Zelda: Flop of the Wild

Why did this game fail commercially?

Less than 800,000 units sold since launch including digital sales.

Other urls found in this thread:


Zelda has never historically sold all that well.

>Couldn't even break one billion sales
Nintendo should just go 3rd party already

Objectively false.

The 64, Gamecube and Wii zeldas all sold over 5 million each.

>101% ratio on a new console

>More than 100% attach rate
>Switch sold out everywhere
>A failure

>2 games out of like 20

Exclusive to new price-y console that are also all out of stock?

Over 4 million Switches have been sold.

Only 800k Zeldas have been sold.


its gonna be 4 million by the end of this month, why is Sup Forums so desperate for controversy?

This is a lie.

>Breath of the Wild (Switch) sold more than 925,000 units in March
Why are you lying OP?


There's only been like 10, and 8 have sold 5+ million

>Being this wrong

>Over 4 million Switches have been sold.
That's only in the US, globally 50 million switches have been sold

You know all those normies that say "Zelda is my favourite video game franchise ever"? Well they don't actually buy the games, they just watch their favourite LPers on youtube play them.

Also it's a shit game but that's never mattered when it came to how well a game sells.


That is EMBARRASSING, especially considering the development costs were over $40 million and the marketing budget was another $20 million.

Will they even break even?

salty roaches found out how to use the browser on the PS4 they live in.
damn roachposting.

Actually i hear the figures closer to 200 million.

Zelda sales are actually only 80,000. An intern accidentally placed the comma wrong.

How will nintendo recover from this?

It's because he literally >made it up

The game sold over a million copies in March.

>Less than 800,000 units sold

This is wrong. The game has sold over 1.34 million units as of March 17, which was over a month ago.


>he includes Pii Poo sales to make it less embarrassing
>still can't even crack 1.2 million on two platforms


Love how the mods autosage any thread that's anti Nintendo.

Based mods.


Doubt it.

They even started panic bundling it to boost sales.

Ah, I wasn't sure if you were trolling or just dumb. Turns out it's both. Carry on.


>its gonna be 4 million by the end of this month
Found a retard

Breath of the Wild is the only good 3D Zelda game and all future 3D Zeldas will use it as it's template. Ocarina of Time and it's many rehashes were a mistake.

The only Zelda games that sold over 5 million copies are Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and the original Legend of Zelda.


Fuck off sonybro

>27 posts
>17 posters

I'm willing to bet money on this being all samefag.

>he thinks you're supposed to only reply once in a thread instead of having an actual discussion
>he's a retarded faggot who should kill himself

He's right if you don't count Link's Crossbow Training.
There's a lot over 4 million though.

t. samefag sony shill

>he thinks writing in green will excuse him from blatantly agreeing with himself as if others wouldn't notice he's the only person in the thread that believes his lies
>he's a double nigger

Most Zelda games don't deserve to sell more than 5 million units, honestly.

Breath of the Wild certainly does, though. And it will, easily.

Sourced from Wikipedia, so I'd say it's trustworthy.



I really hope you're a troll
I'm a zelda fan and I don't doubt the series doesn't sell amazingly well

you've never played a Zelda in your "life", sonykid.

Most Zeldas sell well over 5 million. It's a major franchise, and you'd know that if you weren't a millennial cuck

>Less than 800,000 units sold since launch including digital sales.- 40 posts and 2 image replies shown.
Sold nearly 1 million just in the US.


>Switch is sold out everywhere
>BotW has higher sales for the Switch than the fucking console itself
>People about to start a riot worldwide because they can't get their Zelda console


I mean the big retard here is Nintendo since they will just loose sales over people that simply won't give a fuck anymore once they manage to finaly restock those fucking things but this kind of bait is just delusional bullshit that won't work on anyone but other deluded retards you already had on your side OP.

I can find you some other sources, if you'd like.
Why don't you show me the numbers that prove me wrong?


It's eurotrash hour so that never happens.

As more and more people buy the Switch (nobody bought a Pii U), the sales will keep increasing. By the end of the Switch's lifetime, you can bet BotW will have sold over 5 mill.

What assmad sonybros and consolewar faggots don't understand, is that Nintendo A-list games sell well over a long period of time, whereas many new AAA 3rd party titles are more of a flavour of the month.

There are exceptions, but claiming that Zelda sells badly just proves you know jack shit about the industry. Given the low amount of Pii Us and Switchs sold thus far, the sales are great.

I mean, I agree with you, but
>Pii U
You make yourself look like a tremendous faggot

Guy who made the comment about a billion sales here. I meant that as a joke (I thought it was obvious). Looks like you lose.

Zelda? More like Pooda amirite lads?

>No source
>People will reply to this since it meets their narrative

t. /nrlel/

I'll admit I misread that one, thought it said million.
My bad.

>Pii Poo
Oh, so you're 13.

Ignore this dipshit, everyone.

I think it's a good console overall, I mean its library is still better than the PS4s, but come on... it's such a massive commercial flop, it really deserves all the shit it gets. Nintendo were retards with that one.

