52 days

52 days

Post hopes and dreams

Other urls found in this thread:


Dumb squidposter

>having hopes for a big advertising expo
>not learning that you never get the full picture from e3
u r really fuckin dumb son

its 50 days, you stupid fags

>what are timezones

Metal Gear Rising 2
God Hand 2
Devil May Cry 5

A man can dream can't he?

>Devil May Cry 5

Already came out in 2013 my man.

Where? No it didn't. There was that game that had that guy called Dante in it, but that wasn't Devil May Cry

>Not looking forward to the live Sup Forums threads
>Not witnessing all the fresh OC that comes from it
>Not wanting to experience the fucking chaos when a sequel to a beloved series on Sup Forums is revealed

You're thinking of Dante's Inferno I think.


Golden sun 4

But good again

>golden sun was never good


King's Field V(r)

And fags will say "FPS SOULS HAH WREKT LIKE RE7"
And everyone will pretend they always knew of this series

Screencap this pls

Not 4. A reboot.

Half Life 3 is just a movie.



Honestly at this point they'd probably make Half Life 3 multiplayer in some way. Valve realizes that the best way to make money now is to sell other games on Steam and microtransaction cosmetics. Valve knows people are going to be less likely to buy a stat tracker crowbar for Gordon Freeman if it's a single player game, so they'll find some sort of way to make it multiplayer

It'll probably be a decent game, Valve would make sure of it, but it wouldn't be Half Life

I actually completely forgot about this. Have they showed anything besides that initial trailer? I really want another Spiderman 2 on PS2 tier game, but the cynic in me says it won't come close

What the fuck a few days ago we were at 48
Can none of you niggas count

no new information since the reveal. its not looking good. there was an intervew with the devs after the reveal, but it was all fluff. i just want to know if theres moon swinging or not.

>Bloodborne 2
>Armored Core 6
>Ni No Kuni 2 Release Date
>Cyberpunk 2077 Reveal Trailer
>SMT 5 confirmed to not only be on Nintendo Switch that shit off.

Oh wow, fuck, the years are going by fast, that thought just sinked in me right now, I feel like it was last year when they revealed Megaman for sm4sh, or when Miyamoto fucked up with SS motion controls, damn

Well last year I had the big hope that since it was Dead Rising's 10th anniversary, capcom would release DR4 or remaster DR1, or release the trilogy for PS4 (including DR3).

Be careful what you wish for. IMO it backfired so hard for me, DR4 (and its DLC) was utter shit for the franchise, the remasters were fine, felt more like ports than remasters but whatever, DR1 stopped being an exclusive.

DR3 is still an exclusive but whatever, it's not the same and I'm not interested in playing that anymore

>4 seconds until e3

King's Field and Eternal Ring fucking suck, though

This has to be posted here everyday until E3.

Do you think the terrible sales and reception to Other M and Federation Force will lead Nintendo to think people aren't interested in Metroid?

Nintendo is been making fun of metroid fans since 2012-2013, and still in 2017 with the Game Informer interview of Aonuma and Miyamoto.

I just don't see a new metroid game being anounced.

BUT, since the switch is a new console/handheld the game has change, they need a new metroid to increase their popularity among old fans and draw in new ones, like BotW did.
Maybe we'll get a Metroid Prime the likes of No man's sky but with actual content and depth, or a reboot, or a new type of metroid game

a 3D Shantae

I really, really hope there won't be a procedurally generated Metroid game. The beauty of the Prime games is how meticulously designed the planets were - mainly the flora, fauna, and the lore

Even if the procedural generation was great, it wouldn't come close to that of the Primes

Knowing nintendo, yes

don't be silly

A Dino Crisis reboot

Is Sup Forums doing that stream where they play Spongebob episodes in between the conferences again? those are always great

I hope so, it's the only reason I still watch E3 live.

the only thing I want from gods is Dragons Dogma for Ps4

> Games
> Good

Pick one. I'm not getting either from E3 anymore.

Surprise RDR2 for PC (currently the only thing where le goldenface.jpg triggers me)
Cyberpunk info
Devil May Cry 5

Donkey Kong
Give me a reason to buy a Switch


I wonder just how bad Sup Forums will get if/when RDR2 gets a PC announcement.

I love Smash but I don't want a new one to be announced THIS early. Give it some time. Donk Konk and Metroid would be great though

R-RDR was shit anyway, enjoy your s-scraps PCfats

It's probably not gonna happen for a year or so. Rockstar loves double or even triple dipping, getting multiple sales from the same person. I wish we'd at least get a port of the first game, RDR was the last game I ever lent to someone and of course it ended up being one of the ones that never got returned. Don't wanna buy it again unless it's on PC.