have you ever lost a save? by it being corrupted or simple stupidity?
Have you ever lost a save? by it being corrupted or simple stupidity?
foramatted by hdd withotu copying one save from the last remnant PC. lost few weeks of progress.
i saved instead of loading in TR3 - just as i was falling into 100% death.
corrupted hdd on my ps3 killed my saves, but nothing of value was lost(finished most games by then, i just miss my dark souls and demons souls character)
>100+ hours into a star ocean game
>friend wants to try and accidentally deletes the save trying to make a new file
And ever since that day I save my file on all the available slots.
Aside from that I haven't lost anything that I didn't purposefully get rid of.
Dark Souls 3 on PC. Possibly the most irritating experience in recent memory.
>darksiders 2 on 360
>game saves
>game freezes
>no backup saves
>load game, instantly freezes
and thats why I never finished darksiders 2.
Lost couple of them when transferring from one card to another
>free up 10 slots for a new game
>it's shit
My Gamecube memory card data got corrupted somehow when I was a kid. Losing my Chao was a traumatic experience
That happened with a friend of mine but it was Skyrim.
>Was having computer problems about a month ago
>Playing wolfenstein new order
>computer crashes while I was playing
>boot up and open game
>all my save data was deleted
Over my life i lost 2 hdds and a cellphone where i emulated ps1 games, so i lost some saves. Nothing critical though.
Oh, i got hacked in an mmo that i put several hundred hours in. That was a biggie
>tfw never lost a cartridge
>never lost a memory card
>never broke a controller
>never scratched a disk
>game auto-save all the fucking time
>don't look at the screen when turning of the console
>60 hours down the drain
>corrupted hdd on my ps3 killed my saves
That happened to me, but with a YLOD.
Worst thing that I lost was all my LBP data.
Apparently if you hack at some point in Custom Robo Arena's postgame your save will get corrupted
I thought it was a fluke the first time, but i ended up beating that game 3 times because it wasnt
Persona 4 has a bug (at least on PS3) where your save is simply deleted by no reason at fucking all. I lost I don't even know how many hours but it was a lot, got pissed off, got a save from the internet where the MC was OP as fuck and started all over again.
It was probably more fun playing with the guy OP as fuck.
my original save for Monster Hunter on the ps2
I used a gameshark or something to get all my items back but it just wasn't the same
Me too user.
Even when I was like 6 I took care of everything, couldn't imagine being as careless with things as some of my friends were/
kek did you got hacked for a reson or it was just some random asshole?
Only disk I ever scratched was due to accidentally moving my 360 when halo 3 was in there. Chewed it up really bad.
Caves of Qud (a roguelike made with Unity) used to have a problem where the save file would get incredibly huge to the point where it couldnt support itself and then it'd just get corrupted and you'd have to start all over again. We are talking about a no-graphics game where the save file would get to be as big as a few gigabytes. It was truly a disastrous wonder to behold, as you'd expect from a unity game made by an equally incompetent programmer.
Persona 3 had the same or similar bug. There was a random chance when saving it would delete your save instead.
This was of course fixable, by just saving again. Me being stupid, didn't notice when it deleted my save and just turned my PS3 off.
I lost about 60 hours, and I have never beaten persona 3 because of it.
I played Persona 3 after 4 and I learned my lesson, by the end of the game I had dozens of save slots
Had no drama what so ever in the game. Randomly hacked by probably some chinese/russian gold seller.
you only get hacked if you visit sites that offer to sell gold or peddle hacks, bots and scripts to give you an edge over others, when in reality they are just installing trojans and keyloggers that will steal your account.
>Get Super Mario Galaxy as a kid
>Play through the whole thing except one stage
>Purple comet in the Toy Time galaxy where you collect the coins across lava, gaps, and disappearing platforms
>Can't beat it no matter how hard I try
>Many years later at age 17
>Decide I might do be able to beat the stage now that I'm an idiot teenager instead of an idiot kid
>Load it up
>My old save file is mysteriously deleted
>To this day I have no idea what happened to it
>Have to play through the whole game again to reach the purple coin stage
>Still took me a fuckton of tries to beat it once I got there
yes my gba firered save's battery went dry
A buddy of mine once lost my PS2 memory card. The only game in progress was God of War. He then bought me 64 mb replacement card (mine was standard 8 mb), but I still was a bit upset.
