What are some vidya with unique and interesting artstyles that don't focus purely on realism, but rather visual appeal?
What are some vidya with unique and interesting artstyles that don't focus purely on realism, but rather visual appeal?
Revolution 60
all western games
Japanese games
The past three episodes have been utter trash. No wonder they scheduled Rick and Morty to replace Jack at the moment the show went from kino to flick.
Whoa Aku looks like THAT?
>inb4 le hats
There's a easy mod to fix that
R&M was a mistake. It's unfunny garbage.
>getting banned by vac
no thank you
>tfw no Samurai Jack by Platinum Games.
If you're looking for a Samurai Jack game you could try Furi for a similar futuristic samurai kind of deal.
The last three episodes have been fantastic you contrarian fuck. (albeit 5 is the weakest episode so far besides Scotsman)
I love Furi, but I already played it for 51 hurs and gotten all the achievements and S ranks and everything, I haven't much left and am a bit tired of it
I don't want Platinum Games to touch Samurai Jack and turn it in to CRAYZEEEH!
Crash Bandicoot 1-3
>vac banned over mods
how new to this are you? it's not mathacks
They did say the middle episodes would have a faster pace. They warned ya, but ya wouldn't listen son.
Also fuck off dude, 4 was fantastic in establishing the tonal change going forward. 5 and 6 were both also good.
Next episode is lining up to be kino. Hype.
>Visual appeal
Yeah, really appealing when everything looks like the construction site of a supermarket
would you Sup Forums?
Nothing happens
le jews and brown people are evil Sup Forums pandering
nostalgia pandering and turning an ominous presence into a shitty plot device never to be seen again. Also bringing back Scaramouche
>kino to flick.
Shut up.
I never laughed at it, but it's sadly the only Sci-Fi cartoon on TV. It's as close to Futurama I can get. I just pretend it's adult Doctor Who. I mean I don't rush to watch the show, but Sup Forums shitposting about it made me watch it. It's not bad. It's not great. Same as every show, some good, some awful, some meh.
She's too tall, her hips are too large and lips are gross big
Her face also looks like a mouse's from the side
>kino to flick.
Sup Forums letting in Reddit was a mistake, then Sup Forums thinking they're in good company using a word that has no meaning.
Of course.
Child of Light
>hips are too wide
Say what you will about the game but I thought its art style was just fantastic. Didn't even notice it at first until I examined a wall and then the entire style opened up to me and I was in awe.
I liked her old hair a lot more. Reminded me of the princess from Symbionic Titan.
>her hips are too large
you have brain damage son?
Somebody post the webm of her masturbating while tied up. With the rock rubbing and shit.
I really liked that game. I wish it was longer though.
You wouldn't fuck Ashi.
When is Jack going to breed her?
Wide hips can be a flaw in the eyes of some cultures
Her character development was terrible. As soon as jack disappeared she just became instantly good. instead of gradually becoming good. And then she went full ferngully on us.
Yeah, it's called TF2 Classic.
Eaten by hueg sandworm
Establishes the relationship between Ashi and Jack. Builds up the tonal shift for the episodes coming after. Plenty of shit happens, Jack saves Ashi, and escapes the fuck-off huge monster.
The fuck are you even saying? Are these words?
>Not liking Scaramouche aka best original character to the show
>Not liking a cameo episode where we see what has happened to all the dudes Jack helped the past 50 years.
>Litteral embodiment of gook Death feeding on the mental state of Jack gets defeated by Jack no longer being in a shitty mental state. I.e: there's fucking pay-off.
>Ominous presence that literally does nothing besides being ominous and mysterious.
>Implying they won't return the moment he falters again, like they left and returned again after episode 5.'
>I wasn't actually watching or paying that much attention
yeah, gay culture.
Unfinished Swan
Irish culture maybe
>No wonder they scheduled Rick and Morty to replace Jack at the moment the show went from kino to flick
Do people on Sup Forums really like reddit and morty?
You do realise people get tattoos of everything, so everything is shit, right? Fuck off. R&M would die on Sup Forums (despite it being loved prior to it becoming 'normie', fucking Sup Forums started the edits of the damn show) if you fucks stopped getting triggered by it.
What's to pay attention to? It took a single episode for her to change her ways completely.
Episode inside the animal she was still the same with slight tonal shift at the end. And then as soon as she saw the tree that's it.
Seriously if you've been trained from day 1 to become an assassin, your personality doesn't take a complete 180. Despite the fact she was different from the others. She's now soft spoken, smiling all the time and why would someone that's been trained to be an assassin even care if they're naked and then go full fashion designer with leafs
Did you even bother to read the replies you utter fucking spastic?
Haven't watched in a while, is she good now? Do she and Jack fug
These people need to be gassed along with this plebbitor.
>despite it being loved prior to it becoming 'normie', fucking Sup Forums started the edits of the damn show
I think you're not remembering it right. As far as I remember, it's barely been discussed in here, and it hasn't become "popular" to talk about on this site until very recently.
