Game set in the future

>game set in the future
>global currency is credits

>Japanese game
>Global currency is Zenny

>Game set in the future
>Brown people exist

>game is set in dark souls
>currency is souls

It makes sense if there's a unified global government. Although regions in earth wouldn't be able to enact their own independent monetary policy, it would be safe to assume the world government would be able to provide additional help and resources to needy regions.

browns/asians are outbreeding whites globally.

>game set in the future
>currency is neo-shekels

Race mixing was a mistake. Fuck Abraham Lincoln.

>game set 200 years in the future
>we're still using 21st century guns with EOTech holo sights

>Race mixing was a mistake.

Fuck off. Consenting adults are free to love other consenting adults.

they are outbreeding whites by themselves, no need to mix.

This is bad why?

Because it's common and a lazy handwave.

Like anything with aliens having super advanced but invisible universal translators that translate alien language into an audible human language perfectly without any of the issues that arise when translating between one human language and another.

>game set in the future
>global currency is bottlecaps

>thread is set in the now
>thread sucks almost as much cock as OP

Yeah I prefer something like New Yen or Galactic Scrip or something. Something with a little background that contributes to worldbuilding.

They still kill people exactly as dead.

>game is set in outer space
>aliens are are basically humans with different colors

>Game is set in far future
>People still use physical currency

>he didn't take the third geography course

>Any game setting that involves aliens
>Female aliens have breasts

>reasoning is that every organism grows and evolves to become human in shape
>Humans are apparently the apex species that all will develop into

>Aliens have earthling genders and sexual reproduction

>japanese videogame
>cute girl turns out to be a cute boy

>Not going for Incan gold

pic not related sadly

It only makes sense if they have some sort of ancient progenitor or precursor race that "seeded" all the planets with bipedal mammilians. Otherwise it's ridiculous to assume they'd look anything like us.

>game set in the future
>currency is based on a confusing system where 1 unit of currency - 1 meal's worth of calories
>game gets my almonds activating

No, YOU fuck off, I'm tired of my taxes raising a small army of halfsy-mongrels who usually end up in jail anyway.

What are you going to do about it?

>game has Credits
>they're a galactic exchange rate rather than an independent currency

>Because it's common and a lazy
that's why it's realistic. that's exactly what a one world gov. would do. and the paper currency (if it were still around) would have inoffensive pictures of landmarks and natural wonders instead of world leaders who might prove controversial to some segments of socieyy.

Fuck off, white boy. White people are the biggest segment of the US in poverty and on welfare.

Cali and Texas have minority white populations and are doing great. Stop blaming others for YOUR failures.

He's going to fight you......... on the internet.

>not bitcoin

And yet by percentage of population bllack's and spics are on far more welfare and commit far more crime

>game set in the future
>currency is porn magazines

Whites have the best tech tho. When things really get rough, we'll even the score at least.

The areas in Cali and Texas with the minority white population are riddled with crime and poverty

>whites have best tech
I think you mean Jews and Asians m8

Kikes don't even have their own nation so they have to leech off white ones. And the only asian country that comes even remotely close is Japan. Try again

>Everyone deals in gold, silver, and copper

>South Korea
>Parts of China
>Expat Chinese
>Expat Indians
>Right throughout tech and science in America, Jews are on top

You seem to have conflated nation with race

If a Jew/Asian is top of his field in America then he is still a Jew/Asian

>implying Incan gold is better than Aztec gold

>Israel's tech industry
>China has us beat on supercomputers
>Phpajeets going for quanitiy over quality

i'm convinced that it's impossible to rule the world without hot women.. that's why the west is dying, our women are becoming unattractive both mentally and physically so the men are getting annoyed and doing other shit instead of working as a productive collective.

Asia, with a properly structured society, will be the next world super power, with korea and japan at the forefront.

India will never amount to anything because they're fucking ugly and smelly and they bob their heads when they talk.

