Is there anything more pathetic?

And to all you neutralfags, please post some compelling choices (or non-choices) a neutral character could make.

why do you post this thread hour after hour day after day month after month?

do you legitimately have autism?

Its about picking a option that appears neutral but ends up being renegade or paragon.

Old pasta.

Making the choices you see fit, without influence by morality sliders, is the way to play.


>i only deal in extremes
Generation Z ladies and gentlemen.

Role playing games are about role playing. Not about playing predetermined evil or good path.

How is more choice a bad thing? Are you a nu-game developer?

When did this shit come back?

Op, I have never seen anyone complain about not being neutral, everyone mostly picks paragon

>Good guy
Brain dead retard who always does what is le good thing based on short sighted morality and feelings
>Bad guy
Brain dead edgelord who always does le evil thing so he can feel edgy

Those 2 extremes are retarded, neutral is better, judge a situation, how you profit, short term and long term and make a decision, not because muh poor people or "i like to hurt ppl"

>being a law cuck
Lmao submissive faggot

>mfw be a submissive faggot in bed but even I am not a submissive sissy to blindly follow le rules

Having good/evil slider with benefits just results in playthroughs where you pick a side at beginning and choose options that give points to that for rest of the playthrough.
Might as well have game ask you at the start "Do you want to be a Jesus or Super Satan?" That way you'd at least avoid protagonist behaving like inconsistent idiot in scenes which don't give you choices, like what you get in Infamous.

New Vegas format of letting player earn reputation with different factions works best, in my opinion. But even that had silly bits like stealing from criminals resulting in bad karma, but looting their bodies after killing them not doing anything.

I just pick whatever choices I want and I don't try to stick to one side or another.

>He doesn't haven't a code

I have a code, it says whatever brings me profit and enjoyment short/long term wins is the best choice :3

> yes man

Sometimes you want to be Paragon in order to gain access to certain people and then go full Renegade and fill them full of lead. This is almost never a viable option.

This, the issue isn't wanting to be neutral, it's not being able to pick actions based on context and role play and instead, obsessing over points so you can get the best results.

Why yes I do, I'll go kill myself brb

Are you the same autists who keeps posting the GOOD IDEA/BAD IDEA WITCHER 3 threads?

Nobody would have ever said it if Paragon and Renegade weren't written horribly.

>I can't make any decisions so I'll just have no decision at all
>I choose to not choose a side

When I played Mass Effect I didn't give a shit about paragon or renegade, I chose whatever option seemed to make the most sense at the time. Sometimes that was paragon, sometimes it was renegade. In the end it was probably about a 50/50 split. It wasn't intentional, it's just how it played out. That's true neutral.

i'm seriously convinced that you're retarded

With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals? Who knows!

Does going Paragon even have any drawbacks in Mass Effect? With Renegade there are some moments where you kill NPCs that might have been useful in later games, but I don't recall a moment where the Paragon option screwed you over

What makes a man turn neutral ... Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?

I want to play a character I like, not be made to play murderhobo or saint self-sacrifice.

It is called having a brain, intelligent people dont hate the reapers because they understand it is just a machine who came to a conclusion, there was no ill will, yet idiots like you hate them as if they are somekind of evil creature because you are an emotional being.

Meanwhile all smart people choose reyes because intelligent rational people work well with other intelligent rational people unlike moralfags.

The game where MY Little Pony way get you all you want while more practical and realistic way leave you fucked in the ass

All I know is my gut says maybe.

>believing in spooks

>It's a "Neutral-fags try to justify their stupidity" episode

Oh I'm laffin.

I'm still waiting for a game with proper public face/hidden motivation system. Where you can behave one way when in the public eye and another when you can get away with it. It wouldn't have to be very complicated, but it would help alleviate problems of "evil" characters having to be complete assholes 24/7.