Grandia (1997, PSX)

>Colorful cast of characters
>Active and tactical battle system, not too complex not too simple
>Excellent music score
>Fun adventurous story and locations to explore
>Great moments of both high drama and lighthearted humor

Best jRPG?

Other urls found in this thread:

also on saturn

Can't be. II is better.

It's called PS

Great game
shame about the sequels

My man. Been replaying it recently.

My favourite game of that generation. Massively underrated, however I never hear anyone with anything bad to say about it

The voice acting is a little off sometimes but other than that it's a completely solid game.

I have the undub lying around somewhere, thanks for reminding me to play it.

I played it for the first time a few years ago but seeing the cover again just fills me up with nostalgia for some reason. It is the definition of an grand adventure in a RPG. Such a shame gamearts doesn't do shit these days.

2 improved on it in every way except graphics so no.

Saturn version is superior to the PSX one.

Don't mind me, just bumping with best girl.

Not really worth it, the Japanese voice track is pretty shit too.

Grandia is one of my favorites. The only other game I can think of with a similar appeal to it is Skies of Arcadia.

FF7 is better haha just kidding, anyone who says this is retarded

Attack animations are way too long, good thing you can speed shit up on emulator.

is this psx game actually good like ACTUALLY for reall??

It's pretty good.

It was called PSX.

If you dont know you are underage.

This. I never would have been able to finish it if I wasn't playing it with speedup. It doesn't help that you have to use all the spells as much as possible to level them up too.

maybe in america
here it was 'the playstation'

Im not from america.

It was called playstation but all magazines and the internet used psx as short version.

The music is way more amazing than I remembered. Like just listen through the whole OST again sometime.

Yes. Saturn version is slightly sharper on original hardware but is all Japanese if you care about that sort of thing.

One of the leading creators behind this series passed away not too long ago, Miyaji Takeshi.


Stop being a whiny millennial for once

At least he didn't live long enough to see Grandia Online get shut down.

Favourite RPG of all time. Didn't fall into many JRPG cliches until late into the second disk.

Also this guy.

Never played online, what was it like? An MMO?

No one played it. That was the problem.

Not even the Japanese?

I like 2 more, but this game's pretty damn great.


>There will never be a Grandia IV
>with another beautiful Noriyuki Iwadare soundtrack

Feels bad, man

I really want to play this, but I'm still in the middle of my Lunar playthrough.

>tfw Digital Museum will never be localised and released on a modern platform

What do you think of it so far?

I played it a few years ago. Got to the part where you get catapulted into a volcano and got bored.

I still have my save file. Should I go on?

>GBC spinoff lets you get Nana in your party
Why did no one tell me about this?

>Justin. I...

>That first fight when he completely destroys you with the Dragon Cut

There's only one JRPG out there that can really compete with the feeling of adventure it gives

yet even then, I'd say Grandia is probably slightly better

WE can only hope Steam and XSeed make it possible

While I enjoyed II, the story is cringey as fuck.

I loved Grandia. It felt like a big, big adventure. The title card, which you'll see when you play 10 min of a game nowadays, doesn't even appear until you're on the third! continent I believe. You know what I mean, how there's a prologue and then you see the title card of the game with some credits before you actually get into the game? I actually thought I was like halfway into the game but I was only 10% or less into it.

There were SO many continents to explore and SO many amazing characters along the way. I REALLY loved how characters come and go - the end team is completely different than the team you start off with. Yeah it sucks if you lose equipment and if you put your stats boosters into those characters that leave you lose out on a bit, but honestly I don't see many games that do this. I like it a lot.

Guido is also a bro. Seriously - his character mixes several archetypes into one in a nice way.

I played Grandia on my PS1 because my Xbox 360 had gotten a RROD during the summer - about ten years ago now. I started just burning games onto CDs for my PS1, then I found this gem.