>he thinks money isn't basically just numbers at this point

credits fits pretty well

Kill yourself, then. Then your assets can be seized by the state and liquidated to fund prenatal care for single urban minorities :•)

Are you pretending to be retarded again, user?

t. indian

Wow you really nailed it with that expert analysis

Where did you go to school man

Japan actually has the best tech

t. second indian

No, I was talking about nips and gooks. Indians were the only thing you were right about

>game set in Sup Forums
>main character is extremely delusional and has yellow fever

Nah srs brah u got epic insight u should be a philosopher

eh i wouldn't consider it yellow fever, i would consider it white girls being so fucking unattractive personality wise that i have no other choice. at least asian girls know that they're soulless, white girls pretend like they mean something because they want to talk about how SUPERRR sad the latest episode of grey's anatomy was!

End yourself, Pajeet

This is bait.

>game set in the future
>Galactic currency is the canadian dollar

>game set in the future
>global currency is pokedollar

You should try not posting plastic dolls who have had every surgery under the sun.

Asians are not very attractive.

third indian
"o-o-omg!!! surgery!!! my arranged wife would be attractive if she had work done!!! too bad my call center income can't afford it!!! ablu ablu!!!

>Jews historically hold finance close to their culture
>modern research, development, and business in general rely on a robust financial system, in which jews are in charge because it's "what they do"
>"jews and Asians are better than everyone"
How can someone be this out of touch with reality?

>Game set in future
>Characters use outdated-ass cellphones and iphones.

They have such good surgery though, like they are GOOD at it, those gooks, they can tactically mutilate you and you heal up looking sexy as fuck, whereas in other places you get the bogdanoff treatment

That aside, why would you shit on a culture based around fixing their shitty genes, albeit superficially

Its humbling, in a way

Makes sense to me

Being a dependable manly man is an attractive notion, and its a good existence to be for yourself and everyone else but actually becoming one is hard work, and why put in that kind of work if all you are gonna get nowadays are fat, hairy, rainbow-haired posttransdemisexuals who genuinely believe themselves to be the peak of beauty?

Have a look at the number of papers authored by Jews and Asians in the fields of science and tech

Stop being so fucking defensive you stupid cunt, whites are still much better than blacks and spics, for the most part Asians are top tier because only the best can emigrate

Your taxes are much more likely to give subsidies to your local Walmart and bank, essentially the sources of heartland American poverty, than to any poor black or brown person.

>posting the wrong gook
here, user.

Silicon Valkey has a minority white population, and it's one of the safest places in the country.

>most known currency is in the game for people to understand
>wow lazy
thats a good thing because there is no way to know what the value of the other currency is, most of the time this happens its either 1 currency for gun or 50000000 currency for gun, i don't get the appeal

well, im just trying to think about what the US government would have to use to entice people to go to war.. like a real war, not these bullshit proxy conflicts. it used to be "if we lose, your women and daughters get raped!! you'll lose everything!!!" but nowadays there aren't women or daughters worth saving... they're all "in the work force" or they have sugar daddies.. like why the fuck would i ever fight a war for my country then??? it's obviously not my fight because this society that is supposedly "mine" has fucked me over at every turn... it's unsustainable, i feel zero brotherhood or love for this country. it's just a convenience to be shed at the drop of a hat

He was gonna send them back to Africa where they could have their own nation fucktard, but then he got (((assassinated)))

whats wrong with minhee :(

>aliens are are basically humans with different colors
This only ever made since in old sci-fi series/movies because of the limitations they had to work with. Nowadays it's just lazy


what the fuck happened to her arm?

>tfw you are actually an alien with different color.

probably just a birth mark? i have no idea


Nothing's wrong, I just wanna post dubu in a soon-to-be-dead thread

She stepped out of line and the kpop slave drivers mangled her shoulder.

>not using Dolaridew as your currency

>Game is set in future
>Money no longer exists
Never fails to make me laugh

>not pooling together all your neo-shekels to invest in chicken fries

i see your 두부 and i raise you 베스티