I want a new AoE so bad
Rise of the Rajas is actually pretty fucking sick tho
This is a shit thread, OP.
Halo Wars just came out on Steam.
And it's literally an AoE game.
More of a AoE3 boy
Fitting that it's a bug then
What is this neo cardcrusher meme?
I also thought you fucks hated owlshit.
>doesn't even give the template
Thread's still shit mate.
OP delivers
Readit as fuck nigger get out
is this loss?
He's right, the thread's shit and barely video game related.
>literally an AoE game
>only one resource
>3000 player active playerbase on voobly alone, not counting gameranger or aoe2 hd
>hurr durr its dead
literally the most alive rts game right fucking now, even i know that and i don't even like the fucking game
>What are you gonna do, squish me?
- Squishing Victim
I see comics made by this guy fucking everywhere.
I can't say they aren't relatable sometimes but, damn, 90% of them ends with the character doing a creepy/angry/stupid face.