I played through it laughing at first, thinking it was a crappy 2D game. Then when I got an hour into it or so, I just had to finish it. Weeks went by after I got back my Xbox 360 in the mail, and I was still playing this game. It's that amazing, and it's a long game, too. Xenogears was amazing too, but that had an atrocious second disk. Yeah, Grandia can get weird in its last few areas, but nowhere near the level of atrociousness that Xenogears reaches in its second disk.

>the story is cringey as fuck.
That's true of every entry in the Grandia franchise.

The good thing about characters leaving your party is that their weapons/magic experience is put inside the stashing places as items you can apply to anyone with the right skills.

>wanted to run through Suikoden
>have no motivation to start a game
>threads like this keep making me want to play other JRPGs.

That era had some fucking killers in it.

Pretty comfy and easy, though the story is even more generic than Lunar 2's.

The main characters are all pretty likable though.


But it sure as hell is my personal favorite.

It does some things better while Grandia does others better.

I can't honestly make a clear decision on which is better.

Would anyone watch this if I streamed it? At the Zil Desert just after the Tower of Doom atm.

Yes, Dave.

Reminer that this used to be a Sega Saturn exclusive, and only came out for the PS1 because SEGA refused to localize the game.

I wouldn't say so unless you mean combat and even then not by much

I love Skies Of Arcadia and Grandia II , too bad both franchises are dead and gone.

In europe/germany it was called PSX

Who owns Grandia?

It's too bad about Skies of Arcadia, though. SEGA has forgotten all it's IPs that aren't Sonic and Valkyria Chronicles.

>too bad
it's for the best

>and Valkyria Chronicles.
Funny way of spelling Yakzua (Even if I like it)

Link this.

And...Football Manager too, I guess? According to Steam it's one of the most popular games in the world but you would never know it existed if it weren't for the general on Sup Forums.

Kek, I still remember how I excited I was when they called Nostalgia SOA's spiritual successor.


Also Miku games. Forgot that as well.

>Link this.
I wish I could user, but the site's been dead for at least a year now
However you're correct in your probable-assumption that yes, it's from a satire site
I just repost it because it's accurate

>it's for the best
you are a cruel man user.
I Have no idea who owns the Grandia franchise now days.On that note I wish we got a new Shadow Hearts.

I remember when they said the exact same thing about this too

Why is Tales still alive while Grandia, Breath of Fire and their contemporaries are dead.

Made by a larger company, has more money and failures to spare.

Capcom has long since spent all their spare failures.

Off-topic posting is shit-posting.

In the case of Grandia I believe that having shit sequels contributed to its demise. I never played Grandia 3 or Xtreme but I hear from time to time on Sup Forums that they are shit. As for Breath Of Fire I think Capcom just decided to put it in the vault along with alot of its 80's and 90's franchises just because Capcom are fucking dicks now days.

How are those 2 games? Are they at least interesting in the character department?

Really good jrpg, but it might not even be top 5 on PS1.

Go play Suikoden 2

I remember that part hiting me like a fucking brick

Well for one it has an extremely slow start, even for a JRPG. That coupled with the fact that the battle system wasn't as great as people made it out to be and the game just isn't anything special.

Grandia 2 saw a PC release, so Game Arts seems to still be alive in some respects.

Nostalgia sucked. It was very, very boring. Go to place, run through a bland dungeon, kill the boss, repeat. Flying around sounds like fun but enemies are EXTREMELY difficult in areas you shouldn't visit yet, and your stats are entirely dependent on your equipment, so there is no real way to grind past them. They're a great way to get money, if you can fight them early.

Characters were terribly flat and very dull. Motivations were either highly generic or just not there. I can't even recall if I completed the game or just gave up because nothing really seemed to matter.

The music is charming, though. It made wandering around town and flying around nice. It also had a surprisingly well done menu (seriously). But really, it was overall fairly disappointing. Okay if you don't mind wasting your time, but you won't be engaged like you were with Skies of Arcadia.


Chrono Trigger is great, but it doesn't hold a candle to Grandia.

