>multiple Bloodborne threads at any time of the day for more than two years and counting
Is this literally /ourgame/?
>multiple Bloodborne threads at any time of the day for more than two years and counting
Is this literally /ourgame/?
No, it's /mygame/. You faggots don't deserve it.
>GOTY edition still at 60-70 bucks
I still remember PCbros claiming that it will be forgotten in a couple of weeks and than when people kept talking about it they said that it will be forgotten the moment Dark Souls 3 released.
Good times.
if only it was perfect
>which it really isn't
PC port when?
God's speed user, you ruined the thread pretty fast
It's close enough.
It's one of those things where people keep posting it to generate 'salt' so they can point to it later as being really important and significant.
Kind of a shitposting loop
a perfect game would be objectivley shit
No one ever replies to my Maria threads
They just don't want to bother her.
Maybe you should try not posting cumsluts like maria
Lady Maria is pure
Why does it still have an active general on /vg/ then? Is that "salt" too?
It also has active generals on Sup Forums, despite that being against the rules. I want BB circlejerks gone. Thanks. Leave your goldfaces below.
all made by you :^) so it's definitely /yourgame/
If it is then im ashamed at what Sup Forums has become.
The game is incredibly easy, certainly given the amount of praise it gets for being some L33T NO CASHUALS GIT GUD title.
> 24 vials giving you 12+ extra lives at any one time
> you can just literally run past every enemy without being touched, if you so desire
> stuggling at all? Here's 2 summons available to do anything remotely challenging for you. You can just watch if you want
> lock on auto aims your hits rendering accuracy almost useless
> taken damage? Just hit the slow moving enemy back immediately and itll regenerate for you
> numerous cheese items to make bosses a stroll in park - blood cocktail, music box for instance
> you can run throught the main story in a few hours
> so incredibly linear there's zero danger of getting lost/requiring any exploration
> dodging appears to make you invincible
I went in blind and platinumed the whole game in just 10 days. The game is laughable compared to many PS1 games even - not that any of you are old enough to have played them at release.
It's an excuse for a consolewars thread. Add that to the pasta.
Who's talking about Bloodborne and not just posting goldfaces or kino memes?
That's right, nobody. All discussion was exhausted more than a year ago. Take the jerking to designated circlejerk containment zone:
Everything is objectively shit, nothing will stop people from shitting on things no matter how good they may seem
She's worthless emo edgelord. She probably is paty of the Sanic community as well.
And this:
This thread has a topic though
>Who's talking about Bloodborne and not just posting goldfaces or kino memes?
People in the threads.
Guarenteed replies
It's $35 or so on Amazon
Oh look this pasta again
4/10 made me reply
Literally never. ITT there's not a single post discussing the game. Waifufagging also belongs on /vg/.
Now if you fucks kept it to a thread a week, it wouldn't be a big deal. But no. We have to have this thread up 24/7. That's the fucking definition of a general.
Just got this game 3 days ago, think itst amazing but i'm pretty pissed off with it now.
Trying to get the rakuyo in that well in the fishing Hamlet and i just can't beat those fucks. Anyone got some brotips for me?
I'm curious to know who's forcing you to open all the threads.
I do it rarely and find at least some game conversations most of the times.
Not OP but is the pro all it is cracked up to be? I have a 1080p tv and was wondering if my ps4 suffices comapred to it.
You're literally making shit up. Every single thread is consolewar bait and kinoposting. You know it. Quit that shit. Go to /vg/ nobody will bother you there.
you'll get better fps in some(most?) games, but I don't feel like it's worth it unless you have a 4k HDR set.
Visceral attacks
Why do you browse threads you hate?
>You're literally making shit up
No u
Bad game for retards with shit taste? Sure seems like it.
shamen bone blade maybe
I guess it depends on how much that addition $100-150 is worth to you. I assume since you don't have a PS4 yet, you're not eager to spend more than necessary so the Pro probably won't be worth it to you on a 1080p tv. Boost mode's benefits are inconsistent and developers do whatever the fuck they want with 1080p TVs on the pro, sometimes you get a performance boost and other times you don't get shit.
Bought it for $20 months ago in a psn sale
The mere mention of it makes people think you're shitposting, so they shitpost back. It is the true shitposting game.
As soon as i get the club one to half health the other one wrecks my shit.
What does that do? I wacked one with it but hr just started staring at a wall.
>went in blind
>knew to backup your save to quickly get all endings
I don't know if I can take you seriously anymore.
Unfortunately not pasta.
This guy actually writes something new every time. Meaning him autistically look out for Bloodborne thread just to post his image and have arguments. He's the problem.
>What does that do? I wacked one with it but hr just started staring at a wall.
It makes the enemy attack other enemies, if both sharks are not down yet it won't do you any good. You can use it to make the sharks fight each other.
Aaaaa thanks, just what i need then. Thank you, bro!
Went in blind doesnt mean at no point ever I checked the trophy requirements.
well it's not impossible considering the previous games
it is still a bitch thing to do
play through the game again you achievement whore
Is it seriously still him? I feel like at this point it has to be other anons making him a meme
It is me.
>went in blind
>8 minutes for the second playthrough
off yourself
Bloodborne is good
I like it
wow ur good at videogame :) gz
>b-but it's only because it's exclusive!
Then why aren't we still talking about TLG?