I know many people who skipped it who bought a Switch, so lets see how things develop.

Imagine being a grown “man” and unironically playing Zelda


embarrassing. No wonder this franchise is popular with numales

What are men supposed to like? Tell me.

Opinions aside, you could hate it with a passion and smash one every week for all I care, calling it Pii U makes sound like an underaged edgelord.

You're still here?

only the brownest shooters, bviously

Not do what a woman says just to get blueballed every time

The big meme is that some people thought Zelda games had huge sales numbers, but they never do. The best selling Zelda title so far (Twilight Princess, which sold close to 8.5 million units across both versions) has been outsold by Ghost Recon: Wildlands, I wish I was joking.

The only blockbusters Nintendo have are Mario Kart and 2D Mario.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Imagine being a grown "man" masturbaiting over a kaskade of shitposts by yourself nobody actually ever took seriously.
I mean I comment you for being so full of shit that people feel compulsed to call out your faggotry.

It that was your plan, congratulations, you have reached the fetal stage of being a troll.

It's free on the Wii U.

Triggered the 36 year old obese friendless unemployed numale cuck who wanks to Zelda drawings lads

Is this a fun post thread?

We all know the Op is bullshit right?

no fun posts itt, user.
get out while you can.

Is denial what allows you to sleep at night?

This "game" flopped hard son.

Do you really have nothing better to do than repeat your already disproven lies, user?
Would your mother be proud if she saw you like this?

It sold 1.3 million copies in North America according to the March NPD. And 350k + copies in Japan. It has a higher than 100% attach rate for the switch too.

The game has been in development for 6 years, user. It flopped HARD if it only sold as much as it's reported it did.

pls stop embarrassing yourself, roach.

They already said they only need 2 mil to recoup the costs. It's already 1.8 million in Japan and US ONLY. Wait, it's already over 2 mil since we factor in Europe's sells, which is at 300k

Apologies, I mean UK, which is one of the smaller markets for Nintendo in Europe

Does this kind of damage control help you sleep at night?


Media Create Sales: Week 14, 2017 (Apr 03 - Apr 09)

01./01. [3DS] Monster Hunter Double Cross (Capcom) {2017.03.18} (¥5.800) - 65.672 / 1.322.152 (-49%)
02./05. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild # (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥6.980) - 23.016 / 354.404 (-21%)
03./04. [3DS] Mario Sports Superstars (Nintendo) {2017.03.30} (¥4.980) - 18.765 / 51.181 (-42%)
04./07. [NSW] 1-2-Switch (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥4.980) - 12.418 / 166.319 (-25%)
05./00. [PS4] LEGO Worlds (Warner Entertainment Japan) {2017.04.06} (¥2.980) - 11.578 / NEW
06./02. [PS4] Warriors All-Stars # (Koei Tecmo) {2017.03.30} (¥7.800) - 8.577 / 48.946 (-79%)
07./10. [PS4] Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (Ubisoft) {2017.03.09} (¥8.400) - 7.907 / 153.408 (-33%)
08./12. [3DS] Pokemon Sun / Moon (Pokemon Co.) {2016.11.18} (¥4.980) - 6.972 / 3.236.826 (-21%)
09./11. [PS4] NieR: Automata (Square Enix) {2017.02.23} (¥7.800) - 6.593 / 294.694 (-34%)
10./14. [WIU] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥6.980) - 6.487 / 95.806 (-20

More recent one

Media Create Sales: Week 15, 2017 (Apr 10 - Apr 16)

01./01. [3DS] Monster Hunter Double Cross (Capcom) {2017.03.18} (¥5.800) - 43.941 / 1.366.093 (-33%)
02./02. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild # (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥6.980) - 20.888 / 375.291 (-9%)
03./03. [3DS] Mario Sports Superstars (Nintendo) {2017.03.30} (¥4.980) - 10.698 / 61.879 (-43%)
04./04. [NSW] 1-2-Switch (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥4.980) - 10.048 / 176.368 (-19%)
05./09. [PS4] NieR: Automata (Square Enix) {2017.02.23} (¥7.800) - 6.265 / 300.959 (-5%)
06./07. [PS4] Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (Ubisoft) {2017.03.09} (¥8.400) - 6.022 / 159.430 (-24%)
07./05. [PS4] LEGO Worlds (Warner Entertainment Japan) {2017.04.06} (¥2.980) - 5.157 / 16.735 (-55%)
08./12. [PS4] Horizon: Zero Dawn # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2017.03.02} (¥6.900) - 4.983 / 201.643 (-17%)
09./08. [3DS] Pokemon Sun / Moon (Pokemon Co.) {2016.11.18} (¥4.980) - 4.773 / 3.241.599 (-32%)
10./10. [WIU] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo) {2017.03.03} (¥6.980) - 4.740 / 100.546 (-27%)

>and I don't doubt the series doesn't sell amazingly well
Dude, any game that reaches 4 million is selling extremely well already. Zelda isn't selling like Pokemon, sure, but it sells well every time.
