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Fate/Stay Nig

more like kids to nigs


Avatar really let itself go.


___________________HOL UP______________________

Is this video games?
Or are you just being retarded


I don't think so unless they, whoever the creator of this, decided to make some sort of game version.

Far as I know it's some sort of comic / cartoon series that's trying to get funded. It's legit we where once kings and queen shit. Mildly amusing.

The one with vitiligo is legit weaker because he's " half-white ".

Funny shit.

>tfw you'll never get to play an african dictator simulator in which you get to overthrow and destroy a functional civilization to install your own nigger run failure



Weren't Egyptians tanned?

>That fucking philtrum moustache



Hitler was a black man. THEY B HIDIN OUR HISTORY!!!! Maybe Bioware will make a diverse game that represents OUR reality.

does the average black person (in america) believe this?

will the show have any slaves in it?

>a generic kids show where the kids discover some secret and they get w-w-w-wacky super powers!
>but this time it will be praised internationally because it's so diverse and historically accurate :^)


They were, but you'd be labeled as a bigot if you ever try to correct someone.

From what I can tell, it's just Facebook nonsense.

I'd rather play Yakub's Escape from Hollow Earth.

>black egyptians
when will this meme end?

No it's a small Hotep movement that is shunned like any other retarded movement. Most African Americans identify as West African if any African at all. They're just black or American.

I feel really sorry for Egyptians, it must really really suck to have this genuinely fascinating and epic history, this grandiose patheon of myths and magic, legends heroes and stories. To have this impressive list of achievements under your belt from farming to engineering, math and even medicines.

All this great history, and then out of nowhere a bunch of fucking niggers from Philadelphia shove their way into your history and claim that your achievements were never yours, that you're not actually an Egyptian and that they are responsible for your people's great achievements.

Like imagine if you were Japanese and then some random Brazillians started saying they were the true shogunates and Japanese people aren't actually Japanese.

Oh yeah and Video Games.

Nope, not at all.

Wait so what is this again?

Kids to KANGS

Wouldn't Egyptians look more like sand niggers than just niggers?

Anyone else think this might be cool? like "Mummies Alive"?

Tbh, i wouldn't mind playing a game with either an african mithology or sudamerican mithology theme or setting. Even a polinesian one would be nice.
I mean, they MUST have some crazy miths. Mayans and Aztecs surely do. It would be at least a fresh breeze i think.

>Like imagine if you were Japanese and then some random Brazillians started saying they were the true shogunates and Japanese people aren't actually Japanese.

I am Japanese, and I actually wouldn't care, at all. The achievements of people born in the same country as me who have been dead for hundreds of years aren't my achievements, and I'd have to be a retarded loser with no achievements of my own to take pride and credit for them.


Fun fact: Ancient Egyptians were depicted in a lighter colour than slaves.


Boondocks was pretty damn good. I bet if it aired today there would be shit storms over moments like this.


Back when we still had action adventure platformers.

Speaking of which why no good action adventure games anymore? I just want something like this or prince of Persia warrior within.

The Martin Luther King episode was fantastic.

Its not so much claiming their achievements as yours as it is having these people insist upon themselves in your country's history.

Of course thats not to claim KANGS aren't all just harmless retards LARPing about how great they are it must just be really annoying to be egyptian and have some fucking nignog from California say you're not actually Egyptian and he is.

Imagine if you were Benjamin Franklin, founding father and inventor. Now imagine if you had all your hard work and teachings taken by some Japanese worshipping neckbeard to claim supremacy on a forum for hobbyists.

All this great work to have it squandered on a spoiled failure who can't even get a job or build a family. He would rather waste his time role playing a skeptic or philosopher on the most trivial shit in the world in the name of his country. Ironically, he would cause the most harm to his nation by never getting a job and wasting other people's money on Japanese imports. This crusader would also go out of his way to attack anything his fellow countrymen did if it didn't fit his social and economically flawed worldview.

Haha, wouldn't that be funny?

Oh I don't disagree that they're complete retards and it's irritating as hell to hear people attempt to revise history. That irritates me more than anything.

Like when I see a movie or a game set in 12th century Europe and there's blacks and and women running around in positions of authority. It's beyond stupid.

Proof of the black kings.


Oh god i remember this one.
The fuccboi sections were quite atrocious, but the mummy parts were GOATS.
Best zelda knockoff ever.

The colors have been reversed by Jews. The original image has the black men being served and the lighter ones serving.

Naw there was an actual Nubian Dynasty. Don't try to spin it like there wasn't because your oneitis went for a black guy, Dylan.

Honestly it was commentary done right. It had a very good balance of humor, sentiment and political commentary while staying away from bias towards a certain race. Everyone got shit on the show: Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, and even those with more extreme liberal views

>Mummies Alive
Awh, shit I remember that, I had a few of the toys.

They were north african aka not niggers before that got ARAB'D.

>Nubian :Dynasty"
>A drop in the bucket of a millenia-old empire
>Not a product of mercenaries and political bullshit

After millennium of dick washing, you were the kings.

Hard work finally pays off. Respect.

The show was meh but there were some great toys made for it.


Exorcism parody and the Xbox killer were the best.

>Americans causes shit
>Iraq neighbors go radical
>European man gets fuckrd up

>mfw many white kids at my school never got that the show was actually making fun of them to an extent

Oh god I remember those two wigger characters suddenly.


Why do you stupid faggots from Sup Forums actually come here and just so blatantly make bait threads? Why can you loli loving nigger mods ACTUALLY do your job and ban these stupid niggers that are BLATANTLY making bait threads?

I liked the "Nigga Moment" scene a lot.

>Sup Forums gets mad when people try to make developers change the game to fit their narrative
>Sup Forums gets angry when developers actually make the changes or pander
>Sup Forums gets mad when these people develop their own game with exactly the narrative they want
What exactly do you guys want? Thick giggling robot Haylee waifus?

I noticed how Sup Forums started to leak after the black mods left

>Iraqi War by the Boondocks
Holy shit, that was perfect

>Job application



What is this?
>Clearly emulating avatar, catering to (man)children
>nothing but niggers
I'm guessing mobile game

man, his arm is so long he can fist himself

>charlie murphy died
shit man i didn't even know

>not guessing VN

why is Sup Forums so angry at black people? what did they do?

killed cops

More like black people on Sup Forums hate being pandered too.

Contrain, easy target, and mob mentality

So many black people think they should be treated specially and excuse their poor social status because 'muh grandfuddas grandfudda wuz slave to da whitez'





Nigger this nigger that. Don't you ever get tired?


This has to be fake. Washing and cleaning were invented by whites in Europe 2000 years after Egypt.

quit being a faggot m8. I bet you dont even have any black friends or even black people in your life and are just some sensationalist asshole faggot taking random shit from dumb people online and attributing that to a whole group of people to justify your faggy hate and world views ya queermo

Fuck off leftist cunt. They barely have any proper nigs in australia. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Hey guys I'm autistic too can i join in on this meme? I HATE BLACK PEOPLE