Just beat P5, bout to start this
what am I in for
Just beat P5, bout to start this
what am I in for
Hungry hungry demons.
Heat being a cunt.
an incredible game. picks up the real plot slowly, then the second game goes ham.
differentiate your dudes and get buff/debuff skills quickly.
Delicious enemies and the most disgusting superboss ever made.
Demon tits
A good game in the Megaten series that still has a lot of character development like Persona, a darker atmosphere more like mainline SMT, and a focus on hinduism.
Awesome game, arguably one of the greatest SMT spinoffs.
don't put all your eggs in one basket in DDS2
>drops all mah money
fuck that shit. god damn confusion spell or whatever was everywhere.
don't worry about missing stuff that transfers to the second game. it's only a few rings and like 10k macca, you get better shit and you'll be making that much money in a couple battles.
you cannot escape your hunger
A 9.5/10 game that ends up being a 7.5/10 game due to random encounters.
i wish someone had told me this before i started. i just went through this struggle last week.
Meguro's best work.
A really fucking good game. The plot takes a little bit to really get going but once it starts it never lets up and keeps spiraling more and more out of control.
It's easily one of the best JRPGs on the PS2, which says a lot.
fucking hell Serph, keep it together
what is it with SMT characters and shaded upper lips
It's stylish af
disgusting as in design or unfairness
stomach ache after devouring
im about to start DDS2
Party members start leaving as the game goes on.
Best Atlus soundtrack.
The DDS superbosses are perfectly fair, they just require perfectly min/maxed strategies to take down.
I fought the one in DDS without using a guide and it was some of the most fun I had in a JRPG, took weeks of prep, planning, figuring out phases, and nailing down turn order and boss ability triggers, but when I finally killed it it was easily the most satisfying thing I've experienced in a single player game. It's not for everyone though, these bosses aren't something you will defeat in an hour or two and can probably get pretty frustrating if you pussy out and just try to follow a guide but keep dying anyways, they require a lot of time investment and planning. I can't really think of a single other JRPG that had superbosses like that
They mean don't focus on just a handful of characters, make sure everyone stays at least somewhat up to date.
your party is very fluid. don't expect to have every or any member of your party for any specific boss fight or section of the game. it's really fucked me over the first 30 hours
Your ass is mine.
well that sounds like trash. I hate when rpgs do that.
oh well, ill manage. thanks for the heads up.
So I started playing this years ago but still haven't beaten it, I was up to the very entrance to the Karma Tower. I started playing this shit like 6 years ago in high school, and pretty sure I gave no party members any (or very few) buff/debuffs, am I totally fucked over?
It's absolutely retarded when you have the same 8 people the entire game like so many RPGs do even though the logical thing would be to split up and get multiple things done at once, user.
The main story in DDS1/2 isn't very challenging for the most part, you should be perfectly fine. Not quite sure why you wouldn't just start over from the beginning when it's been that long though, you'll miss out on a lot of stuff.
hungry gang wars into space hindu bullshit
you're so close to the end iirc. just grind out the buffs super quick if it gets too rough.
I remember struggling a lot (probably because it was my first MegaTen game) so I'd rather not redo it all over again. Plus I remember the plot fairly well still, and I'm so close to the end I might as well finish it.
So what should I do? Grind till I get Argilla some new skills or try and brute force my way through?
Shin Megami Tensei meets Final Fantasy 10
A better game than P5
>the logical thing would be to split up and get multiple things done at once
>have to go and fight a big boss
>"hey party leader, you can handle this, right? ok bye"
most games handle it poorly so it makes it a shitty gimmick for party members to just leave your party.
Just learn them on your way through the dungeon. Low level mantras can be learned in couple encounters.
You aren't close to the end at all. DDS1 doesn't have an "ending", it leads right into DDS2 without any kind of resolution or proper ending.
Honestly there is no way you will still remember all the seemingly unimportant and minor details that will become very important and integral later on if it's been years since you touched it, I'd recommend just starting over if you are actually interested in the games or not bothering at all if you just want to quickly knock out DDS1 for the sake of it and have no plans to follow it up with 2.
DDS2 was my first SMT game and Meganada wrecked my shit. Was never able to beat him with my team. Granted I fucked my levels all up to shit near the end so that's probably why.
A game they slapped the Shin Megami Tensei name on to sell more copies.
I don't remember a laughing scene
A damn good soundtrack, and a fun if not middling game.
You mean Atlus USA? They did it with Raidou, DeSu and Persona games too you know.
We'll tear you apart, you fat freak.
Fun game that ends on a cliffhanger and the second half (DDS2) is worse in my opinion.
I don't know.
What do you think Serph?
How hyped were you?
DDS2's story was really bleh, and I've heard multiple people say DDS1 is better.
Boring. It's not horrible but God fucking damn is it a slog to get through.
Does it have a dick?
It's a pretty good game, but both DDS1 and 2 probably make up my 2nd least favorite MT game. Still a good game though.
The best SMT, don't play 2, just pretend it never existed, its the Dark Souls 2 of Digital Devil Saga.
It is trash, just like the entire game, even before you actually start playing it, the "intro" gives it away. Just like in DS2.
The cliffhanger is still better than what we got in 2, at least Quantum is okay.
Played Persona 3, 4 and 5 and am about to play Nocturne
What the fuck am I in for?
I disagree
God rejecting.
