We support diversity.........................Except diversity of OPINIONS!!!!!
We support diversity.........................Except diversity of OPINIONS!!!!!
Reminder that this game has visually EPIC character designs.
Nobody denied Jontron's right to have an opinion that black people are genetically inferior to white people, and need to be deported
What the fuck is this meant to be?
>square green shit with erlenmeyer flask
Wew lad
This. Fuck niggers, it's my opinion and you have to be gentle with it.
Why is it so hard for people to accept that races are inherently different?
Like nobody complains when people talk about the differences in breeds of dogs or cats, but the second anyone mentions differences in human breeds people flip out
Is she a fridge? I honestly can't tell.
Nobody wants to accept that they are in any way inferior to someone else. This goes for all races,each of whom has advantages (save abbos) and disadvantages over each other.
oh look another polposter not talking of video games because muh eceleb. how original.
I think it's cheese
Oh look it's another neoGAF poster not talking about video games because muh pol. How original.
>she he realized I'm from pol and I'm anally pained about my eceleb being removed. fuck. what do I do? I know! better call him a neogaf drone! xDDD crisis avoided! rofl fuck those who disagree with me xD
Fuck Jontron, the game is just mediocre at best.
You don't need to bring up eceleb garbage to criticize the game
Boogeyman for the pol dummy
Oh look it's another cuck sjw redditor kike how original
fat pewdiepie
His opinions aren't opinions. They're falsehoods.
This isn't about videogames though, it's about some faggot e-celeb.
Stay in your containment subreddit/chan you autistic faggot.
I bet jontron got mugged by niggers
That's a bit of a weak equivocation given that dogs and cats aren't sapient beings and thus are naturally less given to individual variance. People get somewhat testy when you speak in broad generalities about any group of people for the simple reason that there are always going to be those who don't fit the standard you are presenting.
People also tend to dislike having their basic humanity called into question and assessed as if it were a quantifiable thing.
Is it probable that people are very generally different in some respects? Maybe. But it is also very understandable why the subject is contentious.
So yes, just saying DUDE DOGS AND CATS, is a bit reductive because people are not dogs and cats.
>Fuck off *insert boogeyman*
>Oh yea, well YOU'RE *insert different boogeyman*
Can't we just discuss the game and why it's pretty average/kinda bad?
Its a vending machine
Leftism in a nutshell.
One of these things is not like the others
Humanity is a meme. We're animals simple as that.
For example, German Shepherds tend to be friendly and easily trained, that doesn't mean they all are.
Just like niggers are more likely to leave their kids to single mothers and be criminals, doesn't mean they're all like that.
>Diversity of opinions
That literally just doesn't mean anything at all. It's empty noise in the form of an attempt at a rhetorical judo throw through invoking liberal ideals against them.
You might think this is clever or something but it legit just doesn't make sense. When people advocate diversity the general idea is that representation for ethnic groups or people of certain sexuality is important.
The thing that differentiates both of those from opinions is that a person has no agency over their race and it can be argued that people also hold no sway over their sexual preferences. However, an individual is fully responsible for their own opinions and whether or not they choose to public espouse them.
You're just comparing two things that are literally not comparable in any respect in an attempt to expose some 'hypocrisy' that actually isn't there at all.
There are plenty of valid arguments against liberal ideologies, so you should probably use those instead of a retarded and vacuous false equivalence.
>That literally just doesn't mean anything at all.
It does, though.
>It's another Sup Forums thread
where did the sex appeal go?
When fags and trannies are less than 5% of the population, they don't deserve nearly as much representation as they're demanding.
fuck off Sup Forums brainlet
spongebob (female)
Maybe "German shepherds" are "friendlier" because they didn't have the product of their labor stolen from them for hundreds of years or because they got preferential treatment when it came to dishing out FHA money or because they got lighter drug sentencens in the 1980s.
I never said those things were untrue, simply that there are reasons for which people get incensed when you talk in broad terms. I was only explaining that aspect of it from my perspective.
Also yeah people are animals but the comparison just ignites my autism because dog and cat personalities are never going to have the nuance of human ones.
What would you do in this situation?
I just hope Jafari feels like an idiot for torpedoing a generally likeable brand. He's pretty much stunted himself from ever doing anything larger.
All he had to do was just not be an idiot
>we support diversity
Then why did they remove a mudslime from their game? Hypocrites
You sound like you're fifteen my dude
Change the channel to something that isn't Reddit: The show
Shut up cuck
I never said that they do. I simply said that comparing someone being gay to someone having an opinion is stupid on its face. Which it is. Being gay isn't an opinion and can't be compared to it. Being an ethnic minority is also not an opinion and someone can't really be held accountable for something they could never have controlled.
People CAN be held fully responsible for the ideas they have and the things they say though, because those are for them to choose.
The difference here is whether or not something can be done of one's own volition or not.
>It does, though
Maybe, but not anything sensible, unless you'd like to inform me as to how differing ethnic groups being represented is the same as differing opinions being represented, especially when people are not responsible for their ethnicity but are responsible for what they believe and what they say.
