DOA Thread

This is Kokoro she is awesome

Other urls found in this thread:


A real cutie

why is she doing that

Because it's cute

Not an argument.

Well, if you want to be technical about it, in the first two, she's flinching away from the person who was looking too closely at her breasts for too long. The third is a specific pose for a photo shoot with a rear-end camera angle.

Kokoro is potato

Cute potato


Didn't clear China's censory board. Not happening.


No interaction
Japan only

They dropped the game completely in February too I think there's like one person left who swaps out the bonus EXP events now.

Has there been any new swimsuit updates aside from the valentines swimsuits?

At least they're still rotating the DLC suits so those of us who don't autogrind can still slowly chip away at our collections

I blame team Ninja for give me the yellow fever.
Now almost every asian woman looks hot as fuck to me (even the chubby ones)

Is there more to this?

And, no, they've gone completely silent. Maybe some new info, whether on this, the browser game, or DOA6 at DOAFest.

Don't die, Koko thread

Updates for DOAX3 ended in mid February with two paid Senran Kagura sets.

What a cutie

Update distribution of the new swimsuit was finished with 22nd February 16th, 2017 (Thursday).
If there is addition of new swimsuit, we will inform you on official website.

this is a fighting game right?

Dead or Alive is the fighting series
Dead or Alive Xtreme is a girl watching simulator with some minigames.

What/when is that?

Originally, but the pics here all come from the beach spin-off, and not even of the casino and waveracing which was the best part

>Dead or Alive Festival is an annual festival held in Japan that occurs on the first week of August. As the name suggests, the festival celebrates all things related to the Dead or Alive franchise.

It was held July 9th last year. So far one hasn't been announced for this year as of yet, but they sometimes use it for game announcements and hold a fighting tournament

Mila is CUTE

Why doesn't Kokoro fuck dogs and horses like the other DOA girls do in 3D porn?

Because she's a sweet and pure girl who does everything Miss Helena tells her.

Dogs and horses are for the serving girl and her thicc friend.

I used to love kokoro, but then momiji happened and it's like kokoro never existed.

I want to turn Momiji into Mommyji


>Lei Fang will never get added to DOAX3
And so I will never buy it.

Making the best of it, but it still hurts

You haven't looked hard enough, friend.


The most adorable thing ever.

I'd have kids with Kokoro and her mom!

That face makes me want to cuddle Kokoro and pet her.


where can I see other doa girls fucking animals? got some links?

It's not lewd

It's natural

Daaayum son

Stupid kunt.



My dick made me buy this game back when it first came out and it's a fun little thing but man is it a huge grind and not even in the good way it's just an absolute pain trying to get costumes and even then the girls can reject them and rewrapping them costs a fucking shit load too so honestly I cannot say I am at all pleased with this game. It's fun and the girls are cute and the tech is great but for crying out loud did they manage to ruin it all with a bunch of unfun money grabbing bullshit. I recommend Honey Select instead.

This. Helena totally adores her little Kokoro.

They didn't make much money on this. The DLC was almost all free. They released maybe half a dozen suits that cost real money, but after even the Japs complained when they tried to do it with one half of the bi-weekly dlc suits, they dropped that part of it.

You're thinking of the $1000+ costume dlc for Last Round.

No I'm thinking that the reason it takes a week of playing to afford a costume is because they want me to pay real life money for everything instead. If the paid money wasn't a thing there would be no reason to punish players that heavily.

Wonder if Nyo and Helena would swap their toys?


>You're such a pervert.

Says the one wearing only electrical tape.


their costumes were just color swap anyway
and now they are applying the same shit to last round
out of 3 costumes set (minus arcsys collabo) they are all the fucking same and i bet you the next 2 will be the same

they got so lazy they aren't even hide that they jew the shit out of us now


Electrical tape? Is this because Marie told me to stick my finger in that socket in the wall one time?

Not even new colour swap though, colou swap for one of Lei's dresses, then colour swap for Miji's shrine maiden stuff


Don't make fun of the mentally handicapped. They can't help how they are

Is he like suppose to be retarded?

Like I don't really understand Japan, and have limited experience with anime archetypes.

I have never seen a more retarded character though, the stuff she does in the story mode makes literally zero sense.

They've really gone all out though, with letting you bully Kokoro this time around

She's very....childlike.

>Fapping to this thread.
>Accidentally see my reflection on a mirror.
>Realize that I'm so ugly that Kokoro-chan would find me disgusting.
>Lost boner.

I guess this is why Japan draws ugly old men in hentai.

I have this problem in life but with my personality rather than my looks. When I meet a woman who is interested in me I know she isn't my type at all because the kind of woman who I want would hate my attitude.
It's a predicament.

You can bully all of them, really. Some just voice their displeasure more forcefully than others.


holy fuck
why is this so hot?

The same reason why many people still find X3 hot even when hardcore stuff like HS is available. Teasing is hot, often hotter than full nudity or hardcore sex if done right.

the fuck is HS?


Quality lipsync

honey select, porn game with a better character creator than most actual AAA games

If you mod it heavily.

Btw, I hear there's an update coming out soon that will break 75% of the mods that are out there. Is this true?

Why haven't the bully pictures been posted in the threads more often?

Although I am surprised Hitomi wasn't too ditzy to work out what's going on, but I guess between Kokoro and Honkers she's not nearly as naive in comparison

Why do you even like autistic & retarded Kokoro, Sup Forums?

She's freakin' hot, mate

Not too many people bother to make them. I have a bunch but haven't sorted them into bullying folders yet, so I have to search around.

Probably just best to hold out until people start reporting what's getting broken.

Hitomi and Kasumi are competing in the Hayate-bowl and fell for the Ownah's line that he would be on the island again. Everyone else is either new, naive, or both. Only Helena and Ayane should have realized what was going on.

Where's the best place to buy DOAX3?


Why is it sexy for gooks if the girl is being raped or not enjoying whats going on around her in any way? Why is it so mainstream to get off on the girl's embarrassment and shame? Its not wrong I just dont understand why thats the default for everything Japanese and sexy.

This is now an Armstrong thread

whoops, wrong Armstrong

What sort of person bullies sweet little Kokoro?


post DoA girls getting ZACKED

>Kokoro in full Miko
My dick needs this.


What is the Japanese keyword for shorts undone like that so I can search for more

PSN. Playasia's been sold out for months.


Male empowerment. Most Japs are pretty insecure about their manhood, so they have to make their porn about the men being extremely dominant and the females submissive and taken against their will.

Wimps who can't handle the tougher girls

Armstink gets plenty of her own threads. Stop trying to upstage the rarer girls

Goddamn that outfit looks great on anybody


They're in the rotation right now. I need to pick up a few more.