White protagonist

>white protagonist
>black antagonist
>somehow this is considdered a SJW game

Other urls found in this thread:


(((white))) antagonist
(((black))) protagonist


Sup Forums logic.
They don't want anything to do with black people at all. They stick the fingers in their ears and say LALALALALALA

correct, only instead of putting their fingers in their ears they point to every manner of testing available to us to prove that blacks have the lowest intelligence of all races.

women can do no wrong

His race has nothing to do with his vilany. He's evil because he's a man.


It's true though :^)

Anti-Sup Forums threads are just as bad as Sup Forums threads.

You should kill yourself you horizon shilling aids infested BBC loving weed smoking faggot ass braindead cuck

Sylens was a god tier character. You could quite get a good reading on him.

Tests that were performed by already biased conductors like Flynn and others who tried to achieve quasi-celeb status by doing controversial reports.

Give the switch back Jaquwan

Remember kids, science is jewish SJW propaganda, except when we agree with the results.

settle down chums

The average Sup Forums poster has a critical brain condition that makes him incapable of processing the presence of anything that isn't a white male in video games. As a result his brain overloads whenever that happens and he starts spouting rethoric about them "SJWs", "pandering" and "muh Stonk femlae character is ruining gaming", no matter if the game actually does contain so called SJW-tendecies or not.

Possible causes of this condition include but are not limited to:
Too much exposure to extremly intense sunlight in early years,
Zero social skills due to only communicating with other human beings over shitty internet forums like this,
Getting dropped on the head while still a baby
or willingly living with a huge stick shoved up your ass for extended periods of time. It's quite a fascinating subject, really.

A black antagonist is okay if it's MAN


Wait, lance reddick is in horizon? I loved his performance in quantum break. How is he in horizon?


If they made it more obvious it would be in fucking neon ligths

He's not the antagonist until the sequel

The main antagonist is a buffed with toxic masculinity alt-white male


Redditor got his buzzwords mixed up.

I don't know why he is in but I'm glad I'm not the only Lance Reddick fan here. Loved him since Fringe and his Papa Legba from AHS was great. He is good in Horizon and I can't wait to see him in the sequel.

Cool, I'll have to pick up horizon when I eventually get a ps4. I wasn't interested in horizon until now. Can't believe I missed the fact that he was in it.

>All this talk of Sylens
>Not acknowledging Aloy's true lover
>The one who destroys her holes on the regular

Did he just dunk his face in vaseline or something?

Is that Daniels?

Watch the epilogue again, and listen to what he actually says. It is very obvious it is a fake out, and he won't be the antagonist.

Yeah, whenever he's not doing video games he's playing a cop on TV.


>horizon shilling aids infested BBC loving weed smoking faggot ass braindead cuck
Yes, yes, quite. I concur!

It's easily triggered virgins freaking out that the game had a reference to global warming = SJW agenda

You need to live around black people to understand