I was playing the original mass effect on PC.
I was relying on auto-save and when I died on a boss it sent me back to the first Mako section.
I lost a save in test drive unlimited on PS2. it corrupted or something, wouldn't load. that was the point when I said fuck it and never touched that game again.
Lost my original FF12 save after I was saving and my friend wanted me to come play outside and powered it off. Lost like 12 hours since last save
>battery save
You had a bootleg. RSE were the ones with batteries, and even then it was only used for the ingame clock.
I don't remember Mass Effect auto-save system being so awful
I have that exact memory card pictured and has been working fine for 10+ years along with my ps2 memory card which has worked for 10+ years
internal batteries were bootleg only?
doesn't make sense but it probably was. I bought it from the third world
i lost 2 almost done saves on san andreas on pc. the file was there and still said the last mission played, but it would always load to the first mission
Once I lost everything BUT the save, actually.
Right when I finished completing Shadow of the Colossus and was ready to play through the game again with all the cool time attack items unlocked, my PS2 died completely, and in the confusion of trying to take it to the store to see if it was fixable [it wasn't] I lost the game disc.
That was the point I abandoned consoles forever, incidentally.
quick google search shows that most GBA games did not have battery reliant memories
ps1/2 memory cards seemed to be most prone to corruption. Especially GTA games for whatever reason.
Not only that, but I fucked an animal crossing save of mine. I use action replay to unlock stuff like all the hidden NES games, and I accidentally ruined my game by paying off my house in full somehow. Felt disappointing because there was no reason left to make money.
>Not only that, but I fucked an animal
weird thing to say out of nowhere user
Max Payne 1. Brother 'double clicked' or some shit which resulted in him saving his game file over mine. I was so excited to play it again... looking through the files...
Have not played it since, but it was a special game up till that moment.
no don't. animal crossing furries will swarm this thread.
just the nature of being this
I remember I loved the shit of a game called GUN for the PS2, and after a long time I finally had 100% completion, it was so cool too because you get the most powerful gun and the most powerful horse in the game so you can fuck around destroying everything
But then this one time go to my friends house and we were just playing for hours and hours, I didn't even realize it at the time but after I got back home and a few days later I saw that my friend saved over the fucking 100% save and it made me go nuclear for a while
Similar thing happened with Wacky Races for the Dreamcast but this time my brother did on purpose because we fought over something stupid which I don't even remember the reason, but he got pissed off and did it when I wasn't there
My brother deleted my Ratchet & Clank save on the last level
>my brother did on purpose
he sounds like a fucking dick should punch him square in the jaw
Funnily enough I never ever scratched my own shit, but I destroyed 2 games which a friend of mine borrowed in quick succession, Burnout 3 and True Crime and I never even re-payed for the damage, feels pretty scummy in hindsight though but I did lend him God of War and San Andreas which he returned just fine so I guess that's nice
FFVII right before the last boss
I spent one entire morning finishing the second episode and playing part of the third one of hack// G.U.. When I decided to take a break the game told me my save file was corrupted (probably happened because the memory card would constantly disconnect itself). I ended up playing the entire third episode until late night because I didn't want to start over.
>friend let me borrow their game boy donkey kong game
>dont really remember which one it was, but my stupid younger brother deleted their save file
>had to play and nearly beat it to get them back to where they were in less than 2 days so they wouldn't know and get mad at me
shit was stressful as fuck.
I lost my 450 hour save in 4U because I forgot to backup when I decided to arm9loaderhax my 3DS
I wasn't really upset cause I knew it was going to happen, but I did have over 30 Tigrex Mantles and quite a lot of Rathian Mantles that I still miss.
