Sony always loses interest in their toys after a while. So it doesn't matter how good the PSVR is, it's nothing if the only company making content for it, drops it.
Nicholas Rodriguez
Did this shit ever have any games?
Luke Russell
I feel like hype around VR in general has kind of died down but PSVR seems to have had the biggest drop.
Ethan Diaz
Sold a million units on OMG VR HYPE!!!.
Then it got literally no fucking games and nobody cares anymore. VR was a complete flop because you cant have actual real games due to the movement fucking you up. So you get on rails shit, gimmicky novelty LMAO XD games and walking simulators
Jonathan Gray
pretty sure it's getting the most support in that regard at this point, new stuff gets released every week
everything sucks though
Nathan Torres
They only put it out there because VR was this new trend everyone was jumping on and Sony didn't want to look like they were being left behind.
They did the same thing with Six-Axis.
Lucas Anderson
i picked up BattleZone, EVE and Tumble VR on launch day and had some fun with those. But (discounting RE7 as it isn't to my taste) it just hasn't had anything that can hold me playing.
Everything released seems to be either a walking sim or an arcade-style game. I'm hoping Ace Combat can pull it back for me a little
Ian James
The only good PSVR game is Ace Combat 7, and that's just for one game. I remember shilling the fuck out of it to spite Microcucks, but the bottom line is. If you don't have games to support it, it's dead in the water.
Applies to Scorpio, Switch at least had Breath of the Wild to boost itself.
Lincoln Mitchell
>VR was a complete flop because you cant have actual real games due to the movement fucking you up. They'll solve the eye/inner-ear dissonance vomiting problem in a couple decades from now and then VR will become huge.
Liam Clark
All it gets is shovelware. VR is never taking off without real system sellers.
Eli Russell
I have it and love it. I can spend all day on Werewolves Within. I got Farpoint preordered.
Chase Torres
>Bought a PSVR for a Multiplat
Top kek
Kayden Garcia
>actually involved in a platform war reddit shitposting kys
Lincoln Watson
VR requires a stable environment for developers, and it also needs a focus on the next applicable gaming technology.
For now the only system that can present force feedback/resistances of Virtual Environments is Dexmo's offerings.
As it's too combersome for gaming, the peripheral will need to reach a similar glove format, otherwise all you have is waving around sticks in the air.
Samuel Ward
Ryder Cook
You know, the PS4 only sold well because of GTA4 launching with FPS + improved graphics. It nailed Xbone in it's coffin for the first year because people realised they didn't want a shitty peripheral, they just wanted the best offering of their games at the time.
VR is a PC centred platform that doesn't have a slew of interesting games in development right now. As the topic was about games, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my statement. Sadly the only replies are from anons who struggled through primary education.
Benjamin Russell
Even with all that, there's still no sense of actual weight. A boob won't feel like a boob because there's nothing actually there. You can swing a sword without any momentum or anything, so it'll still feel fake as shit.
Logan Collins
>You know, the PS4 only sold well because of GTA4 launching with FPS + improved graphics
didnt even bother reading the rest, obviously have no idea what youre talking about, GTA4, you mean GTA5 and its a stupid point anyway
Brayden Lopez
I'll be dead by then
Camden Gray
Joseph Peterson
I'm glad you read it, maybe you'll think about it while you sleep user.
VR was just another gimmick. Of course it didn't catch on.
Andrew Hill
>Wii comes out with waggle gimmicks. >Everybody copies them. >Eventually fizzles out. >"Naw the problem was we didnt strap bullshit to our heads, lets try again."
Tyler Gutierrez
Another demo product: you want to test it for yourself, but once that ends, its trash
Eli Peterson
People have either tried it or moved onto something else. It's still around and a neat experience but even supporters admit it needs more work before everybody will be using it.