Who is the Studio Trigger of video games?

Who is the Studio Trigger of video games?



Trigger is actually good at what they do, user

>Give answer
Why even ask then?

Oh man, I was gonna say that too.

Based Platinum and Trigger

Little Witch Academia game by Platinum when?

kys tripfig

Fuck off.

>its another bayonetta clone
>dodge to go into little witch time


A fighting game with all the trigger characters when?

I don't know if platinum could pull off a game where you play as a clutz though

For some reason I just fell off the LWA train when they went to go talk sense into the jew dragon. Is it still worth catching up on?

If Platinum is Studio Trigger then what is Vanillaware?

A better studio


Yes, that was the worst episode by far. Literally every episode since then was at least enjoyable.

Who's the Studio Gainax of Video Games

Yeah, there's actually a goal for the plot now. The jew dragon episode characterized how shit magic users are now and how shit Luna Nova is

Yeah platinum

Or these guys

Nah, Grasshopper makes only 7/10s at best

plat really does make the most sense
they're both studios that are known for making 'throwback'-ish stuff that's actually very modern and their output wildly varies in quality while still keeping their very loyal fanbases

Turn based RPG with character that has low accuracy

So what are the good Trigger shows? I know Sup Forums has a hard on for KLK, but that show has too much QUALITY to be considered good.

They haven't made that many things but what they did they did right.

KLK, Little Witch Academy, Space Patrol Luluco, Kiznaiver

If you're in for some memes check out Inferno Cop

And if you want something inbetween QUALITY and memes check out Ninja Slayer

vanillaware would be their OVAs

>kill la kill
>space patrol
Couldn't get past episode 2 on either.
Not that I even like anime but hell cop or whatever the fuck it was called (is that even trigger???) was -actually- good.

Been a while since I watched KLK, what were the QUALITY scenes?
Obviously still tween images don't count but you know that already and I'm typing for no reason.

Clover studios

Just make the timing strict and if you screw up you still do it but in an awkward way

>shit studio made up of industry vets who were once good, that elitists eat up for being 'unique'


>studio that has literally never done anything great, only liked by normalfags


Not him, but it has always bothered me that in the second OP, the scene of the main characters walking in parallel wasn't animated at all.
It may be a stylistic choice but it just seems so lazy to me, especially in the OP when you only have to do it well once, then just play it every week. Then it follows that part up with CG fighting and bodies flying.

It's fucking Platinum

Why even ask?

If you think this is QUALITY you're missing something

If there's something to complain about KLK, it's not the animation. It's obviously going for a style where the scene never sits still, and uses pretty unrealistic animations and maybe on a few keyframes for each to give the show a bombastic type of feel. When people say KLK is bad because it has bad animation, I think they're morons.

I don't like KLK because the plot and characters are lame as fuck, and I never really enjoyed watching it because lack of investment.

>it's intentionally shit so it's good

>if it's not Cowboy Bebop it's bad

fuck off

>if it's not good, it's not good


Intentional QUALITY is still QUALITY.