Why do we never see his ears?
Kingdom Hearts
>you can't spell hearts without ear
what the hell
Why does he look like Sora even though Sora was like 5 when we first saw Vanitas
also it's probably because he's got pointy ears. maybe even has earrings too
>red eyes
Weren't his eyes yellow?
Because when Sora's heart fixed up Ventus', Vanitas got affected by it by taking Sora's appearance.
Novels say he started off with red eyes like the Unversed. Novels are secondary canon at best.
Does anyone even wear them in KH?
How many recolored not-Sora are there?
Roxas, Vanitas, Ventus... then?
Xion, Kairi, Namine.
But they don't look like Sora.
Oh Look, a Kingdom Hearts thread, how lovely. Now let me post some interesting question about the game. For example... WHY DID THEY RELEASED EVERY SINGLE OF THEIR FUCKING GAMES ON A DIFFERENT PLATFORM?!
Thank god at last the series will be united on PS4 or I would literally pull the fucking trigger.
It will get the definitive experience on Switch.
Jesus christ. KH has some crazy fanfiction levels of lore. Does anyone actually enjoy the story without cringing at all?
Im in a love/hate relationship with it. I cringe at it all the time, but I cant stop Just fucking liking it. Probably only series with so much cringy moments that I enjoy.
Pls dnt do dis
>Don't understand the hate for Re Chain of memories
>Don't understand the praise for Birth by Sleep
It's the truth though
Is this true?
I always preferred BBS final bossfights on critical mode than the ones from the other games.
fuck that secret boos tho
Cause RE:COM had an annoying gameplay style.
I have a sudden urge to buy ps4
Same 2bh
>hate for Re Chain of memories
'Couse it's too damn grindy. Boss fights are good, they really make the battle system shine and gleam, but the rest of the game...
Also, Riku's part is obnoxiously boring.
>praise for Birth by Sleep
It was fun. The comand system was fresh enough, Terra, Aqua and Ven were different yet familiar in playstyle, and as said, bossfights were tight as hell.
Also, more lore for lorefags i guess.
Yeah right, just looking at KH 0.2, I doubt Switch would be able to handle it without some massive downgrades
I've got enough money for either Shin Megami Tensai IV or Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Which should I get?
DDD sucks ass
Emulate the Japanese Re: Chain of Memories for the PS2 with an English Patch, lol
DDD like BBS is all about your command list. Spam those and you can beat the game easy.
Fuck Chain of Memories, I want to play fucking KH3
Get SMT user.
Switch could easily handle them if you knew anything.
The Switch is literally a 5 year old tablet. I would have bought it if Nintendo wasn't so fucking cheap
Thanks for showing off your autism. As expected of an uneducated Sonybro.
We're not seeing KH3 this year, next year maybe, so no
>Switch could easily handle them
>cant even run dragon quest heroes
Vanitas' appearance is still one of the dumbest, most asspulled things in the entire KH narrative. Even if you buy the bullshit about Sora's heart connecting with Ventus somehow magically changing Vanitas' face, this is never actually explained in the game at all and fans had to get the information from a fucking Ultimania guidebook.
Thank god I'm able to overlook the shitty plot and just focus on the gameplay.
It uses a Tegra X1 processor. It could have been good but Nintendo are cheapskates
Square should do the same with final fantasy so that every game is available for PS4.
tfw I'm already half Xehanort
so stupid yet i enjoy it.
>replying twice
>being this uneducated
Keep showing your autism.
What's with his ears?
What's wrong with me being mad about Nintendo using old hardware?
Continue being retarded and uneducated. Please go back to your no games console.
Why are you replying to Nintendownies?
Why are you replying to yourself?