should i buy a ps4 or a switch?
Should i buy a ps4 or a switch?
Get a switch at Christmas
There'll probably be some actual bundles by then too.
>switch + 1 game
woah, a console + a whole game collection for that console and JUST 489$? what a STEAL
>You now remember $599
PS4 has games switch doesnt
This. There's already a shit load of good games on PS4, and by the time Christmas comes Switch will have a few too.
PS4 now Switch later.
>Sonyroaches conning another guillable newfag
Just wait until the Switch has games, which will probably be around the time they release the *new* Switch XL lite
If you're getting a PS4, just get a pro.
Wut. A sonyroach would say to not buy a switch at all.
PS4 then use the remaining money to kill your self to stop the future bloodborne threads you will make.
>paying almost $500 for a console with one game
Whatever you say Nintenbro
The thing just came out and the ps4 has a great library at the moment. Get a Switch later when it's got a few more games.
Only an idiot buys a console within a year of release
I'm nintendildo. Switch overpriced and has no game, wait for a bit.
What if OP only wants one console?
Let's look at this logically.
If you decide to get a switch around Christmas time the benefits are
>Games like Bomberman/Puyo Tetris/Ultra SF2 will be slashed in price
>Eshop will be much more expanded by then for all your indie shit needs
>Can probably pick up Zelda and other games cheap preowned
>Probably have more choice in colors for joycons
>Build quality changes will likely be made by nitnendo on newer model revisions
>Cheaper bundles
>Arms, Splatoon 2, MK8, Fire Emblem Warriors and Mario Odyssey will all be released
>Whatever the fuck is shown at E3 will be out or coming very soon (ninty typically only show shit coming within a year)
>Many more 3rd party shit will be out or announced
>That 12 hour (but expensive af) battery pack for handheld nerds will maybe be in production
>Likely firmware updates adding more features will be added by then
Your reading comprehension is outstanding.
Is there any reason to buy a PS3?
I was thinking of getting one for cheap, or would it be better to get PS4?
Sales are frequent and decent on the PSN.
Wait till the Switch 'Pro' edition or whatever comes out later in the year or early next. Not worth it at the current price for the games and hardware it offers.
>Switch+1 game = $489
>that game isn't even BotW, just some indie shit
Get a Switch in late 2018. The only good title to come out after Zelda is just Mario odissey.
PS4...and it's not even close.
It is by far the better deal here.
Why do you want a PS4/Switch?
Do you like burning money and just having a new console sit at home, or is there certain games you desire?
Why do I game on Xbox and PC?
Because i'm not weeb scum that plays solo player games and I'm over 20 and no reason to touch Nintendo ever again.
Just emulate BOTW and use the money you saved to buy weed.
Get a PS2 and play Ace Combat, you fucking dingus.
already have a ps2
are you underage?
>console near the end of it's life cycle; best games are already old
>brand new console off to a record breaking start; new games being developed as we speak
Hmm, got the ol' noodle boiling
Not buying both.
>new games
You mean Super Mario 587, Mario Kart 876 and wii tier non games?
Better than Cinematic game #200001
>le cinematic meme
just stop
>not getting PC parts with that money
lmaoing at ur like right now senpai
No user, DEVS should stop.
neither, wait for the new switch and ps4 super slim.
>>console near the end of it's life cycle; best games are already old
What? PS4 only came out 2 years ago it has another 10 years to go at least.
On a similar note can anyone tell me if it's worth getting a N 64 vs just emulating? I cant seem to enjoy emulators or relax when im using one.
>>console near the end of it's life cycle;
PS4 literally started to get games this year, they're not going to stop any soon
lol quality shitpost, heres your (You) of the day
>PS4 near the end of its life cycle
Who says it is?
You seem to be assuming get this. Sony has no reason to push for the PS5 since the console is still selling well. Nintendo and Microsoft had to get new consoles out because their consoles actually bombed.
Wait for the improved definitive model and price drop for the switch
How is it a shitpost? The PS3 came out 12 years ago and is still supported.
Do you like Souls game and want to play BB? PS4.