>get friend round
>can I played pokemon red
>alright but don't save it
>*saves it*
thats pretty cute of you user, extremely autistic, but pretty cute
I remember I used to upload to youtube way back in it's early days circa 2005-2006 because we saw runescape PK videos and though that was the shit, so a while later I start uploading some Dragon Fable quest videos which I know sounds kinda retarded but I liked the game at the time
They had decent views at the time at least for me that is 1000-5000, which is probably shit nowadays but I had a bunch of them, then I dunno when it happened exactly all the videos on my channel were gone, there weren't any strikes or takedown notices or anything, videos just suddenly disappeared one day
Now my brother always fucking swears he never did anything, but deep down I really think it was him, there's no way I can prove it of course or verify it but to me it's the only logical explanation
He used to do stuff like that but it's been so long that it's water under the bridge and we're cool now
Dark souls 3, happened right before I went to start the first dlc and I haven't played sinve
MP is not even that long, so that's not a big loss.
>extremely autistic, but pretty cute
you just described me :3
Only once, and that was Kingdom Hearts. Lost my level 100 Sora and ultima keyblade that I had just grinded all the materials for a couple days before, because I saved over the file.
Not a big deal now, but younger me was devastated.
I had a bootleg copy of fire emblem 7 that couldn't hold a save to save its life.
I literally played the first 75% of the game about 10 times before I finally just never turned off my SP for like a week.
did you fucked his girlfriend or something?
Explain why
Because I'm extremely autistic but pretty cute how did you not get that?
Accidentally wiped my hard drive when trying to change my account information on my 360.
Apparently they though putting an option that wipes everything right next to an option that just cleared your account information or some shit, so when the tech support guy told me to select the latter, I accidentally pressed the former. I shut off the box and only lost like 80% of my shit though so it wasn't a big deal.
100% wario land 1
friend wants to play it takes the bomb in the menu and erases my game
My Wii fell off of a table and landed on the memory card.
It broke open and won't read anymore. So I lost pretty much all of my gamecube save data.
pokemon sapphire had its internal battery run dry; this cartridge and firered and leafgreen cartridges become incapable of storing a saved game, which was pretty devastating
lost a 99% lego star wars 2 save because of ??? reasons
lost an advance wars 2 savegame of mid-hard-campaign and several scenarios completed because of ios emulator shenanigans
its really hard to lose PC savegames if you backup frequently, it's really only consoles and nintendo wares
i'm truly sorry for your loss
loss of a friendship, that is
My father deleted my FF IX save states 15 years ago (((by accident))). We are pals now, though.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle had a nasty habit of corrupting for no fucking reason. It wouldn't be so bad if it was a 'turn it on, realize it corrupted' thing, but it'd corrupt WHILE I WAS PLAYING. I'd finish a stage, it'd pop up with 'save failed' in the corner, and suddenly all my chao are gone and the save is destroyed. Eventually I just stopped playing, because corruption was a foregone conclusion. All the other saves on that memory card still fucking work over 10 years later, but Sonic? HA HA, nope.
my entire GC save collection on one of those first party memory cards with the max amount of memcard space. I lost pretty much my entire teenage life in the process. It was heartbreaking.
>(((by accident)))
what did you mean by this
lost my final fantasy save by not holding reset as i turned off the console
yeah it used to be that easy
>format pc
>forget that steam doesnt save in the cloud most game's saves
every time
The PS3 versions of Persona 3 and 4 had some retarded save deletion bugs. Never finished either of them because of it.
You can't possibly have not learned after the first time
Statistically-speaking, one of you has had their entire PS2 memory card erased by playing the Viewtiful Joe demo on the Holiday 2004 demo disc.
>go to save another file
>overwrite your main file accidentally
>that feeling of your heart dropping out of your chest
Did it 2-3 times in my life and its fucking terrible
that pic though
I chose to let Nier:Automata delete my save when I got the true ending.
Had a pair of non-official PS1 cards in when there was a power surge.
They became known as Blinky and Fried and my mom and I lost our Dark Stone saves. Luckily they were fairly fresh characters and our good ones were on another card.
Yep, fucking Borderlands auto-save only bullshit.
In the general case I was fortunate not to lose a lot of saves. The only two instances that come to mind would be Pokémon (Red, Gold, Silver) and Spider-Man EoT.
With Pokémon, I think the batteries in the carts died. Red happened during the time I was playing and G/S happened way after I finished them.
