What are some games where I can be a useless, indecisive retard?
What are some games where I can be a useless, indecisive retard?
real life is already like that.
Real Life
mountain blade
>forced to choose one of the two extremes
>decide to go for the third, moderate one
>get called useless retard
rly mks u dink
What's the name for making choices that benefit you regardless of whether they are 'good' or 'bad'?
being a jew
>being a jew
>not being a protestant
>save baby
>eat baby
morality system so good
>People will actually defend being neutral
I hope none of you Anons do.
>choosing spook routes
>Be France
>Pick one side
>Get invaded, devastated and occupied
>Be Germany
>Pick the other side
>Lose so hard, even your leader fucking kills himself
>Be Switzerland
>Be neutral
>Make some cool cheese and watches
>And don't get fucking rekt
>Watch as either Europe is taken over by Nazis (They'll eventually come for you too, by the way), or how Germany could once again be gutted far past the point of justice
Not helping your case, m8.
>not taking a side isn't a decision
I know fuck all about philosophy but surely they have discussed this topic.
>I will serve my own interests but not at the expense of others
>A leader must be both compassionate and strict, as either one alone will lead to destruction.
>I use my powers to help myself but I will not be blinded by petty revenge
Binary moral choices were a mistake.
I honestly don't like the extremes when it comes to most games. You are either a boot-licking beta, or an orphanage-burning edgelord.
you can boot-lick as a beta in real life.
pick the other choice in games because they're something you can't experience properly in real life
I didn't know Sup Forums had its own game
this image is used for baiting/shitposting, moronic underage redditor
Is there actual arguments for why being neutral is bad?
muh paint comics aren't really too convincing
>be the Netherlands
>want to be neutral
>get invaded and lose within three days anyway
>have to watch while the nazis rob you from literally everything resulting in a fuckton of people dying of starvation even after the war has ended
It did work for the first world war though.
Of course not, it's just shitty bait
Being neutral tends towards just letting the bad guys win, as the good guys will have less support, ESPECIALLY if you're going around telling everyone else to be neutral. In the end, all this does is let Evil do whatever they want as they slowly stretch out and in turn conquer you and everyone else who was neutral, as you were too slow to realize that bad guys don't stop when they have momentum.
>Choose your own path
>Except everything but these two specific paths we laid out for you.
Are there any games that ACTUALLY let me choose to do what I want?
"good vs evil" is a false dichotomy.
Good vs Evil is the way life works user, Evil just won a long time ago.
Actually the Whitcher
You're presuming three things
A - Good [let's assume there is one] can't hold its own in a fight against a similarly sized Evil
B - The alternative to being neutral is necessarily being good, when you could just as well be choosing to be neutral instead of siding with evil.
C - In most games, the "neutral" path still opposes the story-appointed evil. It just does so without being a huge cunt about it or literal Jesus.
A - In most scenarios, this is the case, with either a very rough stalemate that's easily broken by Evil ignoring morals Good would never cross, or Good being too stretched thin to properly combat Evil
B - In that case you're still being neutral, just with some small justification
C - Then in that case you're not Truly Neutral, but rather "Neutral" Good, which is a bit of an oxymoron as being Good means you aren't precisely being Neutral. Hence the flaws of morality systems within games like Mass Effect.
based user
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
You're not arguing either, get out.
fuck all that noise. true patricians make their own path
Phrasing it this way does not make this a topical thread. Not video games.