Playtonic doesn't support diversity, I can tell from this.
Because fuck you, islamophobe
>that pic
literally never happened
>it's another Sup Forumsbait image
>reply to this post will be about how I'm a triggered Sup Forumstard for pointing out this (You)bait
Because the people who say races are inherently different, tend to be the type to go on to say races are inherently inferior and should be killed.
Remove Sup Forums genocide mongering and make a point that you don't advocate for any negative treatment and rational people might accept it
stopped reading there.
Not an argument.
So all this reddit/pol talk aside, how's the actual game?
Diversity of opinions has nothing to do with ethnicity.
My favorite eCeleb is entitled to be in this game I'm not gonna play even though he sounds like a drooling moron every time he opens his mouth lately!! WAHHHHH!
Dunno I grew out of platformers a long time ago
Shut up neofag
The only people who should be killed are the Jews.
Otherwise I just want America to be un-diversified so we can be country with a single race and culture just like everyone else has. I realize at this point that it's simply not possible, but it's always nice to dream.
This is a separate thing but the USA doesn't have shit for culture except for being real fucked up.
Nice diversity of opinions there :^)
Blacks were in tribal age while the whiteys were playing with guns and boats.
And guess what? Blacks still stupid to this day, what a surprise, now fuck off redditor.
Yeah you're definitely 12.
I'm waiting for the switch version but from what I've seen
>the voices oh fucking god why
>final boss drags on and on
>laylee is cool but yooka's just kind of a misfire
So what character was jon meant to be?
Shut up and show me porn of that Chameleon.
>The Irish got fucking devastated with potato famine
>Blacks near arab gets fucked in the ass even worse than how burgers treated them
>Asians gets Auschwitz'd freedom edition during WW2, literally no one talked about because it's the winning side
>opium war melting Asian brains
>Great Leap Forward etc.
>possibly more worse shit happened to other civilization that I can't know because I'm not a fucking historian
>Somehow blacks are the only ones justified because they're oppressed and shit, just like the rest about but only ones to get a free pass
It's a nostalgia cashgrab of a genre that's dead for a reason. What do you think?
26 thank you.
Really though, just someone who has taken a couple minutes to realize how fucked this place is. Of the first world countries, we are by far in the worst shape.
You're completely missing my point here so I'll explain this thoroughly now.
The OP is saying that playtonic and by extension liberals are hypocritical for claiming to support diversity while not being inclusive of people whom they disagree with on an ideological basis.
The flaw of this argument is that it is predicated upon the erroneous idea that the liberal conception of diversity means inclusiveness of all ideas. That is untrue. The liberal argument for diversity and the value of representation of minorities is that there are negative ramifications when people suffer consequences due to things they cannot control and thus we should be tolerant and inclusive of those groups so as to mitigate the potential harm incurred to them.
The prime failing of the OP's argument arises when he says that this should extend to also mean everyone gets a platform from which to espouse their personal views. The difference being that a person's personal views are something they are completely responsible for, therefore any consequences resultant from those views is on them. It's not comparable at all to race or sexual orientation.
Diversity of opinions has nothing to do DIRECTLY with ethnicity, no, but when you attempt to frame an argument such that you are tacitly suggesting that ethnicities and opinions are the same, you've gone full retarded.
A.) this is bullshit
B.) Europeans got the best starting spot on the map towards civilization. Temperate climate and docile animals.
Taming the animals common in subsaharan Africa is basically impossible. Zebras and hippos are assholes.
But keep trying to piggyback on the past accomplishments of people who you think are your same race. It definitely works as a mask for how you've failed to accomplish anything significant in your own life.
Like all those other great mono culture countries like China right? Or those places that are pretty cool like Canada? Oh wait lots of French and asians there. Or England? Nope lots of blacks and immigrants there. Fuck off, no chance you're above 20.
>it's another "Sup Forums falseflags itself and retards eat it up" repeat episode
what does this mean
You got it all figured out, eh? Mr smartest guy in the room
erroneous just means wrong. Like err as in error.
>took the time to click reply and type 5 words, complete a captcha, and click post instead of just typing erroneous definition into google
Nigga erroneous is not a hard word anyway
Fascists don't deserve to have an opinion. Violence is the only way to free us from the likes of Jontron and other retards who really believe "muh genepool" is a good argument
Nigger. Has a nice ring to it.
t. Triggered female redditor
Cunny sounds better
>Zebras and hippos are assholes
Yes. To play devils advocate for a moment here though I'll say that Africa did have elephants and those can be tamed. I think africans did tame elephants though but I could be wrong
congrats on writing out what is possibly the stupidest fucking thing I've read on Sup Forums all week.
pro tip kiddo: saying "we support diversity" implies support for diversity of ideas and values as well. You can't separate cultural diversity from diversity of ideas and values because that is WHAT CULTURE IS you fucking moron.
It's not about the specific politics.................I just hate it when video game companies express political leanings............unless they align with what I read on Sup Forums!!!!!!!!!
Why do you sound like a fascist if you're against them
With the 2000's