>only 300k copies sold in 3 weeks
What the fuck went wrong?
Persona5 sales
Post a source, you tremendous wanker.
>weeb game
that's what went wrong.
Can't romance Ryuji.
It's still sold out everywhere near me. Where are you getting those stats from?
Good, if it isnt popular Sup Forums can stop pretending to hate it.
>shipped over 1.5m copies at launch
>still sold out everywhere
>what went wrong
>you can't romance goro
>not a permanent party member
>buying physical
>pretending to hate it.
but the game has been spammed since before it even came out. there are never fewer than 10-15 persona threads going on at one time.
>being a fan of literal mosquito
And all of them are filled with people screaming about weeaboos and whatever the fuck is the current buzzword.
>no source
PS4 is just a dudebro machine. Of course good games aren't gonna sell.
You mad mustard boyz? mad that we be drikin up all yo wiminz
Nothing sells on PC though.
Seeing as Atlus has ~120 employees that figure is enough by itself
Not sold in my country that's whats wrong.
>releasing it so near to Mass Effect Andromeda and Nier
because recurring threads belong on a different board.
>thinking either of these compete with P5
Surprise, people aren't eating glorified VN garbage