last couple of weeks making level 29 twinks to bully the F2P battlegrounds.
>Run one raid in vanilla 30 times because item you need doesnt want to drop
>Not RNG
>Get legendary you dont want
I quit before the trial raid came out, dunno how things changed
false argument. back then we understood we wouldn't get an item but we still could get others, and raiding was fun.
now everyone gets a legendary, but it's not good enough - they want a GOOD legendary
they turned the game into diablo 3. instant gratification, everyone is a winner. makes winner far less sweet.
Weak bait, but for those who haven't played:
Getting a bad legendary gimps you, because it takes double the time it took you for the next legendary, so you have no real way to target the legendaries that actually change your entire rotation and boost your dps by at least 20%. Meaning if you got Dumbass the Trial who lucked out on 2 BIS legos you take him and you bench Artorius, Death's Demise, who is 30 ilvls above Dumbass but got some trash """legendaries""" that give him 2 heroic leap charges.
epic. simply epic