The definition of an overrated game, it is by no means bad, but it isn't perfect either, one of the things that you'll easily noticed is how hard the "Digital Devil Saga has the highest encounter rate in any of the SMTs" meme was forced.
I know it's in the name but I think I would have preferred if the Junkyard wasn't a computer program and instead actually was purgatory or something. I just really didn't care for the setting in DDS2.
Good game, interesting setting, next to no side characters, fun combat and demon system.
*bends you over*
playing nocturne after P5 is like returning to a lively party except everyone's gone, there's no music playing and there's someone dead lying in the corner
DD2 is great, what the fuck are you people talking about?
The overall plot of DDS is some of the best in any RPG, the main characters are all well established and have a lot of depth to them, and the way the games foreshadow a the twists and turns is insanely well done.
The Berserk system in DDS2 is kinda unbalanced but the rest of the systems being quite a bit more polished more than makes up for that, the Mantra system in particular is way better than the sorry excuse for a sphere grid DDS1 got.
not op here
Should i play nocturne or dds first ?
People started spoiling shit so you should probably get out of this thread.
Nocturne for atmosphere, DDS1&2 for characters/story, can't go wrong with either of them
a computer program
And that is why 2 doesn't exist, it isn't even the same writer.
>doomguy and bunny
>normal tier
doomguy can solo all the threats in SJ and bunny has control of aspects of the universe
PROTIP: Send everybody down the elemental path of their weakness first. (i.e. Serph should learn fire skills, Heat learns ice, etc.) That way you can override weaknesses as soon as possible.
I'd say Nocturne is a better game from a gameplay perspective, but DDS has a bigger focus on story and characters.
The twist is almost as bad as saying "it was all a dream!". Like, the shit is just silly.
Gud shit
Learn how 2 eat
>The overall plot of DDS is some of the best in any RPG
>the main characters are all well established and have a lot of depth to them
LOL, they literally are generic animu shit, and its even worse because the writer is the same one as the Persona games.
>the way the games foreshadow a the twists and turns is insanely well done.
ANd this is how you gave away your bait, stick with Persona 4.
>The Berserk system
The only good thing about that shit pile.
Fucking fun
You realize the story is taken straight from a novel and the game's version had Godai looking Atlus over the shoulders at every point, right?
That twist was also incredibly heavily foreshadowed throughout the entire first game, if you didn't realize it by the time you made your way through the Karma Temple you must not have paid much attention at all. It's also not at all analogous to your "just a dream" bullshit, you somehow missed the entire point of the game, congratulations.
Yeah, they aren't real SMT games.
I thought it was a little dumb, but I was kind of hyped, and then that went right out the window when I went through that awful, overly-long dungeon.
>literally one of the best final dungeons period
Jesus christ, you people. I can't even tell if some of you are just trolling or actually believe this garbage anymore.
He's still a normal dude.
>You realize the story is taken straight from a novel
It isn't, why do you fucking lie? Jesus, not only is the game literally the DS2 of DDS it literally has the same worthless fans.
>That twist was also incredibly heavily foreshadowed throughout the entire first game, if you didn't realize it by the time you made your way through the Karma Temple you must not have paid much attention at all.
Are you talking about 1 or 2, because I was talking about 2, you worthless waste of oxygen.
For the first game, you'll get an okay game with a great setting and soundtrack. For the second you'll get an okay game with an unimaginative setting and a great soundtrack.
>Rend. Slaughter. Devour your enemies. There's no other way to survive. You cannot escape your hunger, warriors of purgatory!
The intro in both DDS1 and 2 was great
The Sun is a boring pain in the ass. It's cool that you get to play as Seraph, get Heat back, have special dialogue with certain Demons related to Buddhism and get to fight all of those bosses, but it doesn't make up for how excruciatingly long it is with music that starts to get annoying because of how long it is, those annoying teleport mazes on the floor before Meganada and a final boss that is a total pushover, even moreso than Harihara.
Demon Gang wars and a final boss that's easier than any of the previous bosses.
first one has a really cool setting and ok story
second one is the same stupid SMT crap like always
I stopped caring about the game the moment "Seraph" happened. I'm sure it's got some roots in Hinduism or whatever but that just really rubbed me the wrong way, I don't know why they had to make the main character a tranny.
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
This is satire right?
Don't even bother, you won't understand shit unless you are hindu and have degrees in theology and philosophy anyways
The game designer who needed to find a way to teach the player the power of Sukukaja/nda.
>I stopped caring about the game the moment "Seraph" happened
Uh, at the end? I stopped caring around the time Argilla died, I noticed the "Let us kill your party because SMT is so hard xdxdxd" pattern.
Surviving, possibly even thriving, in a world of STRENGTH
Ardha is the mixed form of Vishnu and Parvati, they loved each other so much that they became a single being. Just like Serph and Sera.
Pretty sure this entire thread is.
Matador isn't even hard.
See this bullshit all the time and it needs to be explained. It shares the same themes, combat, and its made by the same people who slap a logo on it how is it fake?
>he doesn't want to merge his mind with his waifu and become one being after death
The game designer who needed to find a way to teach the player the power of Dark/Might Bright
second best smt game
Because they afaik weren't released with SMT in their titles in Japan. Not that it really matters because you're of course right.
Not really, DDS2 is shit and there's nothing you can do but eat it up like the worthless dog that you are.