Really makes you think

Really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:

Right side looks better desu. Pikmin is the only good thing on the left

Grill/underage/manchild detected

last time nintendo did with 3 of the franchises on the left autists could never recover
only f-zero is untarnished

>What *I* want
Fuck off autismo

I hope Metroid stays dead\.


>shitting on Pikmin 3
No bitch niggas allowed.

Except Nintendo always has one or two titles from their core franchises every year.

Also, I would play the shit out of LEGS.

Assuming Nintendo could every make another f-zero/starfox/metroid game without everyone shitting on it. See

>already forgot the 3ds platformer
i guess it's for the better

I'd rather see Starfox die quietly than have another installment

They obviously don't know what to do with that franchise

>Animal Crosssing Warriors
Holy fuck. Now I want this.

You got a fucking problem with kirby?
You some kind of faggot?

We just got a star fox and a metroid last year and a pikmin is coming this year

>wanting more StarFox and Metroid after the last trash that we got
Just let it die

upboat, just good keks, user

someone posted this 80,000 word Fox/Wolf fanfiction in another thread.
They claimed it's clean, but i don't want to spoil my eyes out of fright of losing wizard powers, can someone confirm?

Kill yourself
Also enjoy your Amiibos Festival 2 you piece of shit

>doesn't want more Kirby

Fuck me this would be amazing.


>2 brand new spin offs and a brand new IP

Left is the cancer fanbase

some real monkey's paw shit right there lmao

Nobody ever bought these games.

See F-Zero. Zero happened, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the last game in a long while again.

That's a weird one. Before Other M the series had good sales, if I remember correctly.

I haven't really looked into the upcoming 3DS game yet.


I actually do want an Animal Crossing game on the Switch. It's cozy af

But Star Fox 0 and Federation Force were fucking shit

Kirby has more bad games than good games

Which begs the question; why do until want more?

Kirby LITERALLY doesn't have a single bad game.

Stop posting from your phone, cancer.

>Animal Crossing warriors
I'd unironically buy this.

>Kirby has more bad games than good games
Can't even name one.


Was Star Fox ever good?

Make me

Rainbow Curse

The only reason you can't seem to find a bad one is because they're all bad.


Now name a bad one.

Fuck off, Gamespot.

>Animal Crossing Warriors

oh god yes

Not bad. It's good. Not great. But not bad. It's perfectly enjoyable.

Rainbow Curse isnt bad
Its flawed but still decent enough.

this is the argument kirbyfags use for every game
why does such a mediocre series get shilled so much?

You know what they say; autistics are afraid of change and new experiences.

I've never played any Kirby game ever, what's the best one I can play on 3DS?

We JUST got a Pikmin game in 2013, you autismi


The only good Star Fox was 64.

Are you fucking 13?

Let me guess, you think Kirby is "for faggots" too.

Maybe not for faggots but definitely for kids.

It's a Nintendo game, kids and soccer moms and wholesome Christian families are Nintendo of America's entire target demo.

Nintendo Japan knows games are for everyone.

>Mario & Sonic Wedding planners

We have a pretty cool sitcom here

Swap Kirby/Star Fox and it's correct desu

Fuck off nigger it's a bunch of paper mache triangles floating around in space

It was only "good" because the technical achievement of a game representing 3 dimensions blew people away in 1993

Who would be playable in Animal Crossing Warriors? The NPCs who appear in every town, like Nook and K.K. Slider, or the random animal villagers?

>kirby not on the "what i want" side
shit chart desu senpai

Yeah, it's clean.

>reading a fanfic will get you laid
starting reading rn

Right side is objectively better.

I would immediately but a switch if they actually announce animal crossing warriors
>defend your town and recruit new villagers
>attack other players to gain resources to customize your village and build defences
>Isabel is now secretary of defense

Don't forget mini snes. With all their supply issues people are fucking retarded if they think that's going to be at e3.

Why do Kirby games have so many autistic defenders?

>Still no Starfox: Assault 2

>Lu Bu as a villager

I'm okay with a new game of Animal Crossing and Kirby, to be honest. They deliver good stuff amost always with those two titles.

F-Zero is fucking trash, so many games do it better.

StarFox is dead after Zero.

Metroid is dead, and only its autistic small autistic sonic-tire fanbase obsesses over it still.

Pikmin is still alive and well, 4 is already known to be happening.

Kirby is one of Nintendo's best series

Animal Crossing is great for just about everyone.

Arms looks fantastic.

Mario and Sonic, no idea about that series. Had fun with the first one but never played one since.

