Who is the canonically strongest person in Dark Souls and why is it the Bearer of the Curse?
Who is the canonically strongest person in Dark Souls and why is it the Bearer of the Curse?
because levels are cheaper for him than for the chosen undead and ashen one.
Wouldn't it be Solaire? He makes it all the way up to Gwyn (provided you don't let him succumb to the maggot) by using equipment that specifically states has no special qualities, and that the dude is just buff as fuck.
Also he uses lightning miracles which is bad ass.
Probably Lorian before he went gay for Lothric.
Dude was a beast.
sice DS3 bosses are tougher than DS2 adn 1 - Ashen One is the #1
>BotC canonically made it through Frigid Outskirts
Negro pls
Solaire was still susceptible to hollowing.
By the end, Bearer actually did the one thing that no one else in history was able to do: he would never hollow. An actual immortal. The pinnacle of human evolution.
The ashed one. Literally beated you from first game.
>since DS3 bosses are tougher than DS2 adn 1
I'm afraid that'd be the Slayer of Demons.
The ashen one.
Explain why botc would be strongest?
thy ashur one
>5 hit combos with 280 arc and insane range
>every hit is 30-40% of your hp
So strong he managed to remove himself out of canon.
You can't get more OP than that.
In The Ringed City the Ashen One and Gael are the only two beings left in all of creation after the end of time. Gael has consumed all bits of the dark soul, meaning he has killed every human. Bearer of the Curse may not have been killed by Gael himself, but since he is not there it implies he has died at some point from when we last see him to the end of time.
Really makes you think.. so Miyazaki didn't put any unique DS2 movesets in Soul of cinder?
That's cheating. Slayer is a fucking beast and his magic is ridiculous to say the least.
He's no longer a part of the world.
Literally, went beyond death.
>strength of 4 gwyn-tier kings and literally put the first flame back together
>and 4 great souls before
>literally too powerful to hollow even with a dark sigil
BotC is probably 30ft tall and shitting fire in every direction from consuming so much power.
Y'all are making me want to pick up ds2 again and finish it
Tapping Shanalotte's dragon pussy every night.
>>Literally *teleports behind you*
>>Still manages to get his ass crippled from that faggot dlc-tier boss demon prince, and becomes retard afterwards
Play Demon's Souls.
>literally went beyond death
Into what, nothingness? Does he still have a tangible impact on the world? If not then he's not the strongest anything because he's literally nothing
I'll have to swing by my second hand game shop later today. What's a fun build?
DP is not the one who made him crippled since he beat him with no probs
>Removed himself from the cycles
>Will never hollow
>A true immortal that forges his own path ahead
Everyone else
>Bitches to the gods and fate and will either die as fuel to the fading flames or be Londor snek fucbois
Bearer did everything right
Heavy weapon builds are my favourite.
dat dbs and meat cleaver hnrrrgh
>has the most awkward and clunky moves
>takes damage even when the hit doesn't connect
>beated you
That fucking grammar brah
>editing all miracles, sorceries, hexes and pyromancies for cheevos
>only get miracle cheevo
>no estus flask anymore
that´s really sad. Now I need to play all that again and hidden weapon is a pain in the ass.
Still the best trailer the series ever had
being un-hollowable doesn't make him the strongest, just the most resistant. you can still kill him repeatedly to the point of exhaustion until he gives up and runs away.
in terms of sheer strength, the Ashen One rekts some serious shit up with the Sellsword Twinblades way more than the Ice Rapier or Red Iron Twinblade ever could
I enjoyed watching that trailer more than every second of dark souls 2. Is that irony?
>not the guy who deafeated 4 lords of cinder
You know that technically every major boss in Dark Souls 3 was just as strong as Gwyn, the Chosen Undead and the Bearer of the Curse, right?
>He's never seen the glory of a broken Santier's Spear.
Ashen One literally kills someone with the dark soul.
the mundane infusion for that shit was simply not meant to exist, it was broken at a Cheat Engine-tier level of cheapness
He is. He's the only playable character in the series that wins the game, he basically becomes an actual God by the end and transcends all the cycle nonsense.
you're overestimating the power of that crown, user
he just won't turn into a zombie anymore, nothing else
Do it, go beyond being a meme spouting faggot and transcend the yoke of this cesspool of a community.
Not mentioning Midiru-sama, who's literally immortal huge ass ancient dragon, means Gwyn or any god is nothing compared to him
>he basically becomes an actual God by the end and transcends all the cycle nonsense.
>nobody remember him in 3 because his game is not canon
makes you think
>he just won't turn into a zombie anymore, nothing else
And has all the benefits of the curse without any drawbacks.
Not even Gwyn could pull that one off.
GWYN. King Turd of Shit Mountain. The dude who's responsible for ushering in the age of fire. Lord of Sunlight. Master of Anor Londo.
He couldn't master the curse and went hollow.
Bearer ain't having none of that.
He transcended canon.
Literally, BTFO out of everyone.
