Oh shit user, you managed to get a girl back home to your room, but now she wants to see your physical game collection

Oh shit user, you managed to get a girl back home to your room, but now she wants to see your physical game collection.

How fucked are you?

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Probably not as fucked as when she sees my figure, Sentai and Kamen Rider collections.

>wake up

What if it was a guy? Both non and sexually?

She'd probably ask why the fuck you got multiple of the same fucking games

FO3 werent that good

My ex was impressed with my SNES and PSX games because she grew up, playing those systems at her uncle's place.

Those are expansion packs.

Lol bitches want to play Mario kart.

You fucked up

>'Ew, a Pokémonfag'
>'Hahaha, he owns The Sims 3'
>'Hahaha, he buys yealy copies of sports games'

Pretty fucked. At least my weebshit is digital-only.

I've got quite a few Zelda games. The only real incriminating game I have is the Super Famicom game Panel de Pon, but bitches love puzzle games.

Girls like Pokemon and the Sims.
What the fuck are you on.

Exactly my problem

She'd sigh, but we'd still proceed with having a pleasant evening.

>The only real incriminating game I have is the Super Famicom game Panel de Pon

Nothing incriminating about that. I love the game, and so does my gf.

>Kingdom Hearts
>not popular with girls

What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums?

>having sex with "girl gamers"

Actually kind of fucked. I had to sell 90% of my collection to avoid being homeless
Didn't matter in the end anyway

>Wow user you sure love video games hahaha
She'd probably think I'm a loser or some shit but I'm a good looking dude so she would probably stay and chat.

>user, you seriously bought the Kingdom hearts remixes again? And gravity rush? LOL


>why don't you put on a little makeup

How's Syndicate?

>cod ghosts
how many discs?


>DC games

At least one of you guys is getting laid.

Does DMC4:SE come with the DLC costumes on the disc?

>used to have a lot of games and consoles
>lost 90% of it in a basement flood

>own a boxed copy of system shock 2, arcanum and the blader runner vydia
meu negro

That's rough. I'm always paranoid about something like that happening, so I always keep my shit high up and with something above them to cover ceiling leaks.

Your move.

she wouldn't care about my weebshit because she's be all over my bbc

>tfw selling off 90% of collection
hoarder fags will never know this feel

Wait was Frasier a gay show?

Frasiers brother was a faggot (straight), but other than that no. Back then rainbow was z symbol of happiness, not faggotry.

Not much, since most of my physical collection here is shit i picked up for cheap. I don't think i played most of them. 90% of my collection i left back at my parents house.

hey man he was all about that Irish arse

You mean the feel of being so poor you have to force on yourself a self-inflicted foreclosure?

I've got a bunch of horror games and local multiplayer games just for such an occasion, although my wife doesn't like when I bring home women

Ladies, there's enough games and consoles for everyone!

>he thinks hes going to replay all 200 of his games
face reality senpai

>4 copies of battleborn

What the fuck.


He's 90% of the battleborn playerbase

>Three physical copies of Battleborn

>only Sony systems

I think I forgot to turn of the oven. I've got leave now. I'll call you again...

i'm pretty fucked, Dark Souls, Metal Gear, Atelier Games, Nep games, EDF, Senran Kagura.

fun fact: most women who come over to fuck don't care about what you have in your room.

>he doesn't know the feel of passing through your game collection and being overcome by nostalgia

There was a daily deal at Best Buy with GCU, that also took place during Best Buy's spend $100, get $25 back VISA Checkout promotion. I was below by a little bit so I decided to buy multiple copies for cases

There's a fourth one among the other piles

Of course there is. What kind of loser would own only three copies of Battleborn?


There are two TLoU: Remastered too.

Yes, for friends to play multiplayer mode in the guest room.

