You will never lose your arm and then get it replaced with a badass electric arm.
Other urls found in this thread:
>can't sit next to anyone without risking to pulverize them
>can't rest arm on desk
>die when showering
Gee, what a horrible feeling indeed.
>want to replay KotOR2
>entire game is "that part"
Turning this guy into a Sith was extremely satisfying.
Shit, turning everyone into Sith was amazing. What other games let you corrupt your followers?
Jade Empire
You don't remember me, General? We killed millions of people and destroyed a planet with the mass shadow generator. I don't know how you forgot that.
Jade Empire was on of the few RPGs that made me feel very evil at the end. When you corrupt the water spirit and your friends are horrified and turn you only to be brutally slaughtered was pretty grim.
Most of the things I loved about 2 were relatively minor
>The robes looked much cooler than the first's
>An actual benefit for maintaining max light/dark
>Game checks how you played the first by having an NPC make statements about it and letting you either agree or correct him about them
Why does all of his dialogue sound like it was recorded in a bathroom? And why is he always whispering?
You could do the same in 1st KoTOR, too.
>acknowledge that you are Revan during the fight with Bastila
>kill Jolee and Juhani
>come back to Ebon Hawk with Bastila
>tell your followers that you are now Revan, Lord of the Sith
>Carth runs off
>Mission protests
>tell Zaalbaar to kill her
>he actually does it
your competition of special olympics is somewhat self contradictory. if you start marketing such pride parade scarecrow for your rainbow purposes that american ceases being great american even if he was great american. it's like that rule 34 only without table to turn around on you.
Credit where credit is due, when bastila went darkside was the most convincing argument I've ever had for a faction choice in a game, every other time a choice like that comes up it just assumes you personally have already come up with a preference and never bothers to appeal to what your character would want in that situation. I was completely grey-jedi up to that point.
That line gave me chills the first time I read his mind, like that one event defined his entire being. It's a shame he didn't have more dialogue.
did KotOR1 get the HD update that KotOR2 got?
though, it's supposedly in the works
why not?
I wanted to play through it but I can't be arsed applying 50 mods for widescreen and fixes
because different companies made the games
That event would be the most influential thing in most of your crew's lives. It's part of the game's theme of "echoes".
yes but both games are on the same engine and the same company is doing the HD rework on both of them (Aspyr).
It's strange that they chose to do the sequel and the most unpopular game first.
Malachor: The character
Honestly the only "that part" I remember is the intro and the """""restored""""" droid planet (which is fucking awful).
What the hell happened on malachor anyway
You're right about that, user, and it's great for how simple it is.
>reclaim the power and freedom that is rightfully yours
>and also, I'll be your loyal Sith waifu
convinced me, desu.
>What the hell happened on malachor anyway
>"""""restored""""" droid planet
Probably the most "that part" of any parts of all games ever made.
Battle and wipeout of genocidal proportions.
>Star Wars game
>don't get a lightsaber until you're 80% done with the game
what's the fucking point
if I wanted to play around with gay medieval swords I'd play mount & blade
Carth Onasi is a little bitch.
Revan sends his questionably "loyal" followers to Malachor to draw out the Mandolarian fleet, Exile ends up ordering Bao-Dur to activate his genocide machine which kills nearly everyone on both sides by fucking the planet
>convinced me, desu.
Me too user, the pull of the dark-side is strong when good shit is on the line.
It honestly makes Revan the most relatable sith in the franchise, I still don't understand how that dream sequence made anakin a sith.
Too bad bioware ruined revan in tor
Nothing we can do about that aside from forget TOR exists.
For me it's the dumb HK factory the restoration mod adds. It's got like 50 fucking robots inside shooting at you. What the fuck were they thinking
>Installing the optional HK factory
It's optional because it's literal garbage. The dialogue is shit, the combat encounters were designed for autistic minmax builds only, and it's buggy as hell.
You can get a lightsaber after like the first planet. Dxun has the parts you need.
I didn't install anything optional i don't think. All i did was subscribe to TSLRCM on steam. It installed everything it has to offer
>being this bad at the game
It's honestly a struggle not to get the parts you need by halfway through your first planet after Telos, but I guess if you were just doing what your journal told you to and ignoring all sidequests, companions, and optional conversations you would find it a bit difficult.
And also, Revan personally kills Mandalore in single combat at the height of the battle. Can't forget that.
