I would let her shake my balls around.
I feel bad for that girl. She never asked for that XD
Poor girl
pretty amazing that we've hit this point. I hope that girl has a long and happy and normal life
>poor girl
Its a cyborg
>Heres your controller bro
Also is this videogame?
>implying she's even human anymore
Does she can play vidya?
>Also is this videogame?
She's clearly doing a Venom cosplay
>Tfw she jerks you off with her robot hand and jams her stump up your butt while crying and asking if she can stop now
Is she super strong now?
>She chose the green ending
Bring it to Sup Forums, they are obsessed with little girls there
i'm glad technology keep helping people.
can she shoot rocket punchs?
So, it has begun. Your days are now numbered.
In the very end of 2028, you may expect a worldwide android revolution which will nearly decimate the humanity as we know it.
I'm from the future resistance movement. Screencap this for future reference if you wish. Good luck.
Now you notice she lost both arms
Na man, that's cunnyposter's turf, man
Ain't gonna mess with him
>about 10-15 years away until I can start chopping off my limbs
People are actually starting to cut their limbs because they have a prosthesis fetish. In the future, having a ornamented leg or arm prosthesis will be like having a tattoo
That looks cool, but I imagine it'd be extremely expensive to replace once she hits her growth spurt.
>everyone always bitching about not being born earlier
Fucking faggots. I want to have been born fifty years later. I could literally be an adrian barbo-bot
>Can wreck now any Mans Handgrip
>Poor girl
ye nah
Yeah, but all your neighbours would be mecha-niggers
As cool as it looks, it's just a current gen prosthetics with a shitty early access skin.
So I just cut them down with my chainsaw hands bitch
I'd pick that over an actual hand if it was a little less tacky with all the gold garnish and shit.
I'm glad to see that she has the opportunity to work with those kind of prosthetics. Hopefully, it's not just a study and she can take them home with her.
>he doesn't know about Kali Yuga
>spending all that money on that fancy ass hand when she's just gonna grow out of it
that's cute
hope technology improves soon and her hand will be as nimble as a real one
i remember seeing an old vid of this leg amputee woman stuff her stump into a guys butt
i think she was arrested for sodomy
Spotted the BR
>4 years ago
by the time she will be 16 she will have a special onahole prosthetic, a dragon dildo one and a 40kW laser gun
>not wanting to achieve a higher state of life
In the far future, you'll be able to have a custom ordered weeaboo shell for your arm.
So you can have your chinese cartoon wife's face on your robotic masturbation arm.
>too lazy to lift
>replace limbs with robot parts and get super human strength instead
>because your heart doesn't have to plump blood to extremities any more, you get more oxygenated blood to your brain and organs, keeping you healthy
>increased blood flow to dick too
Jesus, imagine being a human and losing a limb. It might be better in the future but right now while they look a bit more aesthetic the prosthetic limbs are weak.
>implying she didn´t get free for being a test subject
Absolutely blasphemous.
Any righteous citizen should strike these satan spawn down. Man shall not attempt to be god and get away with it.
To arms my brethren!
You think she is going to keep that?
No, she's testing out a prototype. Give it a few years she'll have a basic club with a few elastic band on a thumb made out of recycled spoons.
>imagine being a human and losing a limb
it's a thought that unnerves me every day
especially with how simple it is to lose a limb
You can have my arm. I'm getting a fucking chaingun.
this is really cool
this is some god damn futuretech that needs more people in that field
This makes me want to lose an arm and have the chance to acquire one of those so I can look cool and capture women's attention
>imagine being a human
Satan will not care for you in the afterlife heretic!
>tfw friend of mine from high school got in to robotics and automation and is literally building cool ass robots and simulation machines and self driving cars
And big chainsaw hands!
lmao hell isnt real
What the fuck.
>imagine being a human
We're too late lads, time to bow to our android superiors
Man will become god or die trying.
You better save up money so your grandchild can get edited and not fall behind the other kids.
Remember it's better to be coordinator than a natural.
Oh there's my nightmare, I thought I lost it.
Thread theme
still waiting on that breakthrough in genetic engineering
>in bathroom
>your upstairs neighbors tub could crush you at any moment
Gotta get land and a house asap
h-holy shit, user
Is that an Adam Jensen arm? Did she pick that out or did they just give her one styled like that because they wanted to advertise the game?
It's probably a prototype, specially since kids are better guinea pigs because they're fast adapters, as opposed to some random middle aged man
Jerking off with a robot arm would be cold and potentially dangerous
>Imagine you where alive in the 80s.
Wtf I want a robotic hand now
i'm about to lose my arm on purpose, want to make it look like an accident at work.
how much do those things cost, i really want to be part machine.
It's the spiders again, isn't it?
What did he mean by this?
nigga are you serious?
It's the Adam Jensen hand though
*drops EMP*
If you're American, even getting no arm and plain survive is going to put you in debt, specially since you type like a store clerk.
Shock Arm or Rocket Arm?
Would you?
Is it wired to her brain? I'd imagine they'd let her keep one long term to test if there's any change from using one for long periods.
I'm pretty sure they took the arm back after the Mankind Divided flopped
I'm seriously considering contacting them and finding out how much one costs. Just the shell, there's something so appealing in them.
>the reason no one's ever taken over hell is because you only get to take your body
>if you remove your arms and replace them with weapons you get to take them with you
>fight and beat Satan and become the new king of hell
you humans are fucking weird, why not just grow another leg?
>sorry kid game flopped we'll need the arm back
What a time to be alive!
>a trailer like that will never shake up the video game industry again
Doomfist confirmed?