That alphabetical ordering system... I smell autist

No Xcucks allowed

>4 copies of Battlleborn
>0 copies of Overwatch

I want to believe this isn't Randy, but it's Randy

oh my fucking god it might actually be him.
It's not like quality or tastes have any say in that collection, so there's no way overwatch wouldn't have ended up in one of those piles otherwise.

Not fucked at all because I don't show my video game collection to women

Its pretty much half my collection. Cant be bothered splicing two pictures together

They sold blood dragon in a box? Sweet.
I just have these since I don't have any current gen consoles and mostly game on PC. All my older stuff is at my Parents' place where I have a giant fucking shelf of like 200 ps2/xbox/gc/dc games along with some big-box PC games.
Unfortunately my PSX games are all in cd-wallet things since I was an idiot kid that threw the boxes out to save space.

How fucked am I?

SMB got a physical release?

>having nostalgia for every game you ever played
sound like a literal hoarder user. Im getting rid of most of my ps3 games but still keeping like 10 of them.

It's highly possible. I'm just now noticing Attack on Titan in front of Atelier Sophie, and Madden 17 behind Mafia III.

Sadly, no. I am not the gaming legend that is Randy Pitchford.

hey randy, where's your copy of BULLETSTORM™: Full Clip Edition?

I suppose Randy would have a copy of Bulletstorm full clip

v solid

Comes with a steam code for the game and a DRM-free version in the disk, soundtrack, a double sided poster and a booklet with art, comics and other shit like that.


wew lad

Very solid autist

thx m8

Some questionable choices here and there but overall I'm proud of it.

I've fucked girls in the bed opposite this cupboard

waifu pillow doesn't count as a girl user

PS3 section

Forgot to include this in the picture, forgive the disgusting amount of dust

How much more black could that PS3 game on the right shelf be? The answer is none... none more black.

>didn't fall for any of the xbox memes

> 100s of Retro games
"Oh cool, I remember these when I was a kid"

> 100s of Modern games
"Oh... you really like games, huh?"

> Vidya figures, books, posters, garbagae
"Uh... I have to go"

>hm? oh, they're in my drawer

I'd ask her if she wants to play Wii Sports Resort, she'd look at me strangely, and then I'd remember that I lost my copy of Wii Sports Resort. Seriously, that game had no business being so good.

It's Shadow of Mordor, got it as a Christmas present. Possibly one of the worst videogame ports ever.

Sorry to disappoint but I'm currently in the process of acquiring a OG Xbox and a 360

>taking a grill into your cave that isnt into vidya

Are you that desperate to get your dick wet user?

I have this exact thing, it sucks, it tricked me into throwing away jewel cases.

OG Xbox I can undertsand, but all the 360 has are some shit covershooters and some Halo games.
Import Nier Replicant instead

>tfw married and wife is chill with any weeb games and Sup Forums memes

>implying girls don't love playing with my dolls

Sorry user but I need to complete my Ace Combat collection

Don't worry, she's not a pillow;)

>Heavy Rain: Movie Edition
I misread it and also happen to own it, but I really wish this was the title

A girl I wanted to get with for the longest time finally came over one night. I only left madden, 2k, and call of duty out. A year later we're dating and she just kinda rolls her eyes when I'm playing persona 4 and 5. Pretty accepting of it actually

These are my consoles

Pretty cute 2bh

>Oh shit user, you managed to get a girl back home to your room, but now she wants to see your physical game collection.
Depends purely on how much money you have and how nice the rest of your place is. If you've got decent taste in furniture and general living (fine if it's a bachelor manpad to some extent but it should be a tasteful one) and it's not total sty and you're reasonably well off, don't smell and all that basic human stuff, unless she's a freaky bitch she won't care about some hobbies. Conversely if you're chris-chan it wouldn't matter if there wasn't a vidya of any kind in the whole place.

>vidya collection all neat
>tiny shitty bed, walls look like you live in a prefab
what the fuck m8

how does your wifes son feel about it?

How do you get games into that dreamcast?

I throw away all my physical cases when I buy the new console