>nothing else
>Literally transcends all the laws that governs the world he lives in be it mortals or gods, becoming a true immortal, a constant in a world built around the inevitable deterioration of everything
>Nothing else
I'm not up to date with Souls lore. I thought all three games were linked?
dudwe,Gwyn was nothing but a Lightning Spear spammer, he only got so revered by everyone because he was the first one to come up with these shit tactics
fast forward some years and every single FTH build scrub was doing the same thing
>I thought all three games were linked?
Lame. I thought that was the big twist at the end of 3. I've been misled
>Falling for the basest of SoulsShit shitposting
Be glad that you're not up to date
ignore him, DS2 meme haters like to make shit up to compensate their assblasting
none of them can explain how Giants are mentioned in DS3 and whta the hell is the Earthen Peak doing there in the Ringed City
Wow, a trailer that is better than all the "gameplay" of the game. Really makes you think
>huge ass anicent dragon
>gwyn, the one who killed every dragon, is nothing to him
1. Ashen One
2. Soul of Cinder
3. Prime Gwyn during the initial age of fire
4. True Monarch
5. Ivory King
6. Vendrick
7. Bed of Chaos
8. Dark Lord Chosen Undead
9. The Firstborn
10. Individual Ancient Dragons
what else is this list missing?
Originally 2 is set thousands of years in the future and shit and retconed how hollowing worked. Then 3 comes out and says nah none of that shit will happen maybe. But it's a possible alternate timeline so here's all the armor and weapon sets of 2
"DS2 is best ds game" is a meme, bitch.
What in the fuck is this mongoloid even talking about?
It's Gael, or the Ashen One
Bearer eventually went hollow and was defeated and became part of Soul of Cinder. Gael survived every cycle.
how can one person be this wrong?
different timelines mate.
They are as linked as the second games "interconnected" landscape :^)
>Posting literal fanfic
How do we know how strong Prime Gwyn really is?
I mean this guy is roided up to the maximum
elaborate how the fuck was Seath able to exterminate its entire race single-handedly and not be featured in this list
>Bearer eventually went hollow
>Being this wrong
He can't go hollow. At all. Ever.
1) Not killed - he "cheesed" them with dick lightnings
2) He can't kill Midir since he's immortal
Luck build with the Blueblood Sword, cuts through enemies like a knife through butter when buffed
He just helped.
Fucking niggers, there is but one person who is the strongest
>The one autist that spergs out every time DaS2 gets mentioned is already here
It's painful to watch at this point
I tried a Little Mac run once.
Leather Boots + Hands of God.
Sadly I didn't complete the game with it, and obviously it's useless against Storm King.
This game has some pretty good graphics, when does it come out? :^)
>Bearer eventually went hollow and was defeated and became part of Soul of Cinder
>Implying the Bearer didn't nullify the effects of the curse using Vendrick's blessing and go live with the Herald, bear seek bearing her every night
He's the only one who was able to attain his goal. Went to Drangleic to seek relief from the curse, got it, even if he had to wait for Scholar of the First Sin.
>2) He can't kill Midir since he's immortal
>This is what dragon fags actually believe
True, patches shits all over bearer of the curses "immortality"
The existence of Soul of Cinder and the fact that bearer had clearly taken the Old Iron King's soul says it all.
Good joke bro.
now all it needs is that finalstand.webm to start the Nioh shilling
We don't really but Gwyn is definitely set up as one of the most powerful beings to ever live, his orignal Lordsoul is the greatest Lordsoul and he possessed it during the first ever cycle when it was at its peak. IMO every subsequent lord of cinder is either lesser than or at most equal to gwyn, I think it's literally impossible to surpass his own personal power (the strength of his soul I mean).
Seath betrayed his own but the actual slaughter of the Dragons was Gwyn and his knights.
Luck + blueblood blade.
How did you miss the part that Gwyn, Nito, and all of the witches were all wrecking them at once?
This. If he's the same faggot that spamming "BB in 10 days" - that shit won't be a surprise at all
strongest goy hands down
NG+ Mad invader Hodrick
And it begins
Chosen undead could easily soul spear spam this version of geralt.
I really hate the way fromsoftware did go now.
>DaS 1 great lore
>DaS2 bigger than DaS without world connection but still great lore
>DaS3 Let us get some new Lore and just put them into DaS1.
And now, no DaS anymore. I mean I just want my Dark Fantasy ARPG with cool builds, exploration and lore. But no, they will just become sony exclusive.
They share the same Soul.
Ashen One literally surpassed him 100 times by consuming every Gwyn tier faggot soul
Nioh guy slinked away in embarrassment after that game turned out to be nothing.
>what else is there I'm missing?
Let's talk about Seath too
>so batshit fucking bananas that he finagled with the shard of soul Gwyn gave him so hard that eons later in Dark souls 2 it became his 'soul' and talked about like a cthulu monster
And since Gael got stomped by the Ashen One, we all know the answer do we not.
The Ashen One also controls the fire and everything related to it, including the world,
assuming you get the correct ending.