Is there anything this man can't do?

Is there anything this man can't do?

Todd appreciation thread

reach the top shelf

Go fuck yourself Todd.

tell the truth




I want Todd to bear my child

He can't tell the truth

You can't handle the truth

get me to buy fallout


Todd has a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for rpg elements, and you curse Bethesda. You have that luxury, you have the luxury of not knowing what Todd knows, that rpg element's death while tragic, probably saved the industry and Todd's existence while grotesque and incomprehensible, to you, saved the industry

Say that again dreamboy, I dare you.


When fallout 4 came out I played it for like 25 hours, didn't like it much, got bored of it and forgot about it. Now that plenty of time has passed since release, I reinstalled the old thing and I downloaded and installed 117 mods last night, possibly creating one of the greatest games of all time in the process. It actually runs too, the only thing I need to fix is women seem to have multiple different skin colors on their arms and hands and my game has all sorts of other weird glitches specifically with female arms and hands. Once I fix that I'm very much looking forward to my custom modded Fallout 4 game.

You'll end up playing it for 30 hours, and drop it.
It's still a shit game, it's only good for the first time you play it, because of the atmosphere and the music, after that you realize it is crap.


Buy Skyrim, Fallout 4 and all the DLC, and I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla.

Killling me would be a favor
You can't reach the top shelf
Nor make me buy any bethesda game

You will realize that modding itself is the game
After modding you just want to see how successful your efforts were. Once you've seen enough you will drop it.
You will mod it again after some time and repeat the process over and over until Fallout 5 on Not Gamebryo is released.

yes but its a real problem when modding is more fun than the actual game.

117 mods guy here. I can confirm that the first thing I'm going to do when I get on my PC is look for more mods to download, not turn on the actual game. So you are definitely right in some respect.

It's still gonna be fun to play though.


Toddy, it's your school day, wake up, sweety.
I've made you PB and J sandwiches, crust cut off, just how you like it.

>tfw your mother never made you pb and j sandwiches
why even live

Ey maine what you doing slleping in my crib?

he cant yeah boiii for more than 15 seconds


>Is there anything this man can't do?
Can he see why kids love the delicious taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Elder scrolls online is still shit Todd


did you guys remembered to pre order Skyrim on switch?

Make good games

>Is there anything this man can't do?
Make a decent RPG?

He can't climb that mountain.

Why is he suddenly so buff?

shrunken head

His head is shrunk

Make me buy his game.

can anyone give me a quick rundown on this guy?

>Not pirating it until Bethesda goes out of business from all the lost sales.

You are correct he has not made a decent CRPG.
However he excels at the far superior ARPG.

Am I going crazy, or is this an edit that made his head smaller?

>MK bows to Todd
>in contact with ayleids
>rumored to possess physical abilities
>controls bethesda with an iron fist

>controls bethesda with an iron but fair fist


Nah, I stand corrected.

He's made DECENT ARPGs. Decent as in 'average'. Nothing to complain about. Much better after being modded but even then it doesn't cover the fact the base game's ROLE-PLAYING aspect is as bare-bones as it gets.

He cannot however, make a GOOD RPG. CRPG or otherwise.

Besides, Skyrim and Fallout 4's combat, the ACTION part of ARPG was just 'okay' as well. Perfectly serviceable, but nothing special.

In short, Todd is not the devil. He's just so average it hurts. He's not good or bad enough to take notice of. If it wasn't for Toddposting, no-one would even give a fuck about him.

>controls Bethesda with a big iron on his hip



Todd was the director and project leader of Morrowind
Is it not at least a "decent" rpg?

What timeline are you from where a dev having mulitiple billion dollar IPs is average?
It is kind of rare in this one.

I appreciate you games todd. I got them all for free.

Marketering your shit to death and plastering it everywhere so obvioiusly faggot see it and buy t because it is trendy doesn't make you a good dev.

Tell the truth.

I appreciate you games todd. I got them all for free.

How'd that work out for Andromeda?

Every game from Bethesda since Morrowind has drastically improved on the sales from the previous title.
Quality has more to do with Bethesda's success than marketing.

You may not like it but here we are.