Will we ever see the end of agenda pushing in video games?

Will we ever see the end of agenda pushing in video games?

Well, we don't see the end of it on Sup Forums, so why would we see the end of it elsewhere? Fuck off and go die, faggot.

I used to agree that SJWs were annoying because they forced their political beliefs into everything and wouldn't let me enjoy things that challenged their political views without screaming in my ear.

Now both sides of the coin are just as obnoxious as the other and I just want both the left and right to fuck off forever and stop forcing politics into videogames.

I actually played Yooka Laylee and it was a lot of fun, like a new Banjo Tooie.
Its too fucking bad I couldn't talk about it on Sup Forums because a bunch of faggot kids were triggered that the devs had different political beliefs than them

Will we ever see the end of /polposting/ in Sup Forums - video games?
Will we ever see the end of /ecelebposting/ in Sup Forums - video games?

Always best post

Why don't conservatives make their own political games instead of trying to stop creators from making their own games political?

Because that would be hypocritical?

if they make money there will always be an agenda.

I enjoy it as well, I'm glad I can just pace myself collecting things and havING a good time.


>useful idiots

so accurate


e-celebs are Sup Forums culture so no.

If you watch e-celebs or support them in anyway you're a fucking idiot.


i love mick and shorty too!! :DDD
whats your reddit username??

>National sovereignty means you're a racist


Wait, is that really in the game?

>crying about not being able to talk about something to a bunch of strangers

Lmao what a pathetic faggot

Not anymore, the devs censored it.


Wow you sure told me
I sure am stupid for thinking Sup Forums was for talking about videogames with other people that like playing videogames

kickstarter was a mistake

>Indie devs invite eceleb to work on their game with them to stir up publicity
>Indie devs give said eceleb the boot prematurely to stir up even more publicity
>Sup Forums is too retarded to see this obvious ploy and marks them up as SJWS, going into a tard rage and stirring up even more publicity for the game, just like the devs wanted

You legitimately are stupid for thinking that

How come Tumblr has sagging tits and poor eyesight while Sup Forums is in his peak physical form? This is obviously biased.

I've been here since 2006ish and it used to be true

I don't know why I still come here to try and talk about games, no one even plays games anymore,

>How come Tumblr has sagging tits and poor eyesight
Because physically fit and attractive women don't fall for nu-feminism
However, Sup Forums faggots come in all shapes and sizes, the only universal defining trait is an edgy contrarian love for nazis

E-celebs are video game culture Y/N

well you're purposely saying that races are different from each other, which is racism by definition

no it isn't


In Western games? Probably not.

When has atheism ever been about compromise?

Jontron is a California shitter but he pretends to be from NYC cause he lived here for 3 years

what a faggot

>racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races

wrong lol

>people actually believe that not having a crazy out there view one way or the other is bad

So, Sup Forums got sick of people saying "fuck off, just because I think you're an idiot doesn't mean I'm a SJW" and came up with a new way to discredit literally anyone that doesn't agree with them?



They "push agendas" about as much as they always have, it's just you who got kneejerky

Seriously, there's games that people get upset about now where if you go back to the archive of 2014 no-one got mad about

>comparison of apples to oranges

watch out user, he might have more retarded mspaint pictures to make fun of you

This is the worst diagram I've ever seen.

As long as Sup Forums and the internet keeps on it, no.

Sarjew of Mossad

>>people actually believe that not having a crazy out there view one way or the other is bad
That's not the point.
horseshoe theory is about finding 2 opposing opinions and defining both as extremes, regardless of whether both are- and then agreeing on the middle ground

What are you talking about?
Its us vs them, and if you don't choose a side you're retarded.
We're at constant war, and draft dodgers will be ridiculed for not joining the good fight and dedicating their life to ending the SJW menace

Which is not what people who are generally replied to with this retardation are doing at all

>defining both as extremes, regardless of whether both are

>far right and far left
>not two extremes
Also what the fuck is wrong with someone on a board for videogames saying "get your politics out of here, I just want to talk about videogames"

you're the one that brought race into this to begin with. I was just talking about borders pretty much, and race aside, cultures tautologically differ from one another.

this is ironic, right

>brain washing is everywhere
>so brainwashing is fine
>t. sheep people

Isn't it sad that its hard to tell?
yes it was though

No. Once tech had become advanced enough to tell a story, gaming was forever doomed.

Will we ever see the end of agenda pushing in books? Same retarded question.



Let's take your exemple : Dune.

Dune is set in a desertic universe with arabic names. That's not agenda pushing : you have one specific place with one "family" of names. It would seems strange to have nordic, arabic and chinese names for the same place, there wouldn't be any unity. It wouldn't make sense "historically".

On the other hand, take a movie like the Hobbit : medieval world, a not so rich city on a lake, far from any sea, and you have amongst the population black, asian and white people. It just doesn't add up : that's agenda pushing.

What's even bad about an agenda?

Lord of the RIngs is about how a big tyrant that wants to enslave everything and burn all forests should be stopped. Does that mean LotR is bad? Why should fantasy escapism have an agenda!? THAT'S NOT FUN WAAAHHH!

