Old guy.... in the guild..... types.................. like this........
Old guy.... in the guild..... types.................. like this
Other urls found in this thread:
>joining a guild
look at this fucking nerd
Old people not being able to type is disturbing. It's like they're retarded or something lol
you got a problem.......... sonny?
Black Guy In The Guild Types Like This
Weeb guy in the guild :^) types like this lmao your salty
>TFW.......my dad.........types............like this
Why the fuck do they do it?
Twitch faggot in the chat types like this:
Kappa Kappa Kappa PogChamp
my dad does it too
I don't get it either
he is 45 and got into the internet and chat in the recent years
before that when he used SMS for text messaging he typed normally
Intelligent man in the guild types like this, and he utilizes grammatical and lexical conventional norms to their utmost.
Too many visual novels.
actual intelligent people type like this, valuing speed and clarity over grammatical convention
>Intelligent man
he holds . button for the time it takes him to go irl from one word to another. hes imitating real talk in chat
Fuck those guys
>old guy in the guild is 60 but is not only one of the best warlocks on the server but helpful and friendly
In my vanilla experience, most of the flak I got was from 20-somethings. Even then they were "loud" and obnoxious look at mes, oh shit I'm a 20-something.
I was friends with a 45 year old black guy who was a bouncer in real life And He Always Had To Type Like This and one day I took him aside like bro dont you get tired of typing like that..
>He Always Had To Type Like This and one day I took him aside like bro dont you get tired of typing like that
What did he say?
That Annoying Fucking Asshole Who Always Types Like This???
He had a dopey demeanor in the sense he rarely took issue with anything so somehing like "Haha I Just Got Used To It Long Ago Bro"
Seems like a cool guy. Hard to read his text, but a cool guy
>that 13 yr old in the guild that calls everyone "kid"
Sounds like a pretty cool guy actually
>that player who makes correct use of the semicolon in the chat
>type with grammar and punctuation
>people make fun of you
Or english is his 2nd language. Try to think in 2 or more languages user.
Name 1 (one) language which is like OP.
What are you trying to say?
Šta misliš s time?
Was möchtest du sagen?
what does that have to do with anything? even when I was 14 and didn't speak a whole lot of english I sure as fuck didn't.........type.......like this..........
>Typing in chat
>not communicating using in game emotes, spammed voice commands, movements like teabagging, jumping, and spinning
That one
who always
broke up
he said
an ended
smileys =P
>tfw everyone unironically uses emojis and my texts sound angry because i dont
Hard liquor and marinuana use will do that
u and ur make me so goddamn mad and I don't know why.
soz XD
I used to type like this
It was a habit I picked up from RuneScape, most people typed like that in that game.
For me it's "coz" instead of "cuz". It's minor but that's just not how it's pronounced.
Mine is "Ya'll" I just assume they sleep with their cousin
thankfully I don't talk to many Americans
I type 140 wpm 95% accuracy when I'm sober but I still use ur, can't shake it for some reason
expedience. who cares
Old men at my job type like exactly like you described.
Not sure what it is, but whatever.
>write in my native language
>fuck grammatical conventions and correctness
>write in English
>do it as properly as I can
>Old guy in the guild
>People keep mistaking your voice for the 13 year old boy in the guild.
>People who don't add a space before their exclamation marks to exude youthful excitement when they exclaim.
You guys don't know what you're missing !
>Old guy in the guild
>Still says leet, wo0t, pwned, phat lewt
That one guy who attempts to appear mature in arguments by typing like this.
After all, he is not a child like you.
>by typing like this.
You mean typing normally?
The same reason that some people Type Like This, Capitalizing Every Word Of The Sentence.
Actual mental retardation.
A hunter class leader in my guild used to type like that, as soon as I took over I dumped his ass. Fucking ellipsis abuse and afk autoshot dps... was too much.
not when he normally talks like this
>typing in the guild
>Change my typing style depending on where or not I am shitposting.
there won't be season two of world peace
>playing warhammer on ROR
>some old dude leading our warband
>he adds ..... after every sentence
i think he's trying to be sassy or something
>people asking why you don't use periods at the end of messages despite typing everything else "correctly"
It's because you know the fucking sentence is finishing morans. What is the point of a period at the end of a text or a post ROOOOO
They're all...... fans of....... Gosling......
No one's ever asked me that.
Hell, there's someone's blog article explaining why adding a full-stop to the end of a sentence in a chat potentially makes it sound passive aggressive. It's just not really something you do in a game chat especially.
I hate
when people
like this
the chat
You could make the same argument about most grammatical rules. It's simply a sign of respect.
>in some ultra casual guild on one of my characters in WoW
>one member would type "Kandi:" before every message and end it with "xD" every time without fail
Most bizarre thing I've ever experienced. You would think they would fuck it up sometimes but they never did.
>tfw dad is 60+ and types like that too
>ok....... thanks........ goodbye....
they are obsessed with emoticons
I do that ironically, I'm so fucking scene.
That guy
who redditspaces
his posts
>typing like your hands have asthma
absolutely nothing worse
I used to do that.
I still do that
Why can't you bother putting punctuation at the end of a sentence, but you take the time to put a "ROOOOO"? What the fuck is that supposed to be?
that guy who types completely normally so you dont read or notice he even said anything
Literally me. Sorry, lads.
Fucking this. I feel like I have to force some emojis into a text because otherwise they will make me sound angry or tired.
Why does that remind me of this?
I do this as well and I don't know why.
>types 'sigh'
>types 'xd'
>types 'lol im high'
you attention seeking cunt
i love cromartie
>xD as punctuation
Makes me mad as fuck. This guy used it inappropriately once, not morally but just in a context where he obviously wouldn't be laughing.
So i asked what's so funny and he just gave me some confused answer as if he didn't know what i was talking about.
>type out a sentence i want to post
>go back and ellipses at random intervals
>grandma needs me to take her garbage out
>texts me a garbage can and car emoji
"No, White Boy"
cool guy in the guild types like this
always lowercase, spaced consistently
just to show how cool and distant he is
and not at all passive aggressive
>people who use question mark to give their sentence a condescending tone when it's not even interrogative
then continues to linger in game for minutes, to see if anybody responds
Some old people sure, but that's mostly the 14 year old typing. Most older players (especially women in MMOs) I've known had god tier WPM and grammar.
>That guy who takes one small typo or grammar mistake and blows it way out of proportion because he lacks wit and argumentative skills.
Pseudo nerds are the fucking worst and most common of trash on online games. I'm a teacher and I've never once done that shit unless it was ironically to piss one of them off.
>t. filthy Yankee or dirty foreign swine
>uses :^) every second phrase
>Old guy.... in the guild..... types.................. like this........
>They Type Like This.
>They Think They Are Superior In Typing To You.
>They Are Also Thirteen.
>They greentext out of 4chin
I split my message if I want to do a spoiler punch line.
Single word messages are good for making sure a point gets across to that 5 year old in you group.
>married couples in guild that have children
>they still act like children themselves
>Older coworker uses ellipses all the time on the chat we use at work when they make no sense
>join game
>team mate uses voice chat
>crying children and arguing in the background
>people who have kids in the guild
>especially babies
never again
no, just no.
>Old guy in the guild
>Doesnt say anything at all
its me
Why do people do that?
>makes it sound passive aggressive
this is why I generally won't use them.
there's a difference between
and the more laid-back, friendly
Making the conscious decision to include the period almost reads like saying PERIOD out loud after everything.
fuck I use that face all the fucking time :^)