There's no option in the steam version I think
>can't talk to crewmembers if you didn't bring them on quest related decisions
>can't be bothered bringing everyone around because most are obnoxious
I actually really liked the factory. Some of the dialogue between HKs was great.
>>don't get a lightsaber until you're 80% done with the game
How retarded are you?
how? isn't dxun one of the last planets?
>And also, Revan personally kills Mandalore in single combat at the height of the battle. Can't forget that.
That part confuses me. Isn't the only reason the Exile activated the shadow generator because Revan's forces weren't coming? Where did this duel take place?
You can go to any planet, not like there's only one available at a time
>read a guide like a pleb
>call others retarded
Calling out bad design choices isn't being bad at the game. Building a lightsabre is what a youngling does before becoming a padawan. Yet you have to traverse half the Republic to scrape together all parts to make one yourself.
Bao-Dur is the shittiest companion by far. Prove me wrong. You can't.
What the hell? No, you can go to any planet in any order you feel like.
>implying implications cause you're stupid
Yeah if you read a fucking walkthrough you chose this as your first stop. In my first playthrough I visited it last. Plus it doesn't have all the parts you need.
He can punch a Sith to death with his electric fucking arm. The whole break shield attack thing. It's awesome.
Shit biofag game.
It depends mostly on planet order that you do, If you play smart you can get your lightsaber after just doing narshadar
You can visit Dxun for the first time at any stage in the game. user is probably remembering the Return to Dxun, which takes place immediately before the endgame.
>Prove me wrong.
G0-T0 and Hanharr.
How retarded are you? You can legit get all the parts you need for your lightsaber by the time you finish Dxun.
Hard life
By the time you get off Telos, you should have a couple pieces of shit. Plus, Visas gets on your ship and you can break her shit and get a free part. Then, while you're killing all those cannok fuckers to prove your worth, one of them will drop a lightsaber part. I always went Dxun first, never had any issues getting a lightsaber.
Okay, you got me. I surrender.
>traverse half the republic
>can complete it halfway through your first planet if you aren't retarded
okay user. maybe you should just use a fucking mod to start wtih a lightsaber if you're this butthurt about it.
>turn him evil
>he starts turning black and red like Darth Maul
>Mira, Handmaiden, Atton, and Bao Dur all sith under my rule
Fuck if I know, man. Maybe he just needs a throat lozenge.
That was the best fucking part of the game. I mostly did light side, but when you wanted to go dark side you could go whole fucking hog.
You must be misremembering user, probably because of how long Peragus/Citadel Station/Telos' Surface/The Polar Academy feel compared to the first game - it can feel like you're halfway through the game already and you've just unlocked the Galaxy Map. You need three parts and a crystal, and the crystal you can buy or find in loot.
You always get a part from the Ithorian or Czerka questline on Telos, unless you fuck it up beyond repair.
You always get a part from confronting Visas.
You always get a part from the Master at the end of a plot planet (or their body, depending) if you don't already have a lightsaber.
Dantooine has two or three events that give a part, but they are easily missable. Dxun and Onderon, Nar Shaddaa, and the return to Dxun all have two-three events that give a part, though, so the longest you'd realistically have to wait is to the end of one of those planets like Dantooine or Korriban (by missing all the sidequests and getting it from the Master), and even then you should have already triggered Visas.
>I surrender.
[Exactly as what would be expected from a foolish Jeedai]
[autistic growling]
Did people really hate Hanharr? I found him pretty interesting as an evil companion.
His main flaw was he wasn't given as much character attention in banter and would always seem like a disappointing alternative to a feisty red head qt for 95% of KotoR's player base. Basically stuck as a irritable tank.
But he's a psychotic wookie serial killer that literally bonds with you and powers up by discussing his past murders, which he has an almost sexual fixation with, and bizarre life"rules". I think it's a pretty unique character.
What the FUCK was his problem?
He was just a fucking space jew
I guess it's just preference. I don't really hate any of the characters, but he's one of the characters I like the least. A lot of people also hate G0-T0 and I don't mind him that much desu.
>Disney will never allow someone to question the morality of the Jedi the way this game did
The extended universe had a lot of shit, and they were right to cut it, but it's sad that we'll have to deal with kid-friendly fairy tale garbage. Just once, I want Star Wars to surprise me with its depth. Maybe I'm just too old for this shit.
