Is this actually good or just another indie meme game?
Is this actually good or just another indie meme game?
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It's good. Fun to play, competent pixel art. For comparison, here's an indie game with meme pixel art looks like.
Literal shovelware
It's great, gameplay is great/tight, variated and each level stays fresh, the extra characters are interesting and play differently and have wildly different campaigns/stories, Music is top notch.
Am I the only one who hates how every character controls besides Specter?
It's bretty good, I just wish they'd stop whoring the main character out into every other indie game that's popping up recently.
Even better if you play it in 240p on a CRT with a NES/SNES controller.
its a great game to download for free on PC or a hacked 3ds.
Every time it happens, I just feel like turning off the shitty game and playing his game instead.
yeah idk why they put him in yooka laylee, its just a quick cameo
>eh heh heh! ho ho ho!
It's fucking great frankly.
One of a few examples on how kickstarter can actually work.
Each character has had better movement to the point that it's hard to go back.
Shovel Knight
Come to think of it, I think every game that Shovel Knight has appeared in, the game has been pretty shitty.
Also Shovel Knight was the beginning of that one autist with the Boomerang-using mary sue faggot that's trying his hardest to buy his way into every video game ever
SK wasn't the first game he appeared in, dumb dumb.
most likely but I really can't believe how much effort they put into Specters's not even a boss campaign anymore,just a straight up new game. currently just need to beat treasure knight as I only recently found out it was on Wii U now
At least he gets BTFO by Specter
It goes farther back? Do tell.
Spectre of toment was great but I want a completely new game. Even in the same setting, just give me new bosses and locations.
Shovel Knight is pretty great
Haven't played Plague Knight yet
Dropped Specter Knight because it sucks.
For any PS4 fags that missed the news the update comes out this Tuesday. I hope you've been able to remain spoiler free for an entire month like I have
A genuinely good platformer.
Free DLC. All of it sucks though. Especially Plague Knight.
It's rehashed and watered down crap compared to the 100+ fantastic 2D games that came out during the 2D era.
These aren't shit opinions since you at least like the base game, but they are incorrect opinions regardless.
couldn't get myself to care for anything but the main campaign
felt perfectly balanced and right, the rest just makes me feel like they should just use their resources to make another game instead of trying to force stuff on top
it's shit
Call me when the wall running isn't getting implemented by a monkey in a wheelchair.
But they promised that extra content during the kickstarter campaign so they couldn't really turn a blind eye to it.
Well, they could, but people would get pissed. Nice to see a dev that delivers on their promises.
Valdis Story
Just pirate it and form your own opinions like an adult.
the other campaigns have felt more balanced to me.Shovel Knight is just too strong
I see
bet it was a stretch goal, they're typically all cancerous and deviate focus from more important things -- bloodstained probably gonna turn out shit for that very reason, the laundry list of goals is way too long
It's nice when you get used to it. I hate it when games make me switch to the up button or something for it.
Well they made sure to deliver a respectable base game first rather than have stretch goals keep it hostage.
I didn't really mean balanced in term of combat difficulty
more in term of general interaction with the areas (it's primarily a platformer), everything was built with him in mind, then they modified it for the others
Yeah they were stretch goals.
Not like they actually did deviate attention from the main campaign with them tho.
>Especially Plague Knight
Boy you sure hate fun
The Specter Knight levels are basically brand new levels though, for the most part. Familiar backdrop and assets, but completely redesigned.
So why this game got free pass in the reviews if it did literally the same mistakes as Yooka - Laylee?
Posting a smug pepe doesn't automatically make those mistakes exist, user. Though I do think Yooka-Laylee gets too much shit, personally.
that's mostly an issue for Plague Knights as the levels are mostly untouched. Specter Knights levels were completely made around him
Eh, to each their own. I beat like 6 stages until I got fed up with it. I hate that it's slow, short and that I can only go up. I also hate that it triggers through directions alone, instead of directions + holding the jump button. Sometimes I don't want to fucking wallrun, but I'm not allowed. Retarded decision.
The other mechanics are fine, but if one of the core mechanics feels bad, I just lose motivation to finish the game.
The music in this game is obnoxious and just annoying. I had to mute it and turn spotify on
I got it on steam and refunded within the hour. I don't appreciate indies at all.
>I had to mute it and turn spotify on
>Wii U, 3DS (Europe) – April TBD
Goddamn, hurry up.
>Liking cancerous forced 8 bit indie music
This ain't Mega Man or Mario
"Indies" aren't a genre. There are so many different indie games that look and play differently, it's nuts saying you hate all "indies". I can understand "I don't appreciate platformers", that's fine, it's a genre, but "indies" aren't.
Some of the songs were done by Mega Man's composer and it's obviously trying to mimic it.
>literally the same mistakes
What are they going to do for King Knight's story? Maybe something after the events of the Shovel/Plague?
i hated plague knight's movement tho
Not making any improvements compared to any old game of the same genre
Spotted the people who are bad at platformers. Plague Knight's movement is amazing and once you get the hang out it you're flying around levels no problem
>not making any improvements
>customized checkpoint system that allows you to either take it easy or smash them all for max profit
>no lives system but with money on the line death still has some bite to it
>no need to hold down when doing the downward shovel plant as Shovel Knight
>different armors for all characters to further tweak and alter playstyle
>steady performance
>no improvements
It's like you've never played old games.
