>finally, FINALLY managed to mastercraft the Feline, Wolven and Ursine Witcher sets >ignored the Griffin set since I always thought it looked kinda lame >went from having around 300000+ gold through most of the game to less than 8000 They did not fuck around when they came up for the requirements for this shit, my god.
Can you tell me what the difference between having 300000 gold and 8000 gold in this game is?
It's not like there's anything else to spend it on other than shitty cosmetic armor that changes nothing.
Cameron Moore
They did balance the economy of the game quite well I'll give them that. I looted everything I came across, did all POIs and by the end of the base game I ended up with fewer than 1000 crowns after crafting all of the mastercrafted sets.
Then by the end of Toussaint I again ended up with less than 1000 crown after crafting all the grandmaster sets and getting all the house upgrades.
I never at any time had over 100,000 crowns though. I didn't sell anything that contained draconid or slyzzard hides or dust, I just dismantled them. And it paid off in the end by making my crafting much much cheaper.
Zachary Johnson
Pretty much this,useless as fuck when you can craft or find in the wilds better armor and shit then any vendor.
Daniel Taylor
The armors potentially change your playstyle. Griffin for example makes it so you can just spam igni or aard for every fight. youtube.com/watch?v=iPnoqwQEmjg
Aaron Sanders
the muslim blacksmith in heart of stone requires like 30000 or so to upgrade most of that shit isn't really useful, but eh
Luke Perry
>I looted everything I came across, did all POIs and by the end of the base game I ended up with fewer than 1000 crowns after crafting all of the mastercrafted sets.
Literally 1/3 of the way through the game it was a waste of time to even loot bodies and crates, because actually selling the junk was a pointless endeavor. No vendors had enough money to buy it all, so you had to travel to multiple to sell everything, and the money itself did nothing.
>The armors potentially change your playstyle.
The armors "change your playstyle" in the same way that choosing to use spells, bombs, traps, and potions "change your playstyle". It's not needed. It's a waste of time even on the highest difficulty. It's self-imposed complexity. It's not needed.
There are no "builds" in TW3. Stop pretending it's a real RPG.
Jason Fisher
What rpg would you say has a good economy? I found in almost all rpgs I can think of that I get pretty wealthy with minimum effort.
Michael Fisher
Love my grey dyed grandmaster feline armor, but fuck that hood. Looks spiffy if you got the glasses from HoS because it automatically lowers the hood
Zachary Kelly
Which is true, but if you're going to make a big open world with nothing to do in, the least you can do is pretend you've at least play tested it.
You know what I though? About 1/2 through the game, when I was doing that Dandelion quest, I kept thinking "They're going to give me this building, and I can pour my money into this to upgrade it or something".
But nah. Just left the city and the game ended.
Isaac Hall
does it makes sense for Geralt to melt things like he's a fucking Vilgefortz or something
Anthony Bailey
The hood is the reason I plan to work towards that set when I get to B&W. I loved the hooded set you got in the beginning of W2 and I was pretty bummed that there weren't any hoods, or any headgear for that matter, in W3 like at all.
Jaxon Jackson
>he unironically plays The Bitcher kek
Jose Kelly
Fable 3, had to earn a lot to buy all those houses and start making money to fix the kingdom
Jonathan Price
At least give me something to work for from saving all this damn money like post said.
Hell let me get rich and powerful,become a noblemen who spends his last days on lavish parties with skanks and drugs. With my ultimate goal of getting into the ruling family of Toussaint, Fucking Anna and Syannas brains out while they pump out endless children all the while I fuck up the whole country.
Carson Turner
i just cheated
Hunter Allen
Yup,we ironically do!
Sebastian Price
>fallout 4 on even on the list
discredits the whole industry to be honest
Jordan Russell
Sure that would be great but what game comes as close as possible to what you imagine? I'm just curious because I couldn't think of any game with an economy that wasn't easy mode.
Liam Walker
You're right,but I was pointing out at least having us do something spectacular will all that money. Developers don't get that so I expect the trend to continue,though some tried will property owning,revenue building etc but it still failed.
Eli Perez
>GOTY awards only matter when they pander to my opinions
I take it you're also a huge fan of Iquisition, TLOU, Skyrim and Overwatch.
Oliver Ortiz
>this mad over baby games
Landon Lewis
>Being this assblasted
Joseph Sanchez
How the fuck is everyone so rich in the Witcher? I'm permapoor as fuck, where do you make your money?