>tfw star trek fags finally won because they were less popular among kids
God damnit.
Fuck you faggots.
I actually like TOR.
Revan lures the Mandalorian fleet to a world they are forbidden to land on as part of their culture. He orders a major portion of his fleet to battle the Mandalorians in near-orbit while he takes another detachment and fights against Mandalore's personal force. They have a truce and he has a personal duel on board the ship, executing Mandalore the Ultimate in front of his troops. The remaining forces, the Republic ground forces and ships being crewed by people who are not personally loyal to Revan, are led by the Jedi Exile. Revan orders the Exile to use the mass shadow generator, a superweapon developed by Bao-Dur. The device activates, intensifying Malachor V's gravity and shattering both the Mandalorian and Republic fleets, obliterating the planet and turning it into the Star Wars equivalent to Hell. The incident is so traumatic that it causes a massive hole in the Force, sending echoes that ruin Nihilus, the Jedi Exile and serving to boost the evil of the Trayus Academy on the surface. Revan returns to the planet years later and uses its evil to mass-convert Jedi surreptitiously to the Sith cause in order to use them to prepare the Galaxy against the return of the True Sith.
At least Thrawn shows the Empire as being fairly morally ambiguous at times, as it was back in the days of the old Expanded Universe with stuff like TIE Fighter and Heir to the Empire.
You will never create a horrifying war device and activate it, killing millions of people and scarring you forever.
>Likes TOR
>Calls others faggots.
is it just me or are flurry/power attack/critial strike in kotor1 and 2 fucking useless?
always seems like I'm better off just auto attacking
>He actually played the droid planet
Jesus Christ.
Modify your 18-20 crit range weapons with "keen" items and use master critical hit/sniper shot to do literally nothing but criticals. Add in your "massive criticals" upgrades. Game over ez
Flurry gives you an additional attack per round without penalty.
Critical Strike is better for classes with sneak attack and decent gear but it is less reliable. In kotor2 it is beyond broken and allows you to kill any opponent in a single turn.
Max flurry + max knight speed + dual-blade saber is the easiest, and most broken build you can go for.
Most of the unique attacks are risky at lower levels, especially if you don't understand how the rolls work.
Compared to the other attack methods which have a drawback in one aspect or another offset by a greater reward, Master Flurry is outright overpowered, as it gives you an extra chance to hit with no penalty.
was there any cut content regarding the master on korriban or were they always gonna be ded
>all these retards not knowing you can get your lightsaber on Dantooine immediately after leaving Telos
Go straight to dantooine, go to the jedi academy, as soon as you enter head left, free/kill that scavenger that's locked in the room for the part, head back to your ship, fight visas and get the last part. You can do all this in like 15-30 minutes after leaving Telos.
> You don't gloss over any side quests this way
>You don't even have to finish the big quest associated with the academy because you can just leave and come back to it if you want
>you don't have to do a planet's entire quest line just to get the part
Nar Shaddaa is probably almost, if not equally, as fast of a method. But I personally like to save Nar Shaddaa for mid game. I like doing Dxun's quest line first, but I like having my lightsaber before I get there.
"I hope nobody hears me" -Bao-hurrdurrr the mute
I could swear there was a way to check what buffs and debuffs a character had in KotOR2 but I'm not seeing it anywhere. Anyone have any idea what it was? Or is my memory playing tricks?
There was, I dont frigging remember, but I´m sure
lol wut
>Send a slut for Vogga
>beat the cripple Sithfu
>Nar Shadda has like 4 for helping Refuges
>Dantoinne has at least 2 I think one was modded out by resto patch
its easy
How am I supposed to know the defenses of an enemy in KotOR? Is it just trial and error and see what results in a save and what doesn't?
Go to that screen where it shows your light/dark side alignment. I think it says your buffs there
What the hell is that +13? Is that my attack bonus? That can't be right can it? Wouldn't that mean that pretty much guarantee that I never miss?
Nope nothing there.
On another topic, is there any purpose to not bringing kreia along everytime? In all playthroughs of this game I always had her in my party so I've missed 80% of the companions.
1 is a nat miss I think
If I understand the game correctly, you roll 1d20+your bonus versus enemy defense, who knows how high the latter can be?
This is correct.
Except almost everything in KOTOR has a laughably low defense value to the point that the to-hit bonus barely matters.