Predict their E3

Predict their E3

Ape Escape 4 is releaved, but then it turns out to be a prank, so god strucks Sony HQ with lightning.

>Orchestra for wasting time
>Oh, look at this neat exclusive*
>Vita who?
>Final orchestra

*Also available on PC

>>Orchestra for wasting time
Orchestra is good.


Nothing wrong with this


Are you talking about the xbone?

>Here's a third party title we're paying to release one month earlier on ps4
>Here's a trailer for a game that'll come out in 2 to 3 years time so I hope you like seeing it at E3 for the next several years
>Here's a title where we're paying the devs not to put on the Xbox, therefore it's exclusive to ps4

>Orchestra is good.
Wste of money, waste of time, boring as shit, give me announcements, not bullshit.
>Nothing wrong with this
This is E3, not a fucking economy meeting. Also, nothing to brag about, PS4 sales are slower than PS2 sales.
>Are you talking about the xbone?
No, playstation, very clearly.

I'm also expecting too much time about VR.


new zone of the enders and armored core

games that should have come out 2 years ago
games that will come out in 2 years

Nah, PSVR didn't meet their overblown expectations. They'll silently ignore it like they did with Vita. Maybe they'll try another time butt then no more.

Destiny 2
and some other games

Disaster Report 4 Plus (hopefully)

A release date that will eventually be delayed to hell.

Why boner

Sonybro here, it's going to be sales numbers and announcements of multiplats. The same as usual. Still waiting on Final Fantasy VII, Ni No Kuni 2, and Shenmue III.

Trailers we'll see at other conferences.

Last year all they showed were games. Why the fuck would you assume they aren't doing the same this year?

No one can win with you can they?

Sony does E3 like nintendont

starts with
>AAA game to hook audience

In between
>sales report
>multiplat game but make it seem like exclusive
>indie games
>PS4 Pro slim?

ends with
>Last of Us 2 gameplay

>Wste of money, waste of time, boring as shit, give me announcements, not bullshit.

I disagree, Orchestra makes everything epic.

>This is E3, not a fucking economy meeting. Also, nothing to brag about, PS4 sales are slower than PS2 sales.

Telling people that you're obliterating the competition isn't wrong, ps4 is doing better than ps2.
>No, playstation, very clearly.

Most games at Sony e3 are exclusives

PS4Pro Slim
Vita2 to act as remote play and a competitor to the Switch.



I never get this stupid shit. You're literally praising a company for advertising to you.
Do you also get up and clap and cheer when a product you like shows up on TV?

Pretty much likely

>Days Gone
>God of War
>Knack 2 baby


>VII Remake
>New Sucker Punch IP
>New Fromsoftware exclusive

Movie games like The Last of Us 2 which Sonybros will praise

No games

Next play station all Stars game

>hey guys
>the crowd roars, waiting anxiously for any new PS4 news!
>we're gonna raise the price of PSN from 5 dollars a month to 6 dollars a month so we can put more money into the servers I swear
>crowd explodes with excitement, gasping for air to yell even louder with joy


New Armored Core or something made with From's collaboration


Probably a bunch of VR shovelware (which won't sell and the PSVR will be dead by next year), a few exclusives, multiplats with timed content.

Please I want this so much

I believe they mentioned it once to sell people and developers on VR.
Wtf are you on about?

>Do you also get up and clap and cheer when a product you like shows up on TV?
No, but I buy it and enjoy the fuck out of it.

It's Death Stranding! Deeeeeeath Strandiiiiiing!

In order

God of War gameplay demo and release date
Sucker Punch new IP
Days Gone gameplay demo and release window
Detroit Become Human new character and scheduled for 2018
Uncharted TLL reminder that it's coming out soon
Dreams shown off in PSVR. Beta out TODAY!
Gran Turismo in PSVR, The release date is probably announced before the show
Ace Combat 7 release date
Montage of other PSVR games
Multiplat time
Here is your exclusive Destiny 2 weapons!
Battlefront 2 may or may not be here, hard to tell because of COD and Destiny.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Trailer and release date + PS4 bundle
Home stretch
Bloodborne 2 announcement
Spiderman gameplay demo and name reveal
The Last of Us Part 2 trailer and/or gameplay demo. Says 2018 at the end but we all know that's bullshit

No Death Stranding, FF7R, Shenmue 3 or Wild shown

No they showed PRE ALPHA IN ENGINE cutscenes that we all know means bullshot footage

Ironic considering that pretty much everyone at NoA is a liberal

A shit ton of vr titles, probably Ace Combat, maybe an Armored Core one. Some more news about exclusives. Definitely some Battlefront 2 gameplay. Maybe rdr2.

And i honestly hope for some more info about kh3. Yeah, i know it'll never be relased, but an addicted man can dream, right?

Death Stranding
Spider-Man for good measure

There is literally no way Sony doesn't win with normies this year.

Since then Horizon, RE7 and the COD game has all released.

Oh, and they'll probably show the Horizon Zero Dawn DLC too


Hopefully some surprises, but expect dissapointment.

Same with the Nintendo and Microsoft conferences, before you imply company wars bullshit.