I'm gonna kek really hard when this Antifa's bleeding under the jackboots of the new Reich they helped thrust into existence
This was the first episode I didn't love.
The flashbacks were unnecessary, reviving Scaramouche was dumb, the penis joke was out of place and seemed like it was only there to remind the viewer that this is still a more mature Samurai Jack, the musical number was annoying, Ashii's leaf outfit doesn't suit her character or how she moves, seppuku ghost was a letdown, and I'm getting a bad feeling from this episode that Ashii is just the new protagonist.
The biggest offense is definitely how rushed the suicide scene was. If they took out Scaramouche's wacky hijinx and flashbacks they would have had time to give that the actual weight it needed after all that buildup. As it stands, it basically amounts to
>Jack, what are you doing?
>he failed and has to kill himself now
>no don't
>don't try to stop it!
>I'm not going to kill myself now
It sucks.
So what the fuck was this guys problem, was he just a regular ghost or what?
>was a weakling who died in a single hit
>plot felt rushed as fuck and he was dealt with in four minutes despite half a season of built up
>greatest and most majestic character design up until his reveal
Fucking ruined.
>despite it being loved prior to it becoming 'normie', fucking Sup Forums started the edits of the damn show
Nice lies fuck face.
>hips are too large
You need to rethink your life, user. I agree that sometimes too much is too much (Hitomi Tanaka's tits and the big butts from brapposters), but wide hips are a miracle of the universe.
>be taught one thing
>see the exact opposite
>feel suspicious about what you were taught
>speak with people who solidify feelings
>have 10 episodes to work with
It's fine. You're just autistic.
He is the Grim Reaper of Samurais. He probably died in one hit because Jack finally got over his regrets and that guy couldn't fuck with him anymore.
>tfw realizing she wasn't wearing a body suit but rather she was just covered in black shit the entire time
>I take offense to atheist fictional characters and confuse cosmic irony with randumb humor
If you watched the show you would realize the seszchuan sauce thing is hilarious because it's a giant fuck you to the audience and the arc they were setting up for the character. Only retards who can't into absurdism think that the show is randumb
But it's implied that he's a sort of physical being as well since Ashii can see and touch him. Doesn't really make sense.
>getting this triggered over people pointing that reddit and morty is a crap show
90s cartoon network had a terrible artsyle
It's alright, has its mooments like every other show
Wow, what a fucking faggot.
4 5 and 6 are shit tier what are you shills talking about
He also put on a ton of weight between episodes.
Or you could stop getting triggered by it and let it fucking die. You're continuing the shitposting and spamming because you get mad. R&M is a shit cartoon, you're getting triggered by something and screech like SJW.
Sup Forums started the edits of the old guy opening the kids eyes. You see them posted every so often.
My friends say that he only says there is no god... once. In the first episode. I guess this is a Sup Forums meme?
I'd go get the archive of "MAKE THIS VIDYA RELATED" but I can't be assed.
Furi looks like shit.
Also we're talking about Jack, user.
>tfw she went from ashy to classy
How the hell did you interpret that from my response? I was giving him shit for asking a dumbass question when the answers were staring him in his face
That's exactly one edit. Might as well say that Sup Forums is into Winnie the Pooh because of edits of this image.
You sure are one stupid nigger
Darkest Dungeon
One edit? There is hundreds of those things. And my point is that Sup Forums started the edits, but Sup Forums and Sup Forums liked R&M until it got popular. Sup Forums still does. Go on, try shitposting about it on Sup Forums. Hell, even Sup Forums mods will ban you.
This image is dumb, Rick is clearly not a self insert, he's a caricature.
reddit and morty
haha lol
Lol I get it good one
Hundreds of edits of one forced meme. Good job, retard. The truth is that nobody here gave a shit about it except a few fans of the show, and no one's been talking about it until Season 3. Comparatively to a lot of other things that were flavor of the month here, your shit show is a piss drop in the piss ocean.
he was a caricature in the pilot and the most recent episode, but for the majority of the series he's been a mouthpiece for the creators
Anyone got a download link?
>I guess this is a Sup Forums meme?
Proof other than your asshole?
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums cross shitposter is the reason behind all these R&M threads and posts
Everything makes sense now.
Madridista Sup Forums archives
Fuck off back to Sup Forums with your reddÃt and memey you piece of shit.
But Morty is clearly the one the audience meant to identify with. Rick is just kind of a force of nature that drives the plot forward, Morty is the one experiencing it all with the viewer.
Thanks, dude.
> from kino to flick.
What does this even mean? From what shitty board do you come from? Go back there.
>But Morty is clearly the one the audience meant to identify with
does not contradict what I said about Rick being the creator's mouthpiece at all, user. try some reading comprehension you dumb Sup Forumsedditor.
This could be a pretty interesting thread, buy you faggots took OPs bait in derailed it instantly.
>you dumb Sup Forumsedditor
Oh, you're retarded. You should have just said so earlier.