I barely loot things aside from major chests because of equip burden so that might be it
Julian Harris
I played the witcher though, but you'll never ever play blooborne ;^)
Elijah Lewis
I was constantly poor my first run too, I was just really shit at money management. In ng+ I just started selling literally every weapon and armor set I wasn't using and did regular currency exchanges at the Novigrad bank any time I amassed a good amount of orens and florens. That and I actually did as many witcher contracts as I could early on out the gate, which I didn't do the first time around thanks to the weird level balancing with every side quest you get in a new area being balanced for 12 levels above you or some shit.
It just kind of worked out.
Nathan Smith
>not using glorious White Grandmaster Griffin Armor
Andrew Jenkins
Does the witcher stop being boring at any point? Made to skelliger or however tf it's spelled and lost all interest in finishing the game. Felt like I was doing the same shit with slight different monsters everywhere.
Samuel Wood
If you still don't like it then you may as well drop it instead of bitching on Sup Forums
Joshua Hernandez
>laurel wreath crown Geralt is the one philosopher who's sword is mighter than his pen.
John Powell
>Geralt >children
Parker Baker
Griffin Gear looks cool if you painted it black and mod it to make it slim.
James Cruz
>tfw I rejected this cunt with the biggest smile on my face while she looked like she was about to cry
One of the highlights of the game.
Noah Ross
Kek i had it after 30min i cheated ;D Didn't finish the game though because it was boring
Isaac Hughes
>be a bitch to Geralt >Geralt tells to fuck off >become sad are all women so stupid?
Liam Thomas
I'm beginning to think that those who relentlessly hate on W3 are mainly people of color or/and women.
Which is completely understandable, since the target are obviously young men, preferably white. This is also the factor that made this game so successful - as young males constitute an overwhelming majority of the market.
Dropping political correctness can be incredibly benefitial.
James Long
I don't like the Bitcher 3 that much, but I love this pic.
Matthew Morales
are there any mods to make the combat not suck
Angel Fisher
What a great and insighful post
Chase Evans
>Literally 1/3 of the way through the game it was a waste of time to even loot bodies and crates, because actually selling the junk was a pointless endeavor. No. As I said earlier I ended up breaking pretty much perfectly even.
>No vendors had enough money to buy it all, so you had to travel to multiple to sell everything, and the money itself did nothing. The master smiths that craft your shit end up with insane amounts of gold, which are whom I sold most of my non-alchemy items to, and they still had tons to spare. Money is for crafting items and for buying Toussaint upgrades.
>It's not needed. It's a waste of time even on the highest difficulty. It's self-imposed complexity. It's not needed. Nothing anywhere is ever needed. I played Dishonored pure stealth and never used my sword. It's not about whether items are needed, sometimes it's about roleplay (god forbid you roleplay in an RPG). I roleplayed different styles of combat.
Joseph Gray
I liked Gothic 1s approach of "money" being a limited resource. You become trader master at the end.
Ethan White
Is there a better Inventory mod for the game that makes using the inventory with a controller faster or more intuitive?
I started playing the game on my TV since the expansion tanks my FPS on my main 1440p monitor too hard, and god DAMN going through all those fuckdamn icons/slots every time I want to select a new potion or something, this is fucking terrible. I could get used to having only 2 quickslots (or are the other two there somewhere too on a controller?) but I can't abide by this shit.
Leo Sanders
>Dropping political correctness can be incredibly benefitial.
>mfw Marvel's comic sales have been so abysmal they've finally had to stop virtue signaling and making every other a hero a token
i think my favorite part about that whole period is that they would make a big fuss about [x hero] being a woman or black or whatever but it was always written by some pudgy, bald, neckbearded white dude with glasses. i guess "diversity" doesn't really extend to making sure women and people of color can spearhead these ventures, huh?
Bentley Jenkins
Combat is fine you dumb parroting memester, but this nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1814/? should improve it. I haven't tried it yet, though.
Nolan Reed
no it's not
it's boring
Jason Morris
Marvel is stoping with that?
Are there anymore egregious examples? I know of only Jane-Thor and Black Iron Man.
I guess SpiderGwen, X-23 and Miles were exceptions?
Nathan Cooper
Why the hell did they think that putting so many fat armors was a good idea.
Gabriel Taylor
>Hell let me get rich and powerful,become a noblemen who spends his last days on lavish parties with skanks and drugs. With my ultimate goal of getting into the ruling family of Toussaint, Fucking Anna and Syannas brains out while they pump out endless children all the while I fuck up the whole country.
Then this wouldn't be a Witcher game now would it?
You're all arguing over the money equivalent of ludonarrative dissonance.
