"Know your place, inmate!"
"Know your place, inmate!"
Oh fuck this is the one dude who has been doing Miku and Nep animations isn't it
>no bare feet
>he will never do Nanako
life is unfair
Is that some Mantis-X shit? Sign me up.
Aw shit, time for fun
your knowledge has been increased
>those faces
That can only be one man.
It begins.
There is something about this stuff in motion that it doesn't work for me. I'll still check it out though
brb gelbooru
I recognize that animator
It's good to know I'm among friends on this board.
I wonder how long it took him to make this.
Atlus should hire Mantis for a 3D Etrian Odyssey Game.
>4/20 flaturday
I still don't know whether or not I like this artist. So much fucking sameface, but I like the characters and animations, but the fucking sameface, mang
Iunno m8. Like said, the sameface is crazy. Love his work though.
It's done on purpose
Its like 2hu!
Explain further
So when does this release
I feel like there is something really important missing with his animations and I don't know what it is.
fully grown women?
Your dick in your hand.
No, I think it needs impact if that makes any sense.
There's a video with futa nepgear throatfucking uni.
And when you think it's over nepgear just goes wild and ravage uni's throat, what more impact do you want.
what do the letters on their hats mean, anyway
Maybe it's just me/
i'd find it more exciting if this guy's work wasn't about big sized dicks with lolis taking such a size as if it was normal, kinda beat the purpose
is that real? That's hilarious.
B-but that's my fetish
who artist?
Sounds good to me
I feel like the best one he did was the Etna one. She felt that one.
I'm sorry your taste is so shit user
Yes it's real
this guy is making almost 6k a month and he still hasn't figured out how to make expressions other than a smile and :D
Its funny that I've seen no one bring up the oxymoron on their heads til now.
I guess he is of the opinion that you don't fuck with a good thing.
WHERE IS THIS ANIMATION, MY ANONS? I don't really do Patreon.
why change what sells
Mantis-X is the god of 3-D loli.
so.... why are you studying, or having a REAL Job again, user?
Thanks to the Internet, becoming an Artist is the perfect Time to be alive.
I wouldn't say god, but he is talented.
If one wants to play lottery it's easier to just buy tickets from a local supermarket.
>ywn make a living out of drawing/animating porn
Being a fetish artist is incredibly lucrative right now if you have any talent. The market is crazy right now.
I remember it being mentioned way back when the lolis were first announced
you just gotta put in the time to learn, and target a niche.
Step up, Yusuke.
There are people out there, who have the money to buy a house and all what they do is drawing a dragon fucking a tiger in the ass.
I wish I knew how to draw.
>tfw if I were to start drawing now and sell out as a fetish artist there would have already be 700 other people targeting the fetish that I would draw
So link where?
Not really, there are tons of untalented dudes who make basic flash porn games with furries and what not fetishes and get 4k a month
Just look at Fenexo and Corruption of Champions
Nah, he can't model fingernails for shit.
Seriously, they look so awful I can't fap to any of his stuff where the girls don't wear gloves.
Yes, because they won the lottery.
Meanwhile there also are thousands who work their asses off and eat dirt off the floor for sustenance.
It feels good knowing that Cloud Meadow is only getting a fraction of the money that Breeding Season received. Even though they are still pulling in $12,000 a month.
>was really into drawing and had talent for it but never bothered to get good because "hurr durr stop doing this, thats not a real job, son!"
>now there is patreon and people get money for drawing the weirdest shit
t-thanks dad
How do you get into 3d modeling
oh wait
I know this guy
You're whoring yourself out. And what happens when your customers dry up and you have to get an actual job?
Better than no job.
I'm not an artist but those skills are transferable to other mediums. I think they'll be fine.
Link to this?
I can't search for it myself because reasons.
>mfw following Mantis ever since he was just starting out with his Chen videos.
Fuck his videos are unsatisfying
My boner recognizes this
pirate a digitaltutors "my first introduction to maya 2017 tutorial or 3dsmax tutorial or blender(lmfao) tutoria"l if you'd like and just learn how to use the tool first
Still. I written minor fetishy stuff in off time, but being paid to do so would make me feel like some slut.
That's the word I was looking for, thank you. That's whats fucking missing.
why do their hats spell OXYMORON?
Thanks for the info.
They're like SFM videos, they're short as hell and are basically several looped animations without much progression and maybe a 2-second conclusion, if there even is a conclusion
I'm getting so fucking tired of this le epic badass children shit that japan has been doing for the past 30 years in all media
girls being in a position of power is the oxymoron
I'm not sure I believe you, maybe you could provide a source to that claim
I'm not sure i want to help you, maybe you could check the thread for the artist.
You're a sneaky one aren't you
>large insertion
Mantis X is pretty great
I hope this is a boy
Mantis-X is a god
The Etna x Prinny one is the only good one.
Is this some sort of christian magic?
If I wanted be on a list I'd support Mantis and Rustle on patreon. Once I can confirm myself being on one I can start tipping the men doing gods work.
Maybe use one of those prepaid visa cards
Such rudeness
This looks way better than P5.
Would it look like this if P5 came out on PC?
Persona has such a shit art style. That was supposed to be the hot one, yet she's just some lanky animu in the game.
b-but muh flashy impractical menus