>making people upset and wanna boycott your game is good idea for publicity
Did you worked for the democrats' campaign team?

okay, good

seriously, after gg's rampant infestation of kids who come here with that shit it's hard to tell when it really shouldn't be

>He unironically believes that all races are genetically the same
Good goy

Nobody is getting brainwashed except idiots who have susceptible minds. The elite have their own free will and ability to scrutinize and research. If you're stupid enough to be impressionable, then you deserve all the lobotomizing life can give you. Fuck off, faggot.


Why doomed? Everyone can tell their own fucking story if they want to

>medieval world, a not so rich city on a lake, far from any sea, and you have amongst the population black, asian and white people. It just doesn't add up : that's agenda pushing.

No it's not. If you can have tiny dudes with indestructible feet that live for over a hundred years on average, then you can have higher genetic variation inside one geographical zone. Try again, whiny asshole.

>Developing spoken language and writing was a mistake.
-- anonomous, 2017

It amazes me that someone actually took the time to create a model of Jontron just for this joke.

thanks for proving my point

You do realize Comey's decision to sabotage Clinton's campaign cost her three points on average and she lost critical states by less than one percent?

>Nobody is getting brainwashed except idiots who have susceptible minds.
>t. good goyim
they just have to act like politics is not cool, and there will be bunch of idiots like this that can eat up whatever agenda being pushed or ignore the fact that it's being pushed down the throat of people, which is mostly idiots

>look at me I've used a website for this long

Like I said, pathetic. The fact you keep trying to defend yourself so much against random people on the internet just makes you even more of a little bitch

because historically race was what defined a national identity

Nah, you're just an idiot. Fuck off faggot.

>Other M Samus
Comic ruined

>far left and far right
But are they equally far off the true political center?

By simplifying both as ''far'' you're creating a false center, a false neutral.

>left-wing extremists start throwing around 10/10 left wing views
>right-wing people only support 7/10 right wing views
>due your poor sense of relativity you believe both are extremes and find the middle ground
>new political standard is predominantly left wing because you used a false neutral as grounds for measurement

That's nice

Why would there be black hobbits that didn't evolve in a tropical environment? You might as well say some of the hobbits should be 8 feet tall, because apparently genetic diversity is completely random and not environmental.

>Non-extremist gets laid AND saves $12.50

spoiler: that's not how people make up their minds

you're probably already somewhere on the political spectrum, it isn't some kind of compromise

The nation state is like 200 years old faggot. The ethno state never existed. Idk where you get this nonsense from.

Why do you refuse our brothers from 8ch? They're right you know. We must fight back united, or get destroyed.

You don't deserve hobbies that we save with our own blood and sweat if you don't participate. It's time to make a stand!

genetics only matters in a lab, whereas race otherwise doesn't matter outside of culture, which creates racism

>This images
Tolkien must be rolling in his grave.

do they still have those pedo boards that instantly put retards on watchlists?

yeah but the cousin got cooties

Made me reply

> you have elfs and dwarfs therefore it makes sense for humans with human life expectancy to travel half the world in order to settle in a shitty town.

Literally not an argument.


>>left-wing extremists start throwing around 10/10 left wing views
>>right-wing people only support 7/10 right wing views
>>due your poor sense of relativity you believe both are extremes and find the middle ground
>>new political standard is predominantly left wing because you used a false neutral as grounds for measurement

Actually, all of this shit-flinging has just made politics look like a shit show in general
I always vote NDP anyway, flip-flopping between Liberal and Conservative every few years is fucking stupid when it always ends up being shit either way

if you're doing it objectively, genetically, you won't get the same "races" as we culturally do, though, thanks to the genetic diversity being way higher at point of origination

Actually, Tolkien was apparently very fond of African Tribes due to their simple ways of life and connection to nature. The Hobbits were based off Pygmy tribals from the Congo region iirc.

You mean /l/oli? You know we don't all live in Canada, right?

It has more to do with biology and technology. Yes there were non-whites living with whites during the medieval era but it wasn't that common due to the geographical distances between the the various parts of the world. No cars or any other motorized vehicle made traveling much slower so less people were inclined to spread out further distances. So if you went to a European village during the medieval era, I highly doubt you would find their populations comprised of various races from around the world.

As soon as the industry realizes how much technology and quality game design has stagnated in favor of pushing retarded agendas, we will.

8ch is just reddit with a Sup Forums layout,

Also they can fuck off.
I don't care if they wanted to leave to fight a stupid internet war, thats fine, but they kept coming back for about a year to shill their dead website that was apparently so much better

are you the guy who calls different breeds of dogs "subspecies"? subspecies are also "made up", i.e. cultural, it's literally taxonomers saying "hey it's practical to have a different name here for clarity"

It's not about convincing people to support your cause, it's about demonizing the opposing party

>throw around extremist opinions
>normaltards' sense of average gets skewed
>revert to original opinions
>your opinions are now closer to the political center because you moved the center
>call the opposing party extremists because they are further away from your newly created center

rinse and repeat

I never said that people aren't different, I'm just saying that it shouldn't matter, it's obvious that people of different ethical backgrounds have different physical characteristics, although ultimately without differing cultures, people of different ethnic backgrounds can work and live together without any issues

more realistically, both people involved are 7/10 but both sides think the other is super terrible and blows it out of proportion

At least with books you don't try to fool yourself constantly that you HAVE TO write a story with an agenda in mind, something that many game devs today fail to grasp.

no user, people saying "fuck off, retard" while not having the extreme opposite view is not what you're describing

fuck off, retard