Colton Roberts
A better question would be why they thought making the bulk of non-witcher gear look like fucking jester outfits.
Jordan Murphy
I completed the whole game including the expansion packs and feels like I wanna play it again in NG+. Is the NG+ worth playing? What are it's changes aside from higher level item requirements and higher enemy level?
Cooper Flores
That's pretty much exactly what it is. I just completed the main quest in ng+ like 5 minutes ago and the only thing different were the levels being higher. If there was anything else that differed in any way, I didn't notice it. It's worth playing if you want to play again but want to start off with the armor and gear you ended with, but that stuff gets outclassed almost instantly, so there's that.
Luke Ross
Miles was a legacy character for the Ultimate Universe that became very popular. He's also genuinely a good character on his own right, so he gets a pass.
X-23 was a Harley Quinn style "popular tv character gets adapted into the comics". You could replace her with a male version and nothing would really change. Good as her own character.
Spidergwen was literally a variant cover that got popular. Less acceptable, but it's not like she's replacing any characters so who gives a shit.
Adrian Morris
No new armors? Different monster moves? Man that's a shame but I'll give it a try because Deathmarch seems pretty easy for me.
Bentley Morales
Dropped the game the moment Geralt met Yen at Toussaint and talked about they deserved rest It just doesn't felt right going on after that
Austin Price
Have Yovanna craft everything she can. She should become the richest character in the game Adv. tip: buy wax in Velen when you can. You'll run out later
Dylan Edwards
The real question in this game is why almost everything but the witcher armor sets are ugly af.
Michael Sullivan
Miles is terrible with a shit power set, should've died with ultimate - which also ran too long.
X23 was all about being her own person...now she's trying to be the wolverine. It's dumb.
At least champions, america, and the x men are good. Spontaneous dance party anyone? #woke
Joseph Rivera
Tfw you have your gmaster cat armor on with Annarietta during that mission and you're hood bros.
Nicholas Jones
How do I get into this game? Been playing through the first area and just find it hard to pick up momentum and really sort of feel the "flow"
Camden Hernandez
They are not stopping.
>He's also genuinely a good character No he's not.
Mason Gonzalez
First area's slow as fuck and honestly pretty boring. Try to stick with it until you get to Velen and start doing jobs for the Baron and things start to pick up a bit. If it doesn't click with you then, I don't really know what to tell you.
Carter Robinson
grinding out pixels is a good indicator that someone faces very few challenges in the real world, so they look for ways to create them in virtual reality. when you're spending countless hours gathering achievements or grinding out levels it should be an indicator to a functioning human being that it's time to stretch your comfort zones and find a job.
Christian Allen
Just unlock the console and add some money, jesus christ
Ryder Thomas
So, you dropped it at the very, very end. Genius.
Brody Nelson
Juan Walker
>not avoiding monotonous grinding
Nicholas Smith
Still had some sidequests to do though
Evan Nelson
Good for you.
Sebastian Anderson
OP here, I actuallly didn't have to grind that much if at all. I accumulated most of the money over the course of the game without really having to try that hard. Getting filthy stinking rich in this game isn't that hard to do if you don't spend like a retard.
Gabriel Price
I'd say getting money in Fable 3 was actually easier. You just make enough to buy one property then leave your game on while it generates a fuckton.
I did love that aspect of Fable 3. Really liked that game, easy as it was.
Alexander Hall
I beat Witcher 3 before the DLCs came out and haven't went back to play them. Should I start a new play through or just use a save from before I beat the game?
Isaiah Ramirez
I've been pretty cheap in my current playthrough. Selling and not buying outside of upgrades. I'm about to wrap up Dandelion's rescue and I'm sitting on a bit over 30k at level 22. Don't know if that matches up with you or not.
Charles Collins
The level III enchantment that allows you to treat all armors as light is actually very useful, as it allows you to get the feline school techniques bonus with heavy or medium armor.
Brayden Cruz
Yeah that's about right. By the time I was high enough level to actually wear the mastercrafted stuff I had enough to afford the 3 sets and then some. Managed to get a good 4000 back just by selling stuff to Yoana after all was said and done too so I came out of it with 10000+ gold, which is still a pretty decent amount.
Joshua Torres
The economy is pretty easy. I end up with well over 50k after upgrading all sets to grandmaster. All you need to do is pick up any relic and magic tier item and sell it to the proper vendor.
Luis Scott
>I'm a superficial fuck and I didn't read the books: The Post. It's impossible not to love Yen as a character. The game barely does her any justice. In it, she is still better than Triss though (a.k.a. animu mary sue love interest designed for catering to kissless virgins)