Else I would wait until either
a) the PS4 gets games you really want
b) the switch gets games you really want
Where did you pull this from? Those are overpriced as hell compared to what I've seen at retailers.
nice bait you got going there
aussie prices
>Switch will have a few too
citation required
Uhm i payed $299 USD when the switch dropped
Ps3 is still being made and sold because Sony are trying to scrape back as much as they can from the over 8 billion dollars in losses it had in its first 5 years on the market.
It lost more money than the PS2 ever made.
stopped reading there, sweetheart.
Splatoon 2 looks good. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is good if you didn't own a WiiU (and most people didn't, the console sold even shitter than Xbone).
>Switch + one game = $489
>Switch = $300
>Game = $60
As a person who always vouches for Nintendo, this is the best decision. I've been enjoying the hell outta my PS4 the past few years, and you'll get your money's worth faster. That being said, I'm loving my portable Zelda, Bomberman, and Shovel Simulator machine.
stop being a console cuck and buy a 1070
>the only country in the world is America
>posts a pic of a shitzu with weeb letters
How can you be that retarded?
PS4 if you're a dudebro, Switch if you are a weeb.
OP is posting on a netbook.
>over 450 aussiebucks for a switch
Goddamn, honestly if the exchange rate is good you should buy a JPN Switch since they're region free.
But if you have a Wii U wait till boxing day deals. If you think Zelda is worthwhile if you don't have a good pc for cemu then go ahead, I'm mostly playing Zelda and Puyo Puyo waiting for MK8 Deluxe and its honestly the comfiest handheld ive ever owned.
Which other countries in the world use American dollars?
Stop being retarded.
I own both, get the PS4. Breath of the Wild is better than any game on PS4, buy PS4 has like 20 more games than Switch right now
>get a switch at Christmas
>when everyone and their grandmother will be looking for one vs. everyone looking atm
Has been Heros
Some how equals $489
There's going to be great PS4 deals at Christmas time. Especially if after E3 the PS4 Pro is allowed to have exclusive games to keep up with Scorpio. A switch will still be impossible to find.
>which countries use the US dollar other than the United States
There are 7 countries, other than the US, which use the USD as their official currency.
There are a further 29 countries which use a different "dollar" currency. For instance Australia (AUD), Canada (CAD) and New Zealand (NZD).
You are not helping the "ignorant American" stereotype.
>America is the only country in the world
Please sit your ignorant ass down next to and See for education.
Already have one and a PS4/Switch
Sucks to be a poor fag.
Right I must of missed the OP mentioning that.
>not living in a relevant country in 2017
come the fuck on.
>He lives in a literal third world country
You know what they say about the view from the top, right?
Is there a point to buy 1Tb Slim instead of 500Gb?
I think 500Gb is more than enough.
I could always delete the data from the game I don't play anymore and just install it again If I would want to play it again, right?
Shhhh, don't ask questions. Just let the shitposting happen.
Arguing about consoles is pointless. Buy one with exclusives you want to play.
>He lives in a literal third world country
But he just said he isn't american.
uh, last I checked America was number one.
>people in literal third world countries are better educated than Americans
Shit, son.
>Telling him to get both but to prioritize the system with more games on it currently
>Not to mention the Switch will likely drop in price over the year because it's new
>Giving legitimate advice makes you a fan boy now
I knew the sony/nintendo fag war was bad but jesus christ it's actually turned people like this guy retarded
You guys pay out the ass for vidya so does it really matter?
I own both, I'd get a PS4 right now if you can only have one. My only game on the Switch is Zelda (excluding a couple of shitty digital games)
Switch will be a better buy after Mario Odyssey releases.
Some games like Grand Theft Auto V take up 60GB or more of space on the hard drive as a physical copy.
Just looking at the top storage hogs on my system:
GTAV: 63.63 GB
Elder Scrolls Online 63.53
Star Wars Battlefront: 46.06 GB
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: 41.07 GB
Final Fantasy X: 31.86 GB
Lego Dimensions 31.15 GB
That's half of the default system storage, and I even skipped the PSVR demo disk at 40.68 GB
Sure you can delete the files, but you won't be playing the game for over an hour after you put the disk in.
>buy the switch and get a mobile game
>buy the ps4 and get two worthless triple A trash games
Or when their inevitable "XL" version comes out.
>ps4 has more weeb games than nintendo
>nintendo's only weeb game is a zelda game