Spectre has much better movement and doesn't control like an epileptic retard
>and doesn't control like an epileptic retard
Just use bomb throws for air control you casual
Well it sure as fuck takes away any clunkyness NES games had especially those overrated as fuck mega man games.
They look fine during the game. But sure on their own they don't look great.
I can't fucking wait for Battle Mode
Yes, and the Specter Knight DLC is great.
Anyone else have trouble with edge Reize?
I died so many fucking times to him
Yeah, fuck that deviantart shit.
I don't care for Plague Knight because his movement feels very stop and go.
Everyone else is propelled by their primary method of attack, it creates this really nice rhythm to the platforming. In Plague Knight you're making yourself vulnerable to chain bomb jumps, killing momentum so you can freeze in place to do some bomb throws, go into the menu to fiddle with your potion mix and adjust it to the current situation, etc. To make the most use out of his mechanics you need to accept a lot of pausing and standing around, and if you ignore all his potion stuff and alternate bomb jumps and just try to blast through the game with one basic setup you're missing half his content.
His levels are also the least interesting since they're just repeats of the Shovel Knight campaign.
>His levels are also the least interesting since they're just repeats of the Shovel Knight campaign.
On the plus side, him awkwardly stuffing himself into the shovel-knight shaped rotating doors is always a treat.
It's very good but too easy.
>go into the menu to fiddle with your potion mix and adjust it to the current situation
I almost never needed to change bomb types
>Especially Plague Knight.
Pretty much the reasons why I preferred Specter of Torment.
Specter Knight is just more fun to control.
What was your main combo?because I mostly stuck with float/remote/component
Its legit good. Think NES Duck Tails x Megaman 2 but with Knights and if you bought the disc version you get all the new shit free.
Honestly I just used the default
He was the easiest boss in the game for me actually. I barely got hit, I just rushed at him and jumped around a lot and went super aggressive
It's good but really short
you can see everything the game have to offer in 15 hours or less
There really is no reason to die on any boss (except polar knight with his retarded insta-death spikes) when you have that item that heals you.
That comic is so good.
I have over 1500 games on Steam and it is probably in my top 5.
Great gameplay and music. Has a nice charm to it too. Not very memey.
I dare anyone on Sup Forums to play this game without cringing. It reads like it was written by the god of reddit. XD so quirky and random. It's pretty to look at though.
Enchantress was the hardest boss in the game for me
Those are shit tastes and you should go fuck yourself you god damn faggot, fuck you dude the megaman games on NES are all part of the best game on it.
That item may as well not exist for me. on the spot healing like that seems a bit too strong so I don't use it
I found it extremely boring and easy.
You get 2 equivalents of Megaman subtanks in the 1st town, after you beat one level. And there's a dancing fish (I LOVE the aesthetic of the game by the way... the Link's Awakening fish dance reference is top tier) that gives you as many full HP potions as you want for free.
I was able to beat every boss by literally just running into him and mashing attack, his HP will run out before yours does. At least before I turned it off out of boredom.
Anyone else feel the same way? I got really really bored with the game really fast. I think it'd be a game I'd be in love with 20 years ago, but I'm old now. Love the music though.
How about not using HP potions like a retard, retard? Or playing Hard Mode?
I saw all that as a means to adjust the difficulty without use of menus, giving casuals and lazies a means of completing the game. Hard mode does a fine job of kicking the crutches out from the player, I will agree that the difficulty by default is pretty easy compared to the games its inspired from, but it's bringing this shit to a new age with a lot of babbies and bedwetters who are scared when they have to do any sort of platforming with a chance of something knocking them off course.
>not using HP potions
Nuzlocke-tier autism spotted.
That was bait. Never take the bait mate. Some neckbeard that craves attention in a image board where we are all anons. Doesn't make sense to me at all.
Is this one of those shit games that doesn't let you play on the hardest difficulty until you beat it? I always jack it up as hard as it will go and turn it down later if it's too much, might not have gotten bored of it if that was the case.
>Uses a crutch designed so that low-skill players have a chance
>Complains about the game being too easy
Yeah, I'm assuming they locked hardmode away to make sure the babbies don't pick it by mistake and get their shit pushed in. It replaces all of the chickens found under silver dishes with bombs and a few other things that I've forgot about.
Besides making sure to retardproof the game, it's always gratifying to get extra goodies after beating any game.
I didn't say they were bad and actually I think they're decent (2, 3 and 4 in particular) calm down with the insults all because someone doesn't think of some old ass NES games as top tier or whatever. I will say this though, I'd rather play 2, 3 and 4 over most of the X series.
>X is only easy if you use attack button
>Y is only easy if you use saving
>Z is only easy if you upgrade your weapon
fuck off
I bet your turn your TV on when you play games you filthy casual, only true gamers play without looking at a screen
It is a crutch though. It's why they give the chalices to players super early in the game, that way casuals can still see the end of the game even if they're utter trash at the game. If I was making a platformer and wanted to cater to absolute pants shitters, I'd do the same thing by offering the player a set of training wheels if they need them.
You don't seem like a casual though, you seem like a lazyfag with no self control.
You on the other hand seem like a bitch.
fuck off retard
>get called out for being a bitch
>"I know, I'll call him a retard"
stay mad, sockfucker.
>Just argue the point made, just posts an mspaint comic
Wew, you sure showed him user
You got no arguments to refute my point, so you're gonna call me a retard because deep down, you know you don't know diddly about vidya design. This is the last (you) you'll get from me, because I bet you're the kinda fag that wipes their ass from back to front.