Lol, in what alternate dimension do you live

> new Souls exclusive from Japan studio and From
not gonna happen doe

Trailers for games that won't be out until the next late year or two
Uncharted/TLOU-esque Vidya reveal trailer


Didn't happen last year

There is no need to predict anything, they already won.

Ape Escape 4, Sony will come out on top with just this one announcement

>God Of War
>Crash advert
>obvious multiplats like CoD/Destiny. MAYBE RDR2 since Sony and Rockstar have been on good terms the last few years
>FF7 Remake
>toss in the sales and indie shit
>TLOU 2 teaser
>Uncharted: Stronk indepin womyn game
>CoD Zombies standalone game that has leaked already

This is pretty much confirmed. I can't think of anything new. But I'd love to see Viewtiful Joe 3 (VERY next level unlikely, but I can dream) and PS All Stars 2 (unlikely). But it seems like a good showing overall. Like I said, they'll need to throw in some new game announcements to make it great, most people already know what they are gonna show.

In no particular order:

>God of War footage/release date window
>Uncharted Lost Legacy gameplay
>Death Stranding gameplay
>Spider-Man gameplay/release date
>Days Gone gameplay/release window
>Destiny 2 gameplay
>CoD WW2 gameplay
>Battlefront 2 gameplay
>FF7R gameplay
>KH3 gameplay
>A surprise game announcement by a 3rd party dev
>PSVR bullshit
>A bunch of indies
>The Last of Us part 2 "gameplay"

It just occurred to me as I was making this list that they're E3 will basically be showing the same shit from the last two E3's.

>Ape Escape 4!
>Crowd goes wild
>Sup Forums plastered in loli
>Gameplay trailer starts
>It's another minigame collection

They'll probably just focus on sales and tv like they did last year

Multiplats, weeb shit, and time exclusive dlc.




>crowd: silence


Vanguard Bandits 2

Orchestra is only good if you have notable music to play.
>see: Nintendo

It will be perfect, as always

multiplats and shitty dudebro exclusives like every year

>You NOW realize Sony could have saved TLOU2 for e3 but didn't because they have a fuckton more announcements to show

My tight anus is ready lads

We'll be getting an RDR2 release date for sure, probably some more Spider-Man and Death Stranding, maybe another FROM game.

Audio issues and cringe memes

Oh games?
Probably Dad of War and some other "my wife's child' simulators


They wouldn't call it 4 if that was the case

I expect to be disappointed even though I'm already expecting nothing.

I'm convinced that Sony will have the worst conference this year.

>Dead or Alive VR
>virtual lapdance mode
>everyone loses their shit and buys PSVR
>video games are saved
>Sony becomes the 4th highest GDP on the planet, buys Japan and renames it Sonyland
Please be excite

Can't wait for this year E3.
SONY will win it easily.
They are basically monopoly nowadays.

$0.01 has been placed in your account

None of these count because I say so

>Share your trophies on Twitter, then screencap them ans start shitty threads on Sup Forums!
>More multiplats
>Quantic Dream exclusive
>What's a Vita?
>Introducing the new "HD Rumble Move"!
>btw we're increasing the price of PS+, thanks goys

literally none of those games are good

Spikat becomes canon

>weeb weeb weeb
>shit shit shit


I'm actually pretty interested to see what Sony got this year.
I THINK for the most part we know what their studios are doing right?
So I think we will see updates on all the stuff they announced last year, I think Days Gone and maybe Detroit will be this year while the rest are next year and beyond, probably a small TLoU 2 gameplay vid.

Beyond that I think only Sucker Punch, Japan Studios and maybe SSM could announce stuff.

Anything I miss?



You're a special kind of retard arent you?

Most sony ponies are black and voted hillary.

Most nin10/10do owners are superior trump voters.

However I agree that NoA is infiltrated by the jew.

>Gravity Rush 1 and 2
>Yakuza 0
>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
>Persona 5

>Breath of The Wild (Also on WiiU and PC)

did they release bloodborne HD already or what

and they're all mediocre

>supporting the jew

The Nintendo Switch came out and stole One Game throne. :(

Can't we all just get along, enjoy ps4 games, and switch games?

Hopefully we learn about what the swinging in their Spider-Man game is like. If it's shit, no buy.



Yes, Sony really squandered their lead.

I would love the first Ape Escape to be re-released. no idea where my copy went

oh come on, man

How can we when PS4 has no games?

Sure, if there were actually some switch games out there

>switch games
Such as?

I feel like Marvel has to realize thats a sticking point right?

They've has so many shit spiderman games these past years and in every one of them people have complained about the swinging, now they've said they wanna partner with people to make good games.

If there is one thing they should be focus on its GOTTA be the swinging.

I got Zelda and Snake Pass on my switch when they came out, looking forward to MK8D this week.

In the last couple months I've been having a good time with Horizon and Nioh, gonna ger P5 soon.

Sony: Games
Microsoft: Dudebro games
Nintendo: Gimmicks, ports, no games designed with modern engines

It's gonna be exactly the same as last year. Sony and Microsoft shit the bed so hard that Nintendo wins with just Mario. It's gonna be a sad year.

You can't talk about videogames because console war shitposters.

>sony: cinematic experiences + VR
>Microsoft: scorpio + games
>Nintendo: games