FF7 kids need to kill themselves.

Sue getting sick and having to head back home was heart breaking. She was such an integral part of that group, the next couple scenes afterwards just feel so fucking depressing without her around.

The start definitely is a bit slow, yeah. Once you board the ship and run across Feena for the first time it absolutely never lets up again though.
Battle system really is great and had loads of potential though. It's pretty good in the first game already and then every new entry just built on it more and more. I'll take it over the standard ATB or fully turn based systems most other JRPGs had around that time any day, it absolutely shits on those

What do they see?

Grandia is one of my favourite games and Feena is my girlfriend.

You forgot
>unbearably awful forced romanced with a completely unlikable cunt

Dropped it as soon as this shit started. Adventure games should be about adventure, not vapid whores.

Grandia 2 had a PC port over 10 years ago. Rereleasing it on steam means nothing.

I know because that's the version I played. The videos where right on the disc(s?), so you could watch the ending before even starting the game.


For a second I thought that thumbnail was a different game.

I know I will get shat on for this, but I really don't say that to be contraian.

I picked this game up back when the internet wasn't a thing around here. At this time, I found out about new jRPGs at random, that went on to blew my 10 year old mind. Skies of Arcadia. Final Fantasy IX. Golden Sun. Suikoden II. Among these, there was Grandia. I saw it, I knew it was something that was something for my tastes and bought it without a second thought.

I think I never tried so hard to enjoy a game when it left me completely cold. Throught the whole 15 hours I played, I felt like I should enjoy this. It has everything there that I like. Why do I not enjoy this? But it was so bland, so boring, so loveless, that I just didn't enjoy it. The first hour was just that dumb kid spouting "I wanna go on an adventure". That alone took the whole magic out of it for me. You don't tell the player that the character wants to go an adventure, you just let the fucking character go on an adventure.

Still, I see that many here enjoyed it a lot. And I think that's great.

>not too simple

The battle system is a bit complex but it literally doesn't matter. You can't or don't have to use any of it. You can beat everything with just spamming skills randomly with nothing posing you any challenge. I don't think i ever experienced any difficulty from this aside from the pirate ghost ship boss, where i had to actually interrupt him and manage my position.

>blonde Sue



It isn't called the PSX. The PSX is something completely different.

Nothing wrong with having your own personal opinion on a game user. I feel the same way about Chrono Trigger , I honestly enjoyed Chrono Cross more than Trigger but that doesn't mean CC is better or CT is shit.

Grandia is good, but Skies of Arcadia is better.

Persona 5 is a boring repetitive mess.

Tastes, man. People have different tastes.

I'm fine with Grandia because it does do a lot of showing, not telling (Justin telling everyone he wants to be an adventurer shows something about Justin, not just what he wants) and even though stuff got weird and slow at the beginning of the second half, it did a good job of presenting all the characters. It also did a good job of presenting the world, and letting you fiddle around with it. Too many JRPGs feel like they just have static worlds where you are just passing through, and barely interact with anything there outside showpieces. Grandia had people give various lines and change with each local event, making it feel much more like it was a place with actual people, and not Inn Stay #6 along the path.

nobody cares about a fucking japanese exclusive dvr

literally nobody has ever wanted to talk about that thing except to sperg about people using psx when talking about the first playstation

end your life

Literally the cutest.
We've got to stop meeting like this.

is that the Konami code?

Grandia captures that feeling of being a boy that goes out on a grand adventure better than anything I've ever played and has so much love put into every single nook and cranny, even the manual is beautifully designed. Justin starts out as just a naive little kid, but at the end of his adventure he is a man ready to settle down and build a family, it's a great coming of age story, all the main characters and their development was just handled really well in general.
I almost feel bad that it just didn't seem to click with you, but to each their own, nothing really wrong with that

Very cute,

I like our meetings.

They stopped marketing the PlayStation as PSX before the system even fucking launched you stupid fuck. Only autistic shit grinning faggots call it a PSX.