The Spider-Man game somehow just glitched out. Spidey landed in a spot he wasn't supposed to be able to access right when the game was saving and transition to the next level. It resulted in the game crashing. It corrupted the save and the game forced me to erase the save file.
Other than that, I can't remember anything else off the top of my head.
>played dark stone on cheap third party ps1 memory cards with your mom
You had a good childhood user.
>FireRed save got corrupted but loads from back up
>don't turn off power
>takes too long
>turn off power
I had Star Ocean: Till the End of Time way back in the day. I don't remember how many hours I had put into it but I know I spent an insane amount of time on it (at least for me at the time).
A friend and I would trade memory cards regularly to trade cars on Gran Turismo. Next day my friend shows up at school and says his dog chewed up the memory card, he even brought some plastic chunks.
All this time later and I still haven't started the game again.
Fucking chihuahuas.
I almost lost my 500+ hours MH4U save, my 3ds died while on the charger while it was saving. Luckily it only deleted the extdata, which contains your shoutouts and equipment sets. The thing is, I cannot remember my 30+ endgame custom sets I made.
Additionally my PC crashed and never came back, so I lost my MGSV save which I only gotten to chapter 2 on, but I would like to play it again if I had the time.
>Additionally my PC crashed and never came back, so I lost my MGSV save which I only gotten to chapter 2 on
steam cloud bruh.
>tfw losing memory card
It's still gone
>playing ff6 on Android emulator
>get to the part where Kefka goes bananas and destroys everything
>shortly after my sd card malfunctions
>lose everything on the card
And to this day I haven't beat that game, I really didn't feel like playing after that happened
Was at the final save point in FFIX. Turned the game off for the night and went to continue the next day. File was corrupted. Just put the final nail in the coffin for me. I did not particularly enjoy FFIX
I still have it happen occasionally today even with no physical memory cards and cloud saves
>have over 800 hours of DaS
>get a break from the game
>come back and see I missed the window to transfer your saves from GFWL to Steam
>give my ps2 to a chechen kid in my school for a week
>2 weeks later he returns it and all saves are deleted
>>"it was not my faulght,it was glich"
>eventually comes clean and tells me he deleted all saves to have a place for NFS even tho there was no NFS saves then he returned me my ps2,not to mention you could put a fucking elephant in a empty place i had on that memort card
>he asks me for my ps2 again
>i tell him specifically "do NOT delete my saves"
>he still deletes them
Fuck you,Haron.You know how hard it was to kill that stupid giant robot in Jak3?You goatfucking shitstain!
Lost a Tales of Innocence save when my DS's battery died midsave.
I killed my GTAV save on PC trying to fix the game. I had put about 30ish hours into the game and was nearing the end (making preparations for the final heist) when there was an update to the game that made it super unstable. It would let me play for about 30-40 minutes, then hard crash to the desktop. If I went right back in, it would crash as soon as the game world loaded in. I was working with R* support trying to fix shit and did a full reinstall of the game. What I didn't know was that deleting the game wipes your saves (most games don't or give you the option not to) and that while the game saves your multi-player shit on the cloud, it does not save your single player file. I was so disheartened after trying to get the game working for weeks that I just completely uninstalled it and haven't touched it since.
I had already played up to about where I lost my PC save on Ps3 when it first came out, I don't have the patience to play through all those intros and tutorials again.
i've bought my ps3 fat - the non-backwards compatibile version on release. still no YLOD.
>Be mad at him even though you're clearly the one who's fucking retarded
Why did you let him borrow it again you fucking ape?
>Six years old
>Playing adventure of Link
>all I need to do is kill shadow link
>keep dying but I have to be strong and win
>get into an argument with my little brother and he deletes my saves
I was fucking angry but also it meant I got to play that amazing game again.
Yes. I had just won a car and evaded the police in the car chase of my life on Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Unbeknownst to me, I turned off my PS2 while the game was autosaving.
Supremely happy with my new car, I fired up my PS2 eager to show my mom. Turned out my save was gone. Didn't understand at first. Cried.
When did you figure out you could beat him by crouching in the corner?
or if your password/login/email combo gets leaked due to hack on some forum/psn and you were dumb enough to use the same password somewhere else.
This pic is art.