(((Can't))) (((believe))) (((EA))) (((pulled))) (((the))) (((diversity))) (((qouta))) (((again))) (((.)))
(((Can't))) (((believe))) (((EA))) (((pulled))) (((the))) (((diversity))) (((qouta))) (((again))) (((.)))
why the fuck are people posting like this? where the fuck did you come from?
You do know that Clone Troopers weren't white, right? And that the Empire was only against aliens, not other human races?
Of course you don't, you're here to shitpost.
Did EA chose ironic shilling for this one?
sure it's EA and not Disney?
at this point i just don't care anymore, the games gonna be an empty dead piece of shit like the last one was regardless.
game will be dead in 2 months
Reminder that the Empire is a racist (Human) organization.
>he doesn't have the plugin that identifies every Jew in ((())) except for Trump
>he doesn't browse the best board
"Across all eras"
What this means is that each "campaign" will be a glorified tutorial like the campaigns in BF1. You can literally kind of see how its going to shape up in the trailer. Dont expect Disney to allow dice to put any real motivation into a legitimate campaign.
You do know they rarely ever had their helmets like retards?
These Anons get it. We'll be lucky if we even get a Prequel campaign. See how the only Prequel stuff in the trailers are Darth Maul and Yoda, both of whom have been in non-prequel media? Disney is literally out-jewing EA.
(((le))) (((ebin))) (((meme))) (((parenthesis))) (((XD)))
(((kill))) (((yourself)))
She's cute as fuck faggot, who gives a shit about skin color.
>since Disney every single lead has been female
At least they're making it really easy to know what to avoid.
Fun thing is that everything that happens in the campaign is going to be canon in the Star wars universe.
Are you trying to say they rarely had their helmets OFF? You missed a word faggot
Yes, of course, because the old Empire never had any female/minority/alien commanders, soldiers, fighter pilots, or leaders... not that you faggots care about that, you just take any excuse to shitpost about >muh diversity
>You do know they rarely ever had their helmets like retards?
What did he mean by this?
I'm mostly triggered that she will likely defect to (((rebels)))
They're were clones from the same guy, you fucking idiot.
Stop making so many fucking threads about your paranoid conspiracies, faggot
and he wasn't white
and even trash like rogue one is better than the prequels.
>gamers aren't sexist, that's just the sjw propaganda!!!
>there's NO FUCKING WAY im buying a game with a female protagonist
which is it
Yeah and he wasn't white ya mong.
They already said defection wasn't happening.