All in all, this does make me think. Makes me think you're a retard, OP. Same for the rest of this thread agreeing with you

He said star fox 64 you stupid bitch

f-zero is fucking great and i say that as someone who loves wipeout and rollcage

It's been a while since I've seen people ask for star fox after the atrocity that was zero. Star fox was never good desu

F-zero X is better than wipeout HD

superstar ultra

>Reality: No new announcements at E3. Heavy focus on SMO.

It is true, you really do grow out of nintendo

I was gonna make a "what I want" list to but fuck man all the ideas have been done to death and I dont really like nintendos recent new IPs. Splatoon and Arms just seem so childish that I dont care for them.

I bet on a lot of third party stuff, but none "real" so to say.
Lots and lots and lots of downscaled PS4 footage.

Basically given the WiIU track record, nobody was expecting the thing to actually sell third party games, and it is, so i bet on a lot of "late bandwagoners".

Name one arcade racer better than f-zero gx/ax.

like mario you fucking faggot, if you are so retarded to find kirbys adventure bad, then please for the love of god kill yourself before your first litter of retard babies

F-Zero wont sell

Pokemon should definitely be at least teased at E3 if not outright announced.

Nintendo gave you Star Fox Zero and you fucks hated it

They then gave you Federation Force and you hated it

Now you got a new handheld Pikmin and you people hate it before its even out

You faggots don't know what you want

I don't understand how it's fucking possible to be a modern Nintendo fan, and this is coming from someone who's owned every goddamn console they've ever made.

>NES was good
>SNES was good
>N64 was clunky but had good games
>Gamecube was good, suck my dick
>Wii was a stroke of absolute luck that had nothing really going for it until I turned it into an emulator box
>Wii U had fucking droughts for months until being unceremoniously killed (Just like the Wii, this thing was just a Smash machine to me)
>The Switch has one fucking game worth a god damn for MONTHS and I beat it, so it's not just "what easily emulated arcade port would I like to buy for cheap"
>Virtual Console is handled like absolute fucking shit
>amiibo are handled like absolute fucking shit
>Treehouse localizations are handled like absolute fucking shit

inb4 some sperglord goes WAHH IT HAS GAEM and posts shit I either already own on something else or bullshit fucking shovelware

It's like fucking gameFAGs here, you get the morons who try to actually treat shit like Just Dance or Skylanders as genuine releases.


Star Fox 0 and Federation Force weren't actual Star Fox and Metroid games.

>Metroid and Star Fox died so Fire Emblem could live
And nothing of value was lost.

star fox should have continued the story instead of being a remake everyone has probrably played at least 3 times, and not had shit controls

federation force should have just not had a chibi artstyle and it might have been accepted as a spin off

handheld pikmin is a 2d platformer made by a shit dev, couldn't give a shit about it

Star Fox is probably the most overrated nostalgia bait game I've ever seen.


advance wars was lost

nearly 4 years ago kek
I hope they've been making Pikmin 4 since then
when the 3DS game was revealed I was disappointed that all of the confirmations on a new Pikmin game I assumed would be on NX at the time turned out to be that shit.
I'll still get it though

And F-Zero.

At least we got to see Cap beat the shit out of Lucina and Chrom.

>Wii was a stroke of absolute luck that had nothing really going for it until I turned it into an emulator box
I feel like this about the PS4
I feel like the PS4 is Sony's Wii, except it can't emulate
I didn't buy into the hype but got it in the end for Dragon Quest Builders and figured I'd pick up InFamous Second Son and whatever other crap that was on the cheap
there's nothing on the console I'm enjoying
I have high hopes for the Switch for some reason, just because it feels as though the first year is shit, but not as shit as any other console launch, although I'm probably in the minority that likes the look of ARMS
it's not too bad, but nowhere near PS2 launch standards

Welll the ps4 isn't an underpowered gimmick box, but it is very much a stroke of luck that it's aold ao well and I'd say it's 90% due to microsoft fucking up the xbox one for the first couple of years. If it weren't for that I'd say it would have sold reasonably well, but not 60million gangbusters

>animal crossing warriors

That could actually be fun.

this mate

I'd rather have Nintendo have a new IP for E3 than reveal another instalment of one of it's many tired franchises unless they pull an Odyssey on that franchise. I mean, is anyone really interested in getting yet another Starfox game?

>stop wanting things and let companies shove whatever garbage they want down your throat

Remember when Sup Forums had standards? I don't.

Both Metroid and Starfox got games within the past few years. Fans flogged the games. Why would they produce new so soon.

I hope they'll announce new Zelda desu. I just finished BotW and now I want more.

but not better than the wipeout on vita
sorry m8

>On the right, franchises that sell
>On the left, franchises that don't sell

Now *that* really make me think

Not for a long